
Chapter 1

"Alpha Jack would like for your alpha to step down and surrender himself to us. Then we will stop attacking," the beta demanded. Beta Ben looked him in the eye with fury as he left to see the alpha.

"They want you to surrender yourself to them," he said putting his head down. "Fine, if that's what it takes to keep the pack safe," she said with a calm voice. "WHAT?! No you can't do this!" He yelled searching her eyes. But her face turned serious, in a cold and blunt tone she said, "I will do whatever to keep my pack safe, and it is not your place to speak."

She got up and started walking out of the room toward the entrance, where the beta was waiting for her.


He could hear the sound of footsteps coming towards him. He smirked knowing that they gave into they're demands. He looked towards the corridor to see a woman and the beta following behind. His eye bulged out of his socket when he realized their alpha was a girl!

'No! It cannot be true,' he thought to himself.

She had long white wavy hair and porcelain looking skin. She was a tall thin woman, with full breast and bottom. But her eyes were mesmerizing they were to different colours. One was blue while the other was a gold, they both showed a sign of determination and calmness.

"I, Adeline Irvine, surrender myself to your pack. In return for the safety of my pack," she demanded while narrow her eyes at him. "Yes, indeed," he replied in a cool manner.

"Then please come with me," he said while turning around to walk out the door. I start following him, then glance back at Ben with a reassuring face.