
You'll Always Be My One And Only

WARNING!! A VERY CLICHE NOVEL LIES AHEAD! ;YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED... "I found you" I gulped as I chuckled nervously pushing his face away from mine so I could sit straight. I cleared my throat before speaking, "R- River, uh hey? Do you need something" I asked pretending to be clueless. "You know exactly what I need princess" He told me, his green eyes boring into my gray ones as if he was looking through my soul. "And wha-what might that be?" I tried sounding normal but I ended up stuttering. He bit his bottom lip, probably trying to stop himself from smiling. "You, and an apology, princess" he said drawling the pet name he gave me. I am now completely aware that everyone were looking at both of us with wide eyes. Since the room literally went silent as soon as River and his friends made their way towards Raven and I. Although I couldn't help but frown, "Didn't I already apologize? And you can't have me, I'm my own person" I huffed. He let out a genuine chuckle before leaning in closer, "Oh but I think we can fix that" he said smirking before he pulled me up from my seat and literally pushed me to the nearest wall. I look at him with wide eyes while also looking for some kind of escape. But I guess it was useless since he decided to cage me by placing both of his arms to both sides of my head. I groaned "River what are you do-" I was cut off and before I knew it, he smashed his lips on mine causing me to freeze. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sapphire Lei Summers, isn't your typical good girl and is also nowhere to those badass bitch who streetraces nor does she fight. But a dancer, a singer and that she was able to play the guitar. She would have her mood swings from time to time but nothing too serious. She's your plain ol' avarage girl with an avarage height (5'5) even if she's your normal school girl she could also be sarcastic whenever she would like. One thing anyone knows about her though, is that she isn't a person who you should get on her bad side... River Kaden King, he's your typhical school badboy, yet he isn't those bad boy's who would jump from a girl and throws it sooner like some used tissue, And he doesn't normaly pay attention to girls who would seek for his attetion. Hell he wouldn't even spare them a glance, the only girl he'd pay attention was his twin, Raven Lesley King other than that he ignores almost every female population. Or so everyone thought before him and Sapphire had met. But he's also a jerk, an asshole, and knowing that he's ego could be as big than the sun then it would be hard to keep up with him. But he's one hot piece of meat, he has those forest-green eyes that would lure any girl in his way. Those pointed nose and chiseled jaw that can make other guys envious and his dirty blonde silky hair that is always in a messy-perfection in which girls could swoon on. Well... what happens when these two had met through a stupid dare that started a weird interaction between the two, and that they also had ended up sharing the same room during their little trip to another country that happens to also be the city of love. Will their trip be the cause of a new romance? Will they move from being acquaintances to lovers? Or will they stay the same in which the known badboy would always get any opportunity to get under the infamous school's best dancer and singer's skin?

XXWittleLoverXx · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Not So Special First Kiss

Chapter 3: Not So Special First Kiss

"I found you"

I gulped as I chuckled nervously pushing his face away from mine so I could sit straight. I cleared my throat before speaking, "R- River, uh hey? Do you need something" I asked pretending to be clueless.

"You know exactly what I need, sweetheart" He told me, his green eyes boring into my gray ones as if he was looking through my soul.

"And wha-what might that be?" I tried sounding normal but I ended up stuttering. He bit his bottom lip, probably trying to stop himself from smiling. "You, and an apology, princess" he said drawling the pet name he gave me.

I am now completely aware that everyone were looking at both of us with wide eyes. Since the room literally went silent as soon as River and his friends made their way towards Raven and I.

Although I couldn't help but frown, "Didn't I already apologize? And you can't have me, I'm my own person" I huffed. He let out a genuine chuckle before leaning in closer, "Oh but I think we can fix that" he said smirking before he pulled me up from my seat and literally pushed me to the nearest wall.

I look at him with wide eyes while also looking for some kind of escape. But I guess it was useless since he decided to cage me by placing both of his arms to both sides of my head.

I groaned "River what are you do-" I was cut off and before I knew it, he smashed his lips on mine causing me to freeze.

Gasps had filled the room and everyone could probably have heard the pencil that had fallen from someone else's desk.

His face was already hovering over mine, his eyes were fluttered close while he moved his lips on mine. I was too shocked to even kiss back, my eyes stayed wide open as my toes had curled under my shoes.

I tried pushing him away but he wouldn't budge and instead he tilted his head so he could deepen the kiss.

So I grabbed all the strength I could muster and kneed him to where the sun doesn't shine. He groaned and fell on his knees holding his precious jewels. While a couple of wince and 'ooohs' were heard inside of the class.

His friends started stifling a laugh before helping him up, even Raven was laughing her head off. "You idiot!! How dare you steal my first kiss!?" I yelled at him. Raven, Keith, and Jaxon (his friends) stopped laughing and looked at me with wide eyes.

River stood up and did also had his eyes wide. But then his eyes slowy turned back to their original size before his signature smirk apeared.

"I was your first kiss? Well damn" he spoke in disbelief running his fingers to his hair, completly forgetting that I literally had kicked his valuable treasure.

"Yes, and much to my dismay I had it with you!" I sneered before walking around him, and sat of my chair.

I didn't miss the disappointment and shock that had laced around his eyes.

The whole room had looks of disbelief, disgust mostly from cheerleaders and awe.

I glared at all of them causing them to turn their heads infront. I heard River sigh before sitting next to me. I scooted more over to Raven's side, trying to get as far as possible from him.

"I'm sorry"

My head snapped to his direction to see him already looking at me, and it was obvious that he was being sincere.

"D-did you just apologize?" I stuttered blinking my eyes a few times, making sure that I wasn't dreaming and that I had enough sleep last night.

He let out a chuckle and nodded "I'm sorry for making it seemed that I was forcing myself on you, I just didn't know what came over me." He admitted while I listened carefully "I mean I've never felt so interested in knowing someone else other that my family and bestfriends before." He added,

I felt my face heat up at his words, "It's weird and all but it's just that I feel like there's something that's drawning me towards you" He finished, giving me a smile before leaning on his chair and closing his eyes after.

I didn't know what to say, I mean I've never had anyone tell me that they were interested in knowing me. I took in a deep breath and letting it out after, "I'm sorry too, for uh, kicking your uhm.. 'junior'" I told him quoting the word 'junior' with my fingers.

But then he burst out in laughter, all attention was on us well mostly at River. A few girls had let out dreamily sighs while I on the other hand were confused on why they were ogling a laughing River.

I mean he was only laughing, probably the first time everyone had seen him though...

Ehh.. I still don't get it, the door opened revealing Miss Anni to be followed by Mr. Miles, he was our music teacher and was pretty funny and part of the nice teachers.

Th class went silent as soon as they entered wearing wide smiles on their faces.

"Okay class, you all are probably wondering on why you all are here." Ms. Anni started. "Well both Mr. Miles and I have good news for everyone" She smiled widely while looking at all of us.

Whispers, confused looks and murmurs had filled the room.
