

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs


Violla was stunned when she heard the employees' conversation. That man had bought the entire place for his three grandchildren.

'Could they be referring to my three kids?'

"Grandpa Roman, I'm hungry." Just then, Violla heard Eliana's voice and turned around immediately.

D'barl was holding Eliana and Ryan's hands while Douglas wheeled Jason out of the play area. They were accompanied by more than ten waiters who led the group to the restaurant.

In order not to disturb the other children who were playing, the Romans bodyguards waited outside and did not go in.

When the parents at the rest area saw the intimidating group of men, they immediately asked a waiter, "Is that man the one who bought over Fairy Land?"

"Yup, that's him." The waiter nodded and smiled. "He's Mr. Roman!"

"Mr. Roman is such a good man!" A few parents went over to D'barl and shouted excitedly, "Thank you, Mr. Roman! We are so grateful for the free admission to Fairy Land. Now our children can enjoy such wonderful free facilities!"

"That's right! Thank you so much for this!" The group of parents took turns to thank D'barl and the three little ones.

Since D'barl was a seasoned philanthropist, he didn't think that doing that for the kids was a big deal. As such, he didn't feel much about it and merely replied with a nod and a smile.

However, it was an entirely new experience for the three kids.

Eliana was blushing while grabbing tightly onto D'barl's fingers. Even though the little girl was feeling nervous, her big bright eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder.

Jason, was slightly bolder than Eliana. Beaming brightly, he waved to the adults and replied, "You're welcome!"

As for Ryan, even though he nodded politely to acknowledge them, he did not speak a single word. It was as if he was already used to all of those things.

D'barl was very satisfied with the way the children handled the situation. Although they were young and had not encountered any situations of such great scale, they still managed to keep their composure.

He could tell that Ryan was an ambitious child and had even started imagining how nice it would be if he became a Romans president . He knew, that Ryan would definitely be taking over the Romans Group one day.

As for Jason, he could work in whichever field that he's interested in.

And Eliana would forever be their little princess. She would always be under the protection of all the men in the family and enjoy a happy life free from worries just as his daughter Diana.

Violla, who was witnessing the scene from afar, was deeply moved by what she saw.

Ever since her three kids were born, she had never been able to give them such experiences and had also never given any serious thought to grooming them.

The best she could do was to provide a healthy environment for them to grow up in, teach them well, and impart proper values to them. She had also enrolled the three kids into a good kindergarten.

Doing all those had already pushed Violla to the maximum of her abilities.

The woman had always thought that the children were still young, and she could wait till they were a little older before developing their other skills or grooming them in other areas.

However, now that she had a glimpse of an alternate life the kids could have, Violla suddenly realized that it would take a gradual period of time to groom the kids, and it wasn't something that would happen overnight. They would have a better chance at succeeding in life if they could grow up in a better environment that provided them with more opportunities.

'Even though D'barl has only met the children by chance, he is already showering them with so much affection and care only because he took a liking to them.'

'If he knew that they were, in fact, Davon's kids, he would definitely give them a lot more.'

'Wouldn't that be better for the children's future?'

Especially Ryan, who was a mature child and way more sensible than other kids his age. He loved to learn and engage in activities that required critical thinking. During his spare time, he loved doing research and discovering new things.

However, Violla was aware that she would not be able to provide a good learning environment for her eldest son, who was learning so fast that she could barely keep up.

That boy was only three and a half years old, and she was already struggling to give him what he needed. When he grew a little older, he might feel a sense of emptiness.

"Hi, Madam… " Violla's thoughts were interrupted by a waiter's voice.

After Violla snapped back , she turned around and got a shock. It turned out that the cartoon character whom she was hiding behind was a waiter dressed in a cartoon character costume, and that waiter had already left.

But Violla had remained rooted to the spot where she was standing.

Another waiter beside her noticed her strange behavior and hurried over to check if she was alright. "Are you alright?"

"Yup. I'm… I'm fine," Violla replied in a fluster before turning around again and saw D'barl walking into the restaurant with the three kids. Just then, Ryan turned around and met his mother's gaze.

The boy waved to Violla before following D'barl into the restaurant.

Violla was stunned for a moment before dashing towards the toilet and hid inside there.

She couldn't believe that Ryan was able to see through her disguise. 'That's my son indeed.'

Violla was thankful that it was Ryan who recognized her and not any of her other two kids. Knowing how mature and thoughtful her eldest boy was, she was certain that he wouldn't expose her.

After splashing some water on her face, the woman let out a sigh in front of the mirror. The previous time she brought the kids to the restaurant was on their birthday. Moreover, she only decided to bring them after thinking long and hard about it.

As for D'barl, in order to protect the kids from being harassed by Juliet, he had bought over the entire Fairy Land restaurant effortlessly. Not only that, but he had also declared free admission to the public.

That was how he valued the kids and cared about their feelings.

In comparison, it seemed as if there was nothing much Violla could do for her children.

"Mr. Young Roman, your grandpa and the kids are at the restaurant." Violla suddenly heard a familiar voice sounded from outside.

'It's Cruze! In that case, Davon must be here.'

The woman froze for a second before quickly putting on her cap, sunglasses, and mask. Then, she hid near the door and peeped outside.

As expected, Davon walked right out of the toilet and headed towards the restaurant.

Apart from Cruze, the man had only brought two other subordinates along with him. Violla guessed that it was such that he could maintain a low profile.

However, even so, Davon had still managed to become the center of attention. The moment he reached the corridor, his commanding aura attracted the eyeballs of several young mothers, who were squealing with delight.

"Oh my God! Is he a celebrity? He's so cool and good-looking!"

"Could he be the father of those three angelic kids just now? They look quite alike."

"Yup, they are probably from the same family. He looks very much like Mr. Roman. Those three kids also resemble him. "

Davon frowned when he heard that. He felt as if he had just been insulted, and anger started to stir within him.

Cruze noticed the change in Davon's expression and quickly signaled for everyone to keep quiet.

Then, Cruze and the bodyguards put up some barricade tapes to prevent the crowd from getting near Davon before escorting the man away.

Violla, who had witnessed the scene, frowned in displeasure. 'As*hole! Do you have to be so mad to hear people calling you the kids' dad?'

'They are indeed your children! So how dare you react this way?'

However, Violla started to wonder why Davon was there.

"Is he going to harm the children?'

'Or is he jealous of the way Old Mr. Roman was treating the kids and is here to cause trouble?'

'After all, he still thinks that they are Martin's.'

Fear set in as Violla thought about that. After the previous time when she was separated from her kids, she started to worry more about their safety and swore never to put them in danger again.

Violla wanted to go in to observe the situation. However, as she was alone, she would not be allowed to enter the restaurant since she did not have a kid with her.

'What should I do?'

While Violla was thinking of a solution, she suddenly saw a cleaning lady walking into the employees' changing room with a bag. After a while, the cleaning lady reemerged wearing casual clothes and clocked off.

When no one was watching, Violla sneaked into the employees' changing room.

Due to special circumstances and the Fairy Land restaurant's sudden change in ownership that day, all the employees had gone to serve D'barl and the three kids. As such, there was no one else in the changing room at that time.

Violla swiftly changed into the cleaning lady's uniform and wore the cleaning lady's hat and mask. Only revealing her eyes, she took the mop and entered Fairy Land restaurant.

Fairy Land was a themed restaurant, and every server would dress up as a character in the fairy tales.

The servers were either elves or angels, while the security guards were hunters or knights. At the same time, the female bartenders would be dressed as witches.

Every child that entered the place would change into a costume of a character they liked.

Eliana changed into a mermaid princess outfit while Ryan and Jason wore prince outfits.

D'barl, on the other hand, was dressed up as an old king while Douglas remained as the butler from a fairy tale.

When D'barl looked at himself in the mirror, he burst into laughter. "Wow… I really look like one."

"Mr. Roman, you look noble," Douglas sighed. Although D'barl was already at the age of eighty-six, he was still spirited and tall.

The three children cheered, " Grandpa Roman looks like a king!"

"If I am a king, you're my princes and princess," D'barl beamed before holding their hands. "Let's go and eat now."

"Yay, time to eat!" Jason yelled delightedly.

"Oh no, I can't walk!" Mermaid princess Eliana tried to move her fishtail, but she could barely walk, and she even nearly fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Ryan the prince caught her in time.

"Hahaha!" D'barl laughed boisterously. "The cute little mermaid hasn't turned into a human yet, so she can't walk. Come, let me carry you."

With that said, D'barl hunched over for her.

"Sir, let me instead." Douglas offered.

"Mind your own business." D'barl shot him a look before he crouched down. "Eliana, hop on."

Douglas dared not intervene anymore.

Clumsily, Eliana climbed onto D'barl's back before wrapping her arms around his neck. "Grandpa Roman is the best!"

"Haha, you're all so light. I can even carry all three of you."

Feeling energetic, D'barl held onto Eliana's short legs as he placed a hand on the wall to support himself as he stood up. However, just as he straightened his back, he heard a loud crack, and he stilled instantly.

"Mr. Roman!" Douglas hurriedly held him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! I'm fine," he mumbled as sweat beaded on his forehead while he pressed his waist.

"Grandpa Roman what's the matter?" Eliana's face was ashen from fright as she anxiously asked, "Is Eliana too fat?"

"No, no! It's nothing to do with you." D'barl tried to straighten his back, and despite the difficulty in doing so, he tried to keep things lighthearted. "It must be a witch casting a spell on me!"

"Mr. Roman" mumbled Douglas anxiously. However, he dared not expose D'barl for his lies.

"Eliana, come down now." Noticing what was going on, Ryan swiftly tried to pull Eliana down from D'barl's back.

"It's fine. I can carry her," D'barl insisted. "She's just three. How can I not carry her? I was a skilled fighter when I was younger."

"You're all old now, but you're still trying to pretend as if you're strong." A cold voice abruptly rang out.

When Ryan raised his head to look, he could not help but furrow his brows as a look of wariness emerged in his eyes.

Davon reached out to carry Eliana down from D'barl's back. However, the hem of her mermaid tail skirt caught the button on his sleeve, and since he could not undo it, he had to hold her in midair.

"Let me down! Let me down!" Eliana was terrified looking at the ferocious man as she sobbed. As she dangled her short legs, struggling, it seemed as if she really was a mermaid when she swished her tail.

"Hush!" With one hand holding onto her, he helped D'barl up. "Are you all right? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"I'm fine." As he supported his back, D'barl looked up to see Davon holding onto Eliana like he was holding a chick.

At the same time, Eliana was tearful as she pleaded, "Grandpa Roman, save me!"

His heart ached from looking at her watery eyes. Thus, he smacked Davon's head immediately. "Brat, let my granddaughter down."

Davon was speechless. 'Excuse me, but I'm your actual grandchild!'

In silence, Davon let go of her.

"Ah!" Eliana shrieked as she nearly plummeted to the ground.

However, her fishtail skirt was still stuck on Davon's sleeve, so she did not.

Right then, Eliana grabbed Davon's arm in a death grip as her legs curled around his arm as well. It was an adorable sight.

Davon could not help but smile in amusement. 'This silly look of hers really resembles Violla's.'

He then grabbed Eliana up to put her on his shoulders. In fact, he even made sure she was secure in case she fell.

Nevertheless, his worry was for naught as Eliana gripped his hair in fear of falling herself.

Frowning, Davon grimaced. "Why are you pulling my hair?"

"I-I'm scared of heights," Eliana mumbled in a high-pitched, trembling voice.

"Brat, what's wrong with letting the girl pull your hair a little? Isn't she your daugh...." D'barl hissed when he heard Eliana's sobs. "I mean you're not exactly short either! Of course, she'll be scared of heights.

Davon's grimace deepened as he shot Eliana a glacial look.

Immediately, Eliana's lips turned into a frown as crystalline tears escaped her eyes. Then, she wailed.

Right then, Violla, who had disguised herself as a janitor, sneaked into the restaurant. When she heard Eliana's sobs, she lifted her head.

What greeted her was the sight of Eliana on Davon's shoulders as Davon glared at her.

Instantly, a thought popped into Violla's mind – 'The Devil is harassing Eliana.'

Agitated, Violla rushed over with a broom.

"Eliana!" When Ryan saw his sister crying, he dashed forward to roar at Davon. "Let go of my sister!"

"Meanie, let go of Eliana!" Jason heeled himself over as he swung his fist angrily at Davon.

"Brat, you scared her." D'barl was angry and he tried to take Eliana back into his arms. However, his back started to ache again.

"Mr. Old Roman, don't get angry." Douglas quickly supported him again.

"You're eighty-six. Stop trying to force yourself to do the impossible." For D'barl, Davon stopped resisting and let Eliana grab his hair. After coldly giving a glance at Ryan and Jason ,he headed for the tables.

That was where Violla was, and with a jump, Violla swiftly changed directions and escaped .

"Hey, let go of my sister!" Ryan shouted from behind him.

"Ryan. Eliana." Jason wheeled himself as quickly as possible, trying to catch up with them.

"Don't worry. I'm here. He won't do anything to her," D'barl consoled. Then, he yelled at Douglas. "Why are you still standing there? Help me over."

"Understood, Mr. Old Roman." He then helped D'barl catch up with Davon as one of the bodyguards pushed Jason's wheelchair.

When Davon reached the table by the tall windows, he reached out, trying to get Eliana down. However, as Eliana was terrified, she refused to let go of his hair.

The more he tried to pull her off, the harder she tugged his hair. Her plump little body was trembling non-stop.

"Aren't you going to come down?" Davon asked with his brows lifted.

At that, Eliana's face scrunched up, and she nearly burst into tears again.

"Don't cry. Don't," Davon hastily coaxed. "You can stay up there if you want to."

It was only then Eliana's tears stopped streaming down her cheeks. Her frown, however, remained, and her eyes were still watery.

By now, sweat was beading on Davon's forehead as he found himself at a loss for words. 'What kind of creature is she? I can't reprimand her, and she cries at anything I say. Am I seriously that scary?'