
YJ: Spartan

Otaku_Paradox · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 3

In a quiet, dimly lit room, Dr Spence takes charge of the procedures with a calm and focused demeanor. Her instructions are clear and precise as he oversees the initiation of the protocols on the sidekicks, ensuring that each step is carried out with meticulous care.

Meanwhile, Dubbilex, known for his expertise in the psyche, operates with the mind of the sidekicks. He activates the necessary interfaces to begin the process of downloading the memories from the sidekicks' minds, his movements purposeful and methodical.

As the procedures unfold, the atmosphere in the room is one of quiet concentration. The soft hum of machinery fills the space as Dubbilex navigates through the memories, carefully extracting fragments of the sidekicks' past experiences.

Feeling the agony coursing through him, Aqualad's outstretched hand trembles, seeking solace in the proximity of Superboy. Through his extraordinary sense of super hearing, Superboy catches the faint whisper of Aqualad's distress, a silent plea for assistance in the face of pain.

The words echo in Superboy's mind, a simple yet profound inquiry: "What would Superman do?" It's a question that cuts through the chaos, demanding clarity amid uncertainty. With unwavering resolve, Superboy finds his answer, a beacon of guidance in the darkness.

In a moment of decision, fueled by the unwavering principles instilled by his heroic lineage, Superboy makes his choice. He turns back, a silent vow etched in his heart, determined to stand by Aqualad's side and face whatever challenges may lie ahead.

He pauses and looks back at his brother who had stopped moving as well. His body was trembling as he fought off the telepathic control. He swung his fist so fast and with such strength the wall folded in on itself and the shockwave created visible ripples along the reinforced wall. 

As his eyes regained clarity only a terrifying focused rage remained in Wonder Boy's eyes. He looked at his brother and they nodded a silent agreement between them as they headed back towards the lab.

In the Lab, the audience observed the cloning process. Suddenly a sword pierced through the reinforced door with ease. The sword exited the door before slashing twice making an X. Then the individual punched sending the door now in four pieces flying. 

From the now-open entrance entered Wonder Boy and Super Boy. Desmond was surprised and enraged.

"I told you two to get back to your pods"

Guardian charged at Super Bot who dodged his punch, grabbed him by his throat and slammed him into the ground in one quick instance. Wonder Boy was behind Dr. Spencer before she could reach and knocked her unconscious with a chop to the neck, he then backhanded Dr. Desmond into the wall and had Dubbilex by his throat struggling to breathe clawing at the clone's hands his eyes pleading as his words betrayed him. His eyes hardened but Superboy put a hand on his shoulder drawing his attention away from the suffocating G-Elf. Superboy shook his head. Wonderboy sighed and then tossed Dubbilex into the wall. 

Meanwhile, Robin's resourcefulness prevails as he breaks free from captivity, releasing Kid Flash from his confines.

As Aqualad regains his freedom with Superboy's assistance, they make a beeline for the exit, intent on fleeing Cadmus's clutches. Unfazed by Desmond's threats, Robin takes decisive action, obliterating the cloning chambers with strategically placed explosive batrangs, severing their ties to their captors.

However, their escape is short-lived as Desmond's fury ignites, triggering the activation of every genomorph in Cadmus. With relentless determination, they pursue our heroes, converging on them.

"It would be wise not to hold back" warned Wonder Boy as he drew his blade and had his shield at the ready. Superboy nodded easily agreeing with the suggestion his brother made. The sidekicks however shared looks of apprehension.

He charged at the approaching horde and decapitated the first three G-Elves that we in range of his blade, He then jumped up and shield-bashed the G-Troll behind them breaking its tusk and sending its teeth flying while knocking it into the rest of the horde. 

Superboy roared and charged into the fray throwing hooks left and right send opponents flying into the walls, ceiling, and their fellow genomorphs. 

Wonderboy splits a G-Troll in half, then sheathes his blade grabs his shield like a discus, and tosses it with such force it bisects over two dozen G-Elves before slicing into the elevator at the end of the wall. He didn't stop there and jumped on the head of the last G-Troll, grabbed one of its tusks swung on it, and used the momentum to snap its neck pick it up, and slam it into the reaming G-Elves. He then looks over at his brother punching and knocking out three G-Elves, before looking over at him with a smile, that he returns. 

He then headed over to the elevator and pried his shield out the door with ease before prying the door itself open. He then looks up the shaft to make sure it's clear before turning around and facing the sidekicks. Kid Flash was shocked at the display. Aqulad and Robin had contemplative looks on their faces. 

Kid Flash finally came out of shock after Robin smacked him behind his head."Hey. I can't be the only one glad they're on our side right." he asked his friend who shrugged.

"The way is clear we shall ascend, clear any enemies that stand in our way, and claim our freedom" declared Wonderboy. Superboy nodded with a determined look on his face. Wonderboy showed a small smile seeing this. He then looked at Aqualad who nodded along with his plan. Robin started typing away on a holographic keypad displayed over his left wrist.

"Alright I'm game I hack the security system on the way up," said the boy wonder. Wonderboy placed his shield on his back and grabbed Aqualad. Superboy grabbed Kid Flash and Robin who was still typing away felt some grab. He looked up from his keypad and found himself placed on Wonderboy's back. "Feel free to focus on your task comrade," he said. Robin raised a brow then smirked and continued hacking. 

Wonder ascended and took flying with ease. Rising slowly to make sure his passenger was comfortable. Superboy jumped with the intent of taking flight. But after ascending 10 floors he suddenly lost his initial inertia and began to fall. 

"I'm falling" he exclaims in disbelief. Superman could fly why couldn't he? Was there something wrong with him? A silver lasso wrapped around his waist and Kid Flash grabbed his hand as they were pulled up towards Wonderboy. 

Wonderboy then slashed open the door and let Aquald down on the floor. Robin jumped off.

"We're on the 35th floor so we made good progress and I hacked the cameras and motion sensors so they shouldn't know where we are," said Robin as he started running down the hallway.

Wonderboy pulled Superboy up to the and the Kid Flash. "Whew though I was a gunner there," he said before chasing after Robin when he noticed him banging a turn at the end of the hall."Wait up Rob"

"What's wrong with me? Superman can fly, why can't I fly?" questions Superboy distress clear in his tone. Wonder placed his hand on his shoulder. "Nothing brother. So you cannot fly, perhaps it is something you must learn. Perhaps it is something he had issues with at first. I am not sure. But you can ask him when we escape. First, we focus on claiming freedom."

Superboy nodded and then he and Aqualad followed Wonder as she chased after Robin and KF.


Desmond meticulously tracks the movements of the heroes, leveraging the motion sensors installed within the ventilation system. However, Robin's cunning hacking skills allow him to manipulate the security cameras, concealing their true whereabouts. Confident in his surveillance, Desmond believes he has successfully cornered the escapees, anticipating their emergence near the toilets. Yet, to his astonishment, only the genomorphs spill out from the vent, leaving the heroes concealed. Half-buried beneath the swarm of creatures, Desmond realizes too late that Robin has also outsmarted the motion sensors, leaving him and his forces at a disadvantage.

"He hacked the motion sensors," he said through gritted teeth.

Kid Flash swiftly locates the stairwell, his lightning-fast reflexes guiding him through the maze-like corridors. With unparalleled speed, he ascends multiple levels in a blur, incapacitating genomorphs along the way with agile movements. Meanwhile, Superboy, utilizing his immense strength, obliterates the stairwell behind them with a single powerful blow, effectively cutting off any chance of pursuit from the relentless genomorphs. Their coordinated efforts ensure their escape route remains secure, albeit temporarily, as they press on toward freedom.

Guardian, Dubbilex, and Desmond swiftly descend in the elevator to sub-level 1, aiming to intercept the fleeing heroes. As Desmond veers off to retrieve something from Project Blockbuster.

"I need to retrieve something from Project Blockbuster to put an end to this madness. Cut them off on sub-level 1" said Desmond getting nods from the Guardian and Dubbilex.

Kid Flash races ahead, reaching sub-level 1 just in time to encounter a rapidly closing door. Despite his best efforts to decelerate, he collides with the door with considerable momentum, his speed proving too much to evade the obstacle entirely.

Meanwhile, Aqualad and Superboy rush to aid Kid Flash, attempting to pry open the stubborn door, while Robin furiously attempts to hack into its controls. Wonder charged with a war cry and thrust his sword into the door piercing to the hilt, but not all the way through.

"This barrier is too thick to cut through," he said addressing the rest as Robin helped KF stand up.

Their dilemma worsens as Guardian, accompanied by a legion of genomorphs, swiftly closes in on their position, leaving the heroes with limited options and an imminent confrontation. As the tension mounts and the heroes brace for the impending clash with Guardian and the genomorphs, an unexpected intervention occurs. The G-Gnomes, utilizing their formidable telepathic abilities, project waves of soothing energy, lulling the heroes into a deep, tranquil slumber. The three sidekicks fell asleep one after the other.

Wonderboy got in a battle stance, an action that Superboy mimicked."Call yourselves brothers. We mean you know harm." the genomorphs parted and Dubbilex walked.

Wonderboy did not lower his guard. The experience of losing control of his body is still fresh."It was I who set the fire and drew the you heroes here"

"Why, why now, why help us" asked Superboy

"Because we want to be free. I want all my brothers to be free to choose their path. And you two will be the first. To choose the path you take" As he finished the sidekicks began to wake up and Guardian held his head."Feels like a fog lifting. What have I-what have been doing"

The sidekicks got up confused but otherwise fine."You kids get out of here I'll take care of Desmond" said Guardian

"You will do no such thing" snorted Desmond as he made his entrance with a vile of blue liquid in his hand. He held up the vile"Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus" He said before drinking the contents of the vile. 

This triggers a dramatic transformation, and rapid increase in muscle mass, resulting in a bulkier and more imposing physique. As the serum takes effect, a thick hide forms beneath the skin, gradually replacing the original epidermis and facial features.

The process is both fascinating and unsettling to witness, as Desmond undergoes a profound metamorphosis. The sloughing off his former skin and facial characteristics is a visceral reminder of the profound changes occurring within their bodies. What emerges is a new form, resilient and formidable, endowed with heightened strength and durability well beyond that of an ordinary human. With grayish-blue skin, red eyes, and a mane running down his neck.

The beast backhanded Guardian into the wall knowing him unconscious. Superboy charged at the beast and jumped with the intention of a double fist slam to the face. The behemoth smiled and speared Superboy through the upper floors and into the lobby.

Wonderboy flew through the hole chasing after them. As he arrived in the lobby he saw the feind repeatedly slamming his brother into the ground like a ragdoll. Wonderboy gritted his teeth and drew his blade. 'This mongrel will pay' he thought. The forehead protected by his crown morphed into a silver helmet with a black mane on top reminiscent of spartan soldiers. He banged his sword against his shield drawing Desmond's attention, who dropped the unconscious Superboy turned to his new prey, and roared before charging at him.

Wonderboy got in a stance and charged as well. The beast threw a punch aiming to crush Wonderboy's head. Wonderboy deflected the blow with his shield and thrust his blade toward the monster's eyes aiming to blind him, the monster leaned his head out of the way but still received a scratch. Wonderboy quickly rotates and swings his sword aiming to decapitate his adversary who holds up his hand to block the blade. This proves to be a mistake as the blade claims his hand. 

The beast roars in pain and outrage. But this distraction earned him a shield bash to the face so hard it created a shockwave that launched him out the front door, slamming him into the building opposite Cadmus and claiming a few of his teeth. This entire confrontation happened within a few seconds.

The beast fell to his knees. With ragged breaths, he struggles to his feet. Blood leaked from his mouth, but the stump on his wrist and the cut on his cheek had stopped bleeding. Wonderboy begins to exit the building, and he passes the sidekick who came up from the floor below."He is mine" he says his eyes glowing with conviction. The trio nodded."Check on my brother" he said before walking out the who where their entrance else to be towards Desmond.

"It that all," he said to Desmond who was panting."It that all have to offer, all your strength, all your conviction" Wonderboy said as he lowered his sword to his side."If so then give me your head and stop struggling"

Desmond gritted his remaining teeth and snarled."Good, good there is still some fight in you. Conviction in your eyes, fueled by rage and hatred yes but, good enough" Wonderboy got in a fighting stance. With his shield in front covering his upper body and lower face leaving his upper face protected by a silver helm with a black mane visible.

"Then make me work for your head" Desmond roared and charged and swung his right and only fist at Wonderboy who ducked under the blow and tried to disembowel the doctor, who managed to dodge and lashed out with a kick that Wonderboy blocked with his shield and stabbed his blade into the ground and held on to not be tossed back.

Desmond's red eyes widened in surprise as Wonderboy's fist approached and smashed into his face with such force it sunk in. The impact generated a shockwave and sent him flying but before he flew too far a silver lasso wrapped around his foot and pulled him back.

Wonderboy did not let up as blow after blow struck Desmond whose skin was showing darker shades of blue and black in certain areas from the assault. A blow struck his rib and broke a few bones, another rocked his jaw a took out a few more teeth. 

Desmond was on his knees, arms at his side, fist mark discolorations decorated his body, his left eye was swollen shut and his mouth had less than half his teeth remaining. Wonderboy walked over to his sword and shield and picked them up. He placed his shield nack on his back and approached Desmond with the blade. He places the blade on Desmond's neck.

Desmond gazes up at frosty blue eyes through the slits of a helmet. Not much of his intelligence remained only instinct. And he could feel the chill of death caress his skin. He closed his one good eye. Wonderboy seeing this went to decapitate his foe.


"Don't do it"

"Stop my friend"

Wonderboy stopped and focused his gaze on the approaching sidekicks and his brother who was holding his shoulder but seemed fine otherwise."Why not. The best adversary is a dead one"

"That's not how a hero does things. We don't kill the bad guys" said Robin

Wonderboy raised a brow" I heard no complaints when I slaughtered dozens of genomorphs. Why is this different? Because he was once human?" he said while narrowing his gaze.

"No in there they were too many you had no choice but to not hold. But now you do he's at your mercy, broken and defeated. Spare his life and give him a chance at rehabilitation" added Aqualad. 

Wonderboy snorted and sheathed his blade, then punched Desmond in the face once again sending him flying through two cars and into a building already unconscious from the blow. " I will try it your way. But when this decision leads to consequences we wish we could erase I will remind you of this moment" 

"That is fair my friend," said Aqualad while Robin nodded. 

Kid Flash gestures towards the moon, drawing Superboy's attention to its serene glow amidst the darkness of the night sky. As Superboy gazes at the celestial orb, contemplating its silent majesty, a sudden presence disrupts the tranquility. Superman materializes beside him, his iconic figure radiating authority and reassurance, followed by the formidable assembly of the Justice League, their imposing presence casting a solemn atmosphere over the scene.

Caught off guard by the unexpected arrival of the league, Superboy takes a decisive step forward, his demeanor resolute as he prepares to confront the truth of his existence. He looks to his brother whose gaze is on a particular Amazon but feels his gaze turned to face him and nods reassuringly. With unwavering determination, he reveals his startling revelation.

"I am Superboy, Superman's clone" The revelation reverberates through the assembled heroes, eliciting a range of reactions from surprise to concern. But it wasn't over yet as Wonderboy's helmet retracted to its original state. His gaze was still fixed on Wonder Woman who was looking at him as well and noticed how his outfit and arsenal were almost the same as hers. He stepped forward."I am Project Spartan aka The Wonderboy, the clone of Wonder Woman. Again shock reverberated through the assembled heroes. Wonder Woman's eyes widen slightly. 

Meanwhile, Batman, ever vigilant and skeptical, wastes no time in demanding further explanation"Talk"