
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
121 Chs

Chapter 68: The Du-Du-Du-Duel!

The next day arrived and Ray is sitting on his seat in the classroom, doing the paperworks Roseweisse prepared for him on his data pad. Mostly is giving signatures on the documents and with the help of data pad, Ray didn't need to bring big stacks of paper and in fact he can just let his AI do the job for him since all he need to do is putting his signatures but he was bored while waiting for the class to start and wanted something to do as excuse to turn away the students that tried to strike up a conversation with him.

He did notice Houki on the next row wanted to talk to him about something but he rather not talking about anything private in the class where everyone can eavesdrop on them. Laura however, just passes her time reading notes and books while waiting for the teachers with her well instilled discipline as a soldier.

Few minutes later, the green haired clumsy teacher entered the class and moments later Chifuyu also entered the class. Ray noticed the warm gaze from Chifuyu hidden under her serious mask when she entered the classroom.

"Good morning, students." Chifuyu greeted and unlike the other day, there were fewer students cheering and fangirling about Chifuyu suddenly becoming their teacher and IS combat instructor.

"So, before I start the class. I will announce that we will have an exhibition match in two weeks for the first year students. This is to introduce the students to the IS combat and show you all what you all should strive to become. However, before we can proceed, we must select a class representative that will represent your class for the match. Preferably a student that has a personal IS since they should already have training in piloting IS." Chifuyu announced and many students were whispering to each other, asking who should be the candidate.

Meanwhile a student from Britain is proudly waiting for her name to be announced when Laura suddenly proposes Ray as the candidate, much to Ray's own surprise as he looks at Laura who looks back at him with confusion.

"What? As far as I know, you are the strongest pilot in the class and naturally you are the best candidate to represent our class." Laura explained with a confused look on why Ray and Chifuyu are staring at her.

"Miss Bodewig, please come with me for a moment." Chifuyu called and Laura immediately saluted by instinct when she heard the stern voice of Chifuyu that reminded her of the time when Chifuyu is still her instructor and followed Chifuyu.

"You also, Mr Ray." Chifuyu called but instead using the name Ray asked her to call him rather than using his second name.

Then the three of them leave the class that become rowdy after what Laura just revealed while the student from Britain is twitching in anger.


"Miss Bodewig, are you aware of what mistake you just made?"

"No, Ma'am." Laura almost shouted as she replied but Chifuyu managed to shut her mouth close and signal her to lower her voice.

"The identity of the 'Reaper' and its capability is a secret from the public. All his secret identity is to remain a secret to the public and he is nothing more than a male pilot discovered by the Japanese government. Remember that, Miss Bodewig."

"Yes, ma'am." Laura saluted to indicate she understood the order from Chifuyu.

"You too, Ray. Your previous identity prior to joining the IS Academy is to remain a secret to the public. You are nothing more than a student and male pilot discovered by surprise by the Japanese government when in public. Your other identity is only known to those within the government." Chifuyu reminded them before they returned to the classroom.

Ray just nodded before following Chifuyu back to the class.


When the three returned to their class, the selection for the class representative continued.

"Then, we already have a candidate. Anyone else want to be nominated for the position? If there is no one else then Mr Ray will win by default."

Immediately the British representative pilot lifted her arm.

"Me! I disagree with not only having nobody become our class representative and having a man of all options. Are you asking me, Cecelia Alcott, to bear this humiliation for the entire year!" The blond lady declared proudly to the class, trying to gain support from her fellow students who unfortunately were only interested to see how this turned out rather than actually supporting her opinion.

"You know, you can just take the title and responsibility of the class representative. I am already busy juggling between school and my work to spare more time for that useless title." Ray commented lazily as he just wanted to dump that responsibility to anyone else but himself.

"Unfortunately, Mr Ray. You cannot refuse after being nominated." Chifuyu said while weirdly stubborn to make him take on the title than just letting Cecilia take it.

"See! What kind of person he is. We came here as students to learn and become the best pilots of the world yet this monkey from the east has the gall to say he would rather focus on working than learning to be a pilot after being granted the chance to enter a prestigious academy of IS piloting." Cecilia added more fuel to the non existent fire since Ray never bothered with what this girl wanted to say although Lancelot isn't when Ray was humiliated.

"Sure, I never said it but indeed as you said. I never wanted to attend this academy and instead I was forced by the government to attend. I would rather spend my time more productively than wasting my time learning stuff I didn't need." Ray replied while signalling Lancelot to hold back his anger.

Immediately after Ray said his piece, the students began their favourite activity which is gossiping. They whispered with one another to discuss about Ray which somehow angered Cecilia even further.

"He is not even qualified to be a student, much more a representative of the class. A monkey that cannot even appreciate his position that he took for granted. I couldn't even understand why the Japanese government was willing to break the rule for some like him, it's no different than casting pearl before a swine. He could even understand the privilege granted to him." Cecilia said while looking at Ray with contempt before continuing. "I guess he is no different than those swine called m-"

Cecilia immediately stopped when Lancelot drew Arondight and pointed it at her neck, a hairbreadth before it touched her skin.

"I will not tolerate any more insults to my lord. It's my duty to defend his honour as his knight." Lancelot said with murderous intent fully released on Cecilia which made her cowered.

Ray sighed at Lancelot. He always has poor self-control when it's related to Ray and his family. Ray wanted to just let the matter pass and let the little girl take the useless title that he never wanted but Lancelot went and ruined it.

"Mr Lancelot, I would appreciate it if you don't harm my students unless they are physically harming your… employer or this will not be written down as justified self-defence." Chifuyu asks with a stern tone but deep inside she is supportive of Lancelot for trash talking her beloved Ichika.

"But sh-"

"Stand down, Lancelot. I appreciate your dedication in your duty but teacher Orimura is correct." Ray said while looking at the other female students that have an admiring look when they look at Lancelot. At least he knew the students here didn't have strong prejudice against men like the society.

Lancelot immediately returned to behind Ray with Arondight vanishing from his hand but he was still eyeing Cecilia to wait for another chance to act.

"Y-you!" Cecilia stutters, seems to still be affected by the killing intent of Lancelot but her pride somehow is big enough to swallow most of the fear.

"Y- y-you… I challenge you to a duel!" Cecilia declared after mustering enough courage while pointing at Ray.

"Nope." Ray declined instantly while sizing up Cecilia before shaking his head and sighing. "I feel like beating up a child if we duel." Ray bluntly said to the whole class which made many ignorant one to gasp.

"How dare you insult me!" Cecilia obviously fuming up when she thought Ray looked down on her when in reality he isn't.

Laura also has something to say but shut her mouth after. Chifuyu glared at her, forcing her to immediately close her mouth before she slipped more classified information.

"Then it's decided, you two will have a due-"

"Miss Orimura, are you really going to allow the duel?" Ray said with an annoyed tone because Chifuyu seems to be plotting something since the start of her announcement.

"Why did you say that? An unsolvable disagreement is naturally solved using IS. This is the norm in IS Academy which also promotes healthy rivalry between students." Chifuyu said as the other students also nodded in agreement with Chifuyu.

Seeing that there is no way of changing Chifuyu's decision, Ray regretfully has to simply accept it.

"Then, a week from now the two of you will duel in the arena. Prepare yourself for the duel." Chifuyu gave her final decision before starting the long delayed class.


After the bell rang, Ray followed his usual routine and made a beeline to the roof along with Laura and Houki that seemed to share the same routine as Ray. Also, just like the first time, only Houki brought her own lunchbox while Laura is freeloading on Ray for the delicious meal that Lancelot made.

While Lancelot is cooking the food as usual, The other three are talking over the iced coffee Lancelot prepared for Ray but he made an extra portion for Laura and Houki.

"So, are you going to be alright with the duel, Ray?" Houki asked in concern. To her, even if Ichika loses his memories to amnesia, he is still pleasant to talk with regardless if he is Ichika or Ray. Although she wished Ichika would return but beggar can't choose, she will take what she has.

"I'll be fine. I doubt I even need Ouroboros to defeat her." Ray who is in deep thoughts while sucking on the silver straw brought out from his head by Houki's question before answering.

"Ouroboros?" Houki asked again to her confusion before Laura stepped in and answered the question for Ray with clear interest on the topic.

"Ouroboros is Ray's personal IS!" Laura replied with enthusiasm and a smile on her face.

"Oh, his IS name…" Houki said while sighed that she is the only one in the group that didn't have one. "Though, why do you name it after the ancient symbol of infinity? Is it related to your IS ability?"

Ray, who was barraged by questions from Houki, put down his glass before answering her.

"Hmn, I guess there are two reasons… the first represents its infinite potential. As I said before, I am the core of my own IS which means I am the limiting factor of my own IS that has no limit of evolution unlike the traditional IS which is limited by the mecha suit it was slotted into. The traditional IS needs a full refit if one wants to upgrade it to the next generation."

"But isn't a self evolutionary suit impossible?" Laura immediately spoke up. "The only self evolutionary component of an IS is the core which is an AI software but for a non biological suit of armor capable of self evolution is beyond the realm of science."

Houki also nodded as she also has knowledge about IS and science to know what Laura said is true.

"I guess it's easier if I let you see it." Ray said before he materialized part of his mecha and sliced a small part of it. Then under the watchful eyes of Laura and Houki, the cutted section on the mecha regenerated while the cutted piece was still on the floor.

His mecha regeneration effect actually come from two source with the first being its a living being but the sentience being Ophis because the armor and mech is his Artificial Sacred Gear but the regeneration need magical energy while what he showed just now is regeneration from his system because the whole Artificial Sacred Gear is considered as an armor while also being a part of his body due to the fact Sacred Gear is a literal extension of its wielder body. This meant the armor and mecha is a lifeless equipment but also technically a living creature made of non biological material instead of flesh and bone. In short, it's the wonder of technomagic.

"That's impossible…" Laura said after picking up the cutted piece in her hand. She fiddles and inspect the piece but nothing can give her an answer.

"So, I basically concluded that my IS is a living object but made out of non biological material instead of flesh and bone." Ray said.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the world. A super genius is furiously scribbling down the information she eavesdropped from the bugs in Houki's personal items.

"The food is done cooking." Lancelot said before serving two plates of and beef meatballs made from scratch requested by Ray because he has sudden craving for the food.

"Let's dig in." Ray told the other two before they started eating. Houki clasped her palm and thanked for the food before she also joined to taste a bit from Laura's portion while eating her own lunchbox.
