
Yes.....I am a Healer

This is the story of a healer from a tribe who creats his own guild with 4 others and tries to survive in this world and working towards his goal.

211_writings · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


It has been two days since they got banned from the guild. Elena wants to discuss plans with the rest of her siblings, but it didn't happen due to David behaving oddly the past two days.

He will wake up early in the morning, finish his breakfast and leave the inn and only returns to the inn almost at midnight. Elena tried to ask him where he was going, but all she got was 'I am busy now we will talk later.'

Today, she and others stopped him before he leaves and Elena was the 1st one to speak. "David, what are you doing the past two days? Aren't you concerned about our future?"

"Elena, trust me. What I am doing now will only benefit our future. Just wait for today and we will talk all you want tomorrow evening." replied David before hurriedly leaving the inn.

As soon as David left the inn, a middle-aged man ran into the inn. He looked around the room and his gaze stopped at Elena, Nat and Jack. Soon he ran to them and bowed once to them and said, "Miss Elena, Captain Rin decided to dissolve the guild and he declared it this morning. And he also got permission from the Royal Court to dissolve the guild, please come to the guild once and stop this." He said this while looking at her with his last hope.

Hearing this Nat and Jack started to move and ask him for more details but they were stopped once they heard Elena's voice.

After stopping them, she says, " You are saying that Ren officially announced our guild will dissolve this morning and already got the approval of the Royal Court to go ahead by now?"

The man from the guild nods his head.

Seeing this, Elena closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and mulls over something before opening her eyes and saying, "We can't do anything now since the Royal Court has given its permission, even if that's not the case, we were banned from the guild and can't persuade Ren. Sorry to say this but please forgive us as we can't help you in this matter. If there is nothing else, you can leave now."

Saying this she turns around and moves to her room ignoring others, Nat and Jack come to their senses after a few seconds of shock and ran after Elena leaving the middle-aged man alone. Seeing them, he sighs and goes back to the guild.

Once after entered Elena's room, they both saw her standing beside the window and looking out of it as if she was looking for something or someone Nat said, " Elena, why did you say that? We can't stay silent while Ren is doing whatever he wants to our guild. We need to save the guild from him, it's all we got left by father." and starts crying as she remembered their father's death. Jack just nodded his head but he didn't say anything.

"Haa...." sighing once, Elena turns towards them and says, "Nat, it's not like I am pleased with what is happening with us, but keep in mind that we can't do anything to stop Ren now. It must be his plan from the start to dissolve the guild. No matter how I look at it, it all looks like they all did this while they seem to know that something will happen to father, or else none can get permission for anything regarding the matters of the guild even if nobles are pushing for the permission.

It seems that there is someone who is at least at the level of marquis or above behind him and that person should be behind the death of our father. Now we at least got a clue about father's death. The person behind Ren is involved in it and he must be using Ren to gather information on father's whereabouts from time to time."

Saying this her face turned red with rage and says, " No matter how long it takes, I will definitely find the one who did this to father and will avenge him, even if it's the last thing I do."

Hearing this, both Jack and Nat's eyes widened with shock and surprise. They thought that Ren must be making things difficult for them but they never thought that Ren has a hand in their father's murder.

Exhaling loudly, Jack says, "Now what should we do? We can't leave Ren like that after his involvement." then suddenly remembering something, Ren always meets with that noble, viscount Hel, maybe he should know something too."

"Maybe but we can't say for sure. That's why I came to a decision."

Hearing this, both Nat's and Jack's ears perked up and listens attentively to her.

"We will start a guild of our own and get strongest in the whole kingdom to deal with all the people who were involved. I know it will take a long time this way but we don't have any other choice. If we join any other guild, I doubt there will be any chance for us to get strong."

Jack and Nat were surprised about her decision but they also know that was the truth so they didn't say anything.

"Also inform to David as soon as he comes"


Captain's office, THE OUTCASTS' guild.

Looking at the remaining 3 vice captains, Ren says, " Finally you all collected and packed all the resources and valuable things in the guild. Tonight, we will steal all of them and be careful while doing it, we shouldn't get caught."

"Don't worry captain we won't get caught. We all took enough precautions to not get caught." said vice-captain Darren.

"Good...still, stay attentive throughout the whole night. Our lord is kind enough to let us four keep the resources of the guild so if anything happens during our theft, it's our loss only. keep that in mind." said Ren in his deep voice.

"Yes captain." replied the remaining people in the room.

"Good you all know the plan. Be ready, you guys will steal everything after midnight."

"Hmm... captain, why shouldn't we loot the resources at midnight?"

"Because we will be having discussions with the guild members all over the night. And it will definitely last all night since none of them wants to dissolve the guild, but I will stop them after midnight saying that we will discuss it tomorrow and we will retire in our rooms in the guild. Then you guys will store all the resources in your respective storage rings and go to your respective rooms as soon as possible."

"Ok captain. Don't worry that's why we packed all the resources in these past 4 days. We will just need a few seconds to shift them to our rings " said Darren.

"Good, then you all can leave." After everyone left, Ren still sitting in his chair closed his eyes and says, "Dear Elena, just wait, within a few months I will become much stronger with the help of these resources and then you can't refuse me. HAHAHA"