
Yes Mr. Brown

All it took was one look and now... I'm on my knees "What's my name?" He asks "Mr. Brown

Itsbribri_okay · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 4

Justine POV

"Ahhh" I sighed relaxing myself in my marble tub the water massaging the sore parts of my body

"That photo shoot was so tiring" I groaned feeling the tension in my muscles begin to soothe in the warm water as I been standing on my feet all day taking different pictures in different backgrounds, different outfits, and in different shoes

"Let me get out this tub before I become a wrinkly prune" I said as I lifted myself up standing in the water as I reached for the plug draining the water as I carefully stepped out and made my way to my luxurious bedroom as I dried myself off thoroughly before sitting my body on my freshly made bed as I lotioned myself with cocoa butter lotion


"Who the hell could this be at my door this late at night?" I asked myself grabbing my robe wrapping it around my body feeling the warmth of the faux fur as I slipped on my matching slippers before making my way to the door and looking out the peep hole not seeing anyone but a white crisp envelope siting nicely on my porch carpet

"Who left this shit?!" I asked looking around seeing if someone would come forward to claim the envelope as I closed my door back fast as hell and locked it I grabbed my Glock 19 and hauled ass to my room locking my bedroom door as I quickly called Jhené

"Wassup bitch?" Jhené asked picking up on the first ring


"Whoa whats going on?!" Jhené as she sounded worried

"Someone been at my damn house!!!!!" I panicked again

"Okay calm down we are on our way" Jhené said as I heard her in the background calling out for Mila telling her to get dressed and shit as she tried keeping me calm


"Who the hell is beating on my damn door?!" I asked becoming panicked holding my Glock 19 as I made my way towards the front room

"JUSTINE?!!" Jhené voice yelled through the wooden oak door

"Oh thank God" I rejoiced quickly opening the door as the ran they asses in here locking the door behind them

"Girl what the hell you called us for?!" Mila said as her irritation set in

"Someone was at my door and when I opened it I didn't see nothing-" I spoke before getting cut off by Mila

"White envelope sitting on your porch rug?" Mila asked as Jhené took it and evaluated it

"Hmmm I recognize this symbol" Jhené said as she sat there on my sofa observing the paper until she let out a squeal

"This symbol belongs to the infamous Christopher Brown the CEO and founder of his own fashion line Black Pyramid!!!" Jhené shouted jumping up and down as me and Mila looked at her confused

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked as I grabbed the envelope from and opened it seeing writing in Italics

~Justine you have been cordially invited to a private reception in congratulations as to be one of the thirty-five chosen to model for Chris Brown fashion line Black Pyramid~

For more information and to confirm you'll be attending please call (xxx)xxx-xxxx

Much appreciation

Chris Brown and Black Pyramid family

"Oh my goodness" I sighed at the fact I have been chosen to not only reprsent but be a model of his brand

"EHHHH!! I'm so proud of you Jusie!!!" Mila said hugging me tightly as I returned the hug still in shock

"Are you going though?" Jhené asked looking at me curiously

"Umm should I?" I asked looking at them as they gave me the Kanye face

"BITCH YES!!!" They both said at the same time as I laughed at them

"Okay okay" I said giggling as I set a reminder on my phone to call them in the morning

"Awww my bitch finna get noticed" Mila cheesed twerking

"You a mess" I said shaking my head