
Ye Huang, Ye Futian's twin brother.

A certain Earthling died and reborn in the world of cultivation. His new identity is Ye Huang, and he is the twin brother of the legendary guy named Ye Futian.

Thundertroy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter 35: Suicide

"What is this creature? A green jelly?" Su Mei looked at the Slime Idol with a curious look. She tried poking the slime with her finger. The place where the slime got poked showed an indention. However, it restored after a second.

"This is my Dharma Idol, Slime." Ye Huang gestured, and the slime jumped up onto his palm.

"Wa, that thing is cute." Su Mei eyes glowed with a bright light. "Wait, you said this is your Dharma Idol? Do you mean..."

"Thanks to you two, I could recover from my previous wounded body. After that, I managed to recover my cultivation back." Ye Huang thanked the two for their efforts to help him.

"This slime has the ability to swallow any kind of Spiritual Qi. So, I think it's possible for it to swallow the curse in your body." he then explained his plan regarding the curse removal plan.

The Su sisters looked at each other, and showed a skeptical look. The thing that they understand regarding Dharma Idol was different from what Ye Huang said about his Idol. They knew for the majority of cultivators has a Dharma Idol that could increase their power.

As for this little thing called Slime, it doesn't seem to be one of such Dharma Idol. It's more like this is a real creature. It was docile, has a body that is like jelly, and could let out some voice.

"Are you trying to fool us? Did you pick this thing somewhere in this forest?" Su Mei was not convinced with what Ye Huang said.

"Well, I was having a hard time to believe this too. Let me show you what my Idol can do." Ye Huang then created five balls of elemental Spiritual Qi. He threw all the balls and asked the Slime to eat it.

Slime jumped down from his palm and happily run after those spiritual qi. In just an instant, it swallowed those qis and burped. It then jumped happily towards Ye Huang, saying 'Kuu Kuu' as if asking for more. Ye Huang gave it more balls of Spiritual Qi. He made a ball of Spiritual Qi of fire, water, wind, earth, wood, and lightning.

"Big sist, have you seen any Dharma Idol that has emotion?" Su Mei was incredulous.

"This is a first for me." Su Lilian shook her head. She also looked at Ye Huang's Dharma Idol strangely.

"So, do you guys believe me now?" Ye Huang smiled at the two.

Su Lilian didn't really care whether Ye Huang's Dharma Idol has emotion or not. She just asked him, "Instead of trying to explain the state of your Dharma Idol, can you tell us how does this idol remove the curse in our body? Will there be any repercussions to us or you, if you try to extract our curse?"

Ye Huang was surprised when he heard the question. "I guess I am not too sure. My way is to use the Dharma Idol to try to swallow those curse inside of your body. So, I can't say that there is zero probability that some repercussions will happen."

"If the both of you feel that this method is not so good, just pretend that I didn't made this suggestion." Ye Huang was someone who don't like forcing others to accept his idea. "On the other hand, I already saw first hand when your sister got her curse removed. I have a hunch that my idol could do the same to the curses on you two."

Su Lilian and Su Mei looked at each other. After sometimes, they agreed for Ye Huang to use his Dharma Idol to remove their curses.

After that, Ye Huang asked the two to sit in a meditative posture, while he let his Slime Idol to envelop both of them. The slime did as he asked, and enveloped the sisters inside it's green slimy body. The slime then released its unique energy, and let it enter the girls bodies.

The energy slowly entered into the sisters bodies, and softly integrated into the curses. After that, it slowly pulled out the curses towards the outside, and make it integrate into the slime's body.

At first, the curses didn't resist and just got pulled out of the girls body. However, once it was outside of the girls bodies, the curses become restless. It suddenly flared and tried to enter back into the sisters bodies.

In that instant, the Slime Idol seperated into two, one part was holding the curses,and the other part jumped away and brought the sisters farther away from the curses.

"Which son of a bitch played with my curse?"

Suddenly, the two curses combined into one. The combined curses released a greater power than when it was separated in two. Moreover, it formed a wrinkled face of an old man. The face frowned, and cursed when it curse's target were no longer in it's grasp.

"You are the son of a bitch!! Slime, eat him whole!!"

Ye Huang commanded his Slime Idol to eat the curses. The slime tried it's best to disintegrate the curse and make it vanish. However, the curse seems to be angered with it. An aura of a Renhuang flared out of that curse and fought the slime.



Under the power and pressure of a Renhuang, the slime didn't even last for a minute.

"Now that your pet is already dead, I wanted to see how you struggle with my curse."

Before Ye Huang could react, the wrinkled face flew and entered his body. The instant the curse entered into his body, it flared up. It caused him to feel his whole body was burning.

"Let me give you the best curses. Have you ever been drugged with an aprosidiac pill?" As if it was smirking, the curse made a sound that directly entered Ye Huang's mind. "Those two girls will be a fine experiment to your curse. You agree with me, right? Hahahaha...enjoy my treatment."

At this time, Ye Huang could feel his mind being pressured by that curse, and his vision got clouded by his desire for a lust. Coincidentally, he looked at the two sisters and his gaze focused on the curvaceous body. It's as if he could see through the clothes of the two girls, making them shudder involuntarily.

"Ye...Ye Huang, are you alright?" Su Mei paled a bit when she saw his expression.

A sudden clearity appeared in Ye Huang's mind when he heard her voice. In that moment, he made an abrupt choice. He burst out with all of his power, and swiftly run towards the deep forest. It just took him an instant, and he disappeared from the girls eyes.

"Ye Huang!!"

The two girls shouted in shock. However, Ye Huang is no longer in vicinity.

"Sister, we need to find him. The curse is troubling him."

"I know, I can see it in his eyes. Let's go."

The two hurriedly run in the direction where Ye Huang run to. However, after searching for a long time, they didn't manage to find him. In the end, they decided to wait for him in the village.


After leaving the two, Ye Huang fled towards a single direction. He didn't dare to look back, afraid that the curse will influence him to have more lustful thought.

On the other hand, the curse was becoming stronger. It was influencing Ye Huang to think about many bad emotion. Fortunately, he have a strong mind and abundant spirit, which helped him to retain his consciousness for a long time.

Seeing that he could not content against the curse, he asked the others for advise, "Hei guys, I'm in a pinch right now. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Master, I don't think I have any suggestions on this. I'm not good at any curse or healing power." Wukong readily admitted his shortcoming.

"I have a suggestion." Sokyoku spoke his mind. "However, this solution is not possible in the short amount of time."

"Tell me about it."

"We the four guardians has this holy ability after we are gathered. It's called the Celestial Holiness. With Celestial Holiness, we could destroy most dark type spell, or at least drive away any unholy energy. However, this is only possible if there is four Guardians."

"Then, that solution is not suitable for me right now." Ye Huang was surprised when he heard the solution. However, his condition is so urgent. There is no time to find the other two Guardian Beasts.

"Actually Master, you should just die." Ye Gwak's suggestions almost earned him two strong attack from Sokyoku and Wukong.

"Come on guys. This is not the time to fight. Ye Gwak, your suggestion is too negative. Do you despise me as your master that much?" Ye Huang felt a bit disappointed at Ye Gwak for wishing him to die.

"No no no. Master, listen. Remember when you died after being struck by lightning more than a year ago?"

"Huh!? I really died that time?"

"Yes. At that time I haven't gotten my soul yet. However, my body instinctively used a skill to revive you back. That ability is called Atavistic Fate. I'm sure master will like the aftereffect of this ability. However, I could only use this ability once in every year.

Furthermore, the stronger the target of this ability, the longer the time for this technique to cool down. Relatively, if I'm stronger than my target, the shorter time of the cool down."

"You have such a mythical ability?" Ye Huang was shocked when he heard Ye Gwak. This fellow really is not simple. After that he agreed to just go and die. The thought seems not right, but that seems to be a good option.

"So, how should I...die?"

"That's easy. Just use the Second Avatar Ignition. If master use all of the power, then master will eventually die."

"If we are talking about exhausting energy, master can use the Nine Heavenly Strikes. By using it, it should be a respectable death, right?" Wukong was interested in seeing Ye Huang die when using his skill.

"Master, use my Blazing Wings too." Sokyoku has a glint of expectation in his eyes as he thought of Ye Huang died while using his skill. This way, his skill is not inferior compared to the others.

"Hei hei... don't forget mine. Master, use Dragon Force. Please use it." Shenron who is somewhere inside the Forest of Violent Beast hurriedly spoke out his suggestion. Everyone wanted master to use their respective skills, that will be no fair if my skill is left out, thought the dragon.

"You guys are too much." Ye Huang was speechless when he heard his avatar and beasts. "Fine. It should be a glorious death to use those skill before I die. Let's just add a target. Let's find a strong beasts aa my opponent."

"Master, just a reminder. Don't go over to my direction. I'm in the middle of creating my Dharma Idol. It will be bad if the process stopped because I got summoned inside the Spiritual Palace." Shenron who is in the middle of a lake full of lightning hurriedly reminded Ye Huang.

Ye Huang just nodded at the dragon reminder. After that, he tried to detect any powerful aura in his surrounding, while still flying at high speed. Right now, he is flying above the ocean.

"Huh!? What is that?"

After flying for about three hours, Ye Huang entered an area that was clouded with thick mist. He could only vaguely see a distance of ten meter in front of him. At some point, he saw a flickering light in the distance.

As Ye Huang got curious, he approached that light. Suddenly, he felt a strong sense of danger coming from the light. He was about to turn away and leave.


Before he could get away, a big mouth swiftly rose up from the ocean, and swallowed him whole.


Ye Huang felt the world turning around as he entered inside the stomach of that sea monster. He tried his best to create a footing, but got interrupted by the air that was inhaled by that monster. Moreover, there are many acid waves inside the stomach.

"Arcana sea beast! This thing is an Arcana Plane beast." Feeling the strong spiritual qi inside the beast, Ye Huang was sure that this sea monster is at Arcana Plane realms. Morever, it should be a peak Arcana Plane sea beast.

"Hahaha... You can no longer run away from your fate. Just die son of a bitch." The curse that was infecting Ye Huang laughed loudly. Although it was surprised that this boy managed to resist it for so long, it is no longer a concern if the boy die being eaten by a sea beast.

"Laugh all you want. This is just nice for me." Ye Huang didn't even get agitated. He calmly activated all the skill that he learned from his beast and his avatar.


Just as Ye Huang activated all skills, the spiritual qi in the surrounding area flushed towards his body like a torrent. Instantly, his body shined like a sun, and expended swiftly like a pumped balloon. Before long, he exploded with all the spiritual energy that was gathered inside his body.

Where the explosion happened, one can see a mushroom like shockwaves that drive everything away, clearing the mist in the surrounding area.

As the explosion taking place, Ye Huang died, while his body turned into particles. The sea beast also died because of the explosion of a compressed spiritual energy.

As for the curse inside Ye Huang's body, it turned into energy that fuelled the power of the explosion. At the last moment, the wrinkled face was astonished when it saw Ye Huang explode. However, it showed a sinister smile after seeing Ye Huang die.