
Ye Huang, Ye Futian's twin brother.

A certain Earthling died and reborn in the world of cultivation. His new identity is Ye Huang, and he is the twin brother of the legendary guy named Ye Futian.

Thundertroy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter 10: Murong Yunshan's intention.

The crowd gradually dispersed. Ye Huang, Ye Futian and Yu Sheng walked towards the grandstand. Ye Baichuan had been waiting there for them. When he saw Ye Huang walk over, he could not help but laugh heartily. He clapped his shoulder and said, "Son, you did great again this time. I'm proud of you."

"I just want to pass the exam." Ye Huang nodded humbly. You sure act humble for someone who aced the exam, thought Ye Fuitan on the side.

"Not bad. You didn't embarrass your old man." Ye Baichuan also looked at Ye Futian, full of smile.

"Who was the one who was so proud just now? Now you're just saying he didn't embarrass your?" Feng Ruhai, who was beside him, laughed. "Futian, you performed really good. Congratulations."

"Haha, Qingxue has done well too. She made it in the Second Class list too." Ye Baichuan said.

"You two follow me, I have something to ask." Ye Baichuan walked forward, and bot Ye Huang and Ye Futian followed behind him. Ye Baichuan looked at Ye Futian from the corner of his eye, and said with a faint smile, "Futian, be honest with me, did you have a better target, and then abandoned Qingxue?"

Ye Futian's face darkened. His father probably saw Hua Jieyu sitting next to him during the exam. How could he have such an absurd thought?

"This is a bit complicated. Let me handle it myself." Ye Futian shrugged. Ye Baichuan looked him in the eye and said, "Alright, I won't interfere. This is between you and her anyway. Now that you did brilliantly in the written exam, are you confident for tomorrow?"

Speaking of this, Ye Futian became more serious. He looked at Ye Baichuan strangely. "In our family ancestry, are there anyone who awakened as Mandate Sorcerer, and practiced Freedom Meditation?"

"Of course. Did you awaken it?" Ye Baichuan's gaze sharpened.

"Yes." Ye Futian nodded lightly.

"Alright." Ye Baichuan slapped Ye Futian's shoulder hard. It seemed that he was so agitated that he used so much force that Ye Futian's bones made cracking sounds. Seeing Ye Futian's pained expression, Ye Baichuan smiled and retracted his hand.

"Is there a father like you?" Ye Futian glared at his father and asked, "Since our ancestors were so powerful, why was I and Ye Huang the only two who awakened their talents?"

"You are also a Mandate Sorcerer?" Ye Baichuan glanced at Ye Huang in surprise. He was thinking that it supposed to be only Ye Futian who will awaken such talent.

"Didn't he tell you?" Ye Futian asked back. It seems this brother of his is full of secret. Even their father did not know that he was a Mandate Sorcerer.

"I awakened as a Mandate Sorcerer after the last Summer Quarter Examinations." Ye Huang lied on the timing he has awakened his Mandate Sorcerer talent.

Ye Baichuan looked at him silently for some time. He then said with a serious tone, "It must be because my genes is very powerful."

Ye Futian rubbed the space between his eyebrows. How could a person be so shameless? Luckily, he wasn't like him …

"I'll go back and tell your godfather. I'm sure he'll be very happy. Maybe he'll come and take a look at the Fall Quarter Examinations tomorrow." Ye Futian's eyes brightened. He was filled with anticipation. Ever since he was young, his godfather had high hopes for him. Now that his Mandate Sorcerer talent had finally been awakened, he hoped that his godfather would be able to see his brilliance.

While Ye Baichuan and the Ye twin were chatting, Feng Ruhai pulled Feng Qingxue to the side. Feng Ruhai looked serious and asked, "When did Ye Futian meet Hua Jieyu? Did he bully you?"

It was obvious that Feng Ruhai and Ye Baichuan had the same idea, thinking that Ye Futian had fallen in love with someone else.

Feng Qingxue looked at her father and knew that he had misunderstood. She could not help but shake her head.

"Then why don't you tell me what happened? Don't hide anything, "Feng Ruhai said.

Feng Qingxue hesitated for a moment, then slowly opened her mouth and told the whole story.

"Stupid." Feng Ruhai was angry after hearing the story. He shouted, "How can you be so stupid? You two have been friends for so many years, always bickering and joking. There's nothing you can't talk about. Why did you ask an outsider to stand in front of him? You're not rejecting him, you're clearly cutting off all ties. Plus, Ye Futian likes to joke around. Just because he wants to cultivate with you doesn't mean he wants to pursue you. Yu Sheng was obviously angry, and Ye Huang, he certainly be on Ye Futian's side when he said he is his twin brother. You really didn't give him any leeway and even got together with Murong Qiu. What do you want Ye Futian to do in the academy? "

"There's nothing between me and Murong Qiu. We only went hunting together because of Murong Qing. After all, he has a higher level of cultivation." Feng Qingxue saw that her father was scolding her and showed a stubborn expression. She said, "Plus, do you think he's in the right? We're already adults, and he still made jokes like that. Murong Qing was right to ask me to keep a distance from him to avoid any misunderstandings."

"There's nothing between you and Murong Qiu, but after rejecting Ye Futian, you chose to go with him. That in itself is a violation of a man's dignity. Don't you understand?" Feng Ruhai's tone became heavier. He stared at Feng Qingxue and said, "You two were friends when you were young, and your Uncle Ye and I are best friends. Whether you two end up together or not, we will respect your choice. But aren't you trying to embarrass me by doing this?"

Feng Qingxue's eyes reddened. Her father was rarely so strict. Now that he was like this, she felt very uncomfortable. She looked up at Feng Ruhai and said, "What I did will not affect your relationship with Uncle Ye. Plus, since I'm already an adult, I know what I'm doing. I won't regret it."

"Silly girl." Feng Ruhai shook his head. "Don't you understand that all of this is just an excuse? The reason you did this is because you think Ye Futian is not good enough for you. That's why you're resisting him so fiercely. You think you've grown up, but you don't understand that friendship without benefits is the purest and most beautiful. If Ye Futian continues to be like he was in the past, you won't regret it. But if he shines as brightly as he did in the written exam today, do you really think you won't regret it?"

Feng Qingxue's heart trembled. Was it possible for him to do what he did in the written exam today?

"I've watched the Ye Futian grow up. He looks casual and easygoing, but deep inside, a tiger is waking up." Feng Ruhai looked at Feng Qingxue and continued, "He's been hiding in Qingzhou Academy for three years, and he's been looked down upon by so many people. He's been quiet for three years, but he's surprised everyone. This is not something an ordinary teenager can do. Also, just look at how talented Ye Huang is. If even his twin brother is showing such outrageous talent, then it is obvious that he too has an outstanding talent."

"Girl, I really hope you won't regret it."

With that, Feng Ruhai shook his head and left, leaving Feng Qingxue standing there in a daze.

A tiger...waking up inside. The girl's beautiful eyes turned and looked at a figure in the distance. Then she turned and walked towards the side courtyard of the academy. At that moment, her heart was in a mess.

Ye Futian said goodbye to his father and looked at the gymnasium. He seemed to have felt something. His eyes fell on the front of the gymnasium, where Qin Yi was looking at him.

Ye Futian raised his index finger and pointed it to the sky. The corner of his mouth curled up, revealing his pride and confidence. It was as if he was telling her to wait.

Qin Yi glared at Ye Futian, then turned to leave. Her heart was still in turmoil. She never thought that Ye Futian would be able to get second place in the written exam.

Could it be that a miracle would happen tomorrow?

Thinking of this, she felt an inexplicable sense of anticipation.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and the gymnasium became quiet again. However, the next day, it would be even more crowded than today.

The Fall Quarter Examinations of Qingzhou Academy had always been one of the most talked about events in the City of Qingzhou. After the written exam results came out, the crowd outside of the academy quickly heard the news and become astonished. The twin Ye's names were talked in the chats of some people.

Defeating Hua Jieyu and Yang Xiu and taking the first and second place of the written exam, that was something that hard for ordinary people to fathom. This is even more amazing for a guy like Ye Futian. Those who has seen his previous situation would know how brilliant and miraculous were his deed.


At noon, the City of Qingzhou was exceptionally lively. Restaurants of all sizes were full. In a luxurious restaurant near Qingzhou Academy, there was a private room with an ancient smell.

Murong Qiu, a disciple of Qingzhou Academy who got listed in the Second Class list, was sitting in this private room. Beside him were the elders of the Murong Chamber of Commerce. The person in the lead was the current leader of the Murong Chamber of Commerce, Murong Qiu's father, Murong Yunshan.

"Today's Fall Quarter Examinations reminded me of something that happened decades ago. Junior Brother, back then, you and I were both influential figures in the academy. Do you still remember?" Murong Yunshan looked at the middle-aged man sitting across from him with a wistful look on his face.

"How could I not remember? Back then, I was beaten so badly by you. I was always in second place," the middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to still remember the past. It's been decades since we last met, and I still remember the glory of my youth. Unfortunately, I'm busy now, and I'm not as passionate as I used to be. Your life look way easier than mine. I must say I envy your carefree life," Murong Yunshan said with a smile.

"Senior Brother, you are now in charge of the Murong Chamber of Commerce. You have so much power. Why are you being so humble? As for me, I'm just someone who idly teaching the younger generation at Qingzhou Academy." The middle-aged man shook his head. However, he is not just someone idle. It turned out that this person was Shi Zhong, the Headmaster of the Earth Pavilion of the School of Sorcery. He was in charge of the Earth Pavilion, one of the seven major pavilions of the School of Sorcery. He was very powerful.

"Junior Brother, you are even more humble." Murong Yunshan smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, I've invited Junior Brother out this time because I have something I need to ask of you."

Shi Zhong's eyes flashed. He had finally gotten to the point. He smiled and said, "Senior Brother, please speak what you have in mind."

"I'm sure you know a little about the situation at the Murong Chamber of Commerce. The competition is fierce for the leader position. My son has so many cousins competing against him in his generation that he cannot afford to lose the test tomorrow. Even though this kid is disappointing, as his father, I can't just ignore him. He failed the written exam this time, but his talent and strength are still not bad. I'm sure his performance tomorrow won't be too bad." Murong Yunshan said slowly, "He's only seventeen years old, and he's participating in the Fall Quarter Examinations as a Ninth Plane of Awakening. If he doesn't come in first, I'm afraid he'll be criticized in the family."

Shi Zhong's expression did not change. He knew that his senior brother was paving the way for Murong Qiu.

"Most of the people participating in the Fall Quarter Examinations are below the Seventh Plane of Awakening. If Murong Qiu performs well enough in the debate tomorrow and overwhelms everyone else, I might be able to persuade the panel to name him as the champion."

"I don't think Hua Jieyu will participate in the debate. If she does, then no one in the chamber will say anything about it. However, if she doesn't participate, then Murong Qiu will definitely have the best shot tomorrow, and he will do his best to take the first position. When the time comes, I'll leave it to you." Murong Yunshan then tried to bribe him, saying, "Junior Brother, if you need anything in the future, and I mean anything, just tell me and I'll take care of it for you."

"Senior Brother, you're business is my business." Shi Zhong definitely understood what was going on.

"I will let my son in your care then. Cheers." Murong Yunshan took his cup and drunk. A conspiracy was formed!