
yandereverse : A yandere harem

A world that is full of love-crazy obsessed girls in a matriarchy world. crazy right. let's check the story as our mc progress throughout the world he will encounter different types of crazy women with different body types. In the earlier chapters of the book, the tone is lighthearted, introducing the characters, their relationships, and the world they inhabit. The reader is initially presented with a sense of familiarity and comfort as they become acquainted with the protagonists, their interactions, and the lighter aspects of their lives. However, as the story progresses, a gradual shift occurs, signaling the impending darkness and a deepening of the narrative. With each turn of the page, the tone becomes increasingly serious, delving into the complexities of the characters' lives and their hidden struggles. The once-familiar lightheartedness gives way to a sense of foreboding, as the stakes heighten and the challenges faced by the characters become more daunting. The book takes on a darker undertone, exploring themes of inner turmoil, personal growth, and the consequences of one's choices. The main character in the story possesses a twisted nature that manifests in an unusual and unexpected way – through childlike behavior. At first glance, their actions may come across as innocent and playful, resembling the carefree nature of a child. However, upon closer examination, it becomes apparent that this childlike demeanor is merely a facade, a mask hiding the darker and more twisted aspects of their personality. Yandere harem-check non-beta mc-check magic-check academy-check adventure-check villans-check reincarnation-check comedy-check No stupid male bashing No masochism well written characters

latheef_shaik · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 13 :Party


Today is the party time that Akira has long waited for.

he has to plan for the decorations and food items that has to be maintained for the party.

He concluded to make the party as spooky as possible like a Halloween party but at the same as reassuring and pleasing as possible

He also invited Nicholes, Eric, Lotus, Emily, and Louis to the party

Nicholes argued to Akira about how inviting someone as creepy as Emily is dangerous and a bad idea

But Akira listened to Nichole's advice from one ear and it left from the other ear. In other words, he ignored it . Well he wanted as much as possible while he don't want to invite unknown people

Well, Isabella rejected his offer due to student council workload and raven wanted to visit her family . He has no choice but to leave with empty hands .

Anyway, he purchased pumpkins for decorations and edgy postures which teens like him find good. Teens like edgy things and it's a fact.

He ordered pizza, chips, nachos, noodles, and varieties of junk with coca-cola drinks. Eric complained about bad health but Nicholes reassured him that one day of eating junk food will be fine.

Everyone is chilled with the thought of having a party

"Why should we party now. It's not like we did anything that great "Eric told to us

"No, I personally think it will be a great idea. It's worth celebrating every achievement even if it's little. Not everyone will get the same privilege as us "Nicholes said to us

Typical Nicholes, a Chilled out dude, and a study freak at the same time. Nicholes is the kind of student who will party all day and study silently at night.

"I think you aren't a party person Eric " Akira told eric

"I am fine with parties when they include fewer people but you have included so many people, it is making me feel overwhelmed. "Eric told me

"6 isn't a big number " Akira pouted at eric

"He is right and we are all guys here excluding lotus and Emily nothing inappropriate will happen. And Louis is a good I vouch for him " Nicholes reassured eric

But it didn't help much

Louis came to the party. Soon lotus and Emily came to the party. Louis is baffled seeing them

"Why they are girls in the party Nicholes "Louis questioned Nicholes harshly

Lotus became sad after hearing that feeling she is unwelcome here and also her wanting to spend her time with Akira

"Forgive Louis, he is a believer in men's privacy and rights. Well, I am too. But I am a realist.

"I know that proper communication and trust between males and females are important. So let's have a party with no bias . After all, we all deserve a long break after academic workload right " Nicholes

Nicholes took control of the possible misunderstandings that can happen in the part

"thank you Nicholes for saving the party ."Akira thanked Nicholes

"Yeah good job Nicholes, "Eric told Nicholes

"Sorry about mate, I just thought that it's a party between us men "Louis apologized in his own fashion.

"It's okay L-Louis I will not disturb you, "Lotus told her

The entire Emily is glaring at Lotus and hoping that she left the party. But in the end, she tched at the failure of the outcome.

She wanted to spend time with Akira alone without any distractions.

"I hope I am not intruding. I want to meet some freshmen here "Emily replied with a smile

Obviously, Nicholes is suspicious of her intentions. She is known for trapping young boys after all. It's tough to trust a senior spending time with a freshman without any ulterior motives.

He is the one who has much awareness of the brutality of the world. He is the one who should look after his friends well being.

He won't let anyone hurt his friends not after 'that incident' happened . It's okay though he will fix it after some time.

But it's time for the party now. Everyone is tired of studying all day so they are not in the mood for any funny business .so everyone has unconsciously agreed to leave ulterior motives for today

But little did the people know what really runs in the motives. How there are few people who are actually sane in the party and how people have twisted morals in their brains.

There are some people born with questionable morals in the world and they have a unique way of doing things that normal persons can't think of. They are not noticeable at a glance but if you observe them closely you will realize how dangerous a single person can be.

Well, that's not a bad or a good thing well it's more like innovation and stubbornness of doing their things . In the end, we all get buried in the same land after all

It's not the strongest and wealthiest person that can actually instill fear in people .it's rather the person who is unpredictable and whose actions are different from normal people, it's what makes people fear it.

Everything looks so scary when a person has no idea of what action to take to fix the solution . Little did they know it's not that hard and it has a very simple concept.

Taking care of the things you can do and ignore about the things you can't do is the best philosophy in life . You can't control things sometimes but it doesn't mean you should give up. You can try it tomorrow or other days if it's that important. But it still fails don't worry.

It's the attempt that counts. One can call you beta /pussy and mock you but remember the world never runs based on people's perspectives . It runs based on random events and random loops which people can't predict.

That's why many people fear the concept of the future. It's simply unknown to their mind .

Well coming back to the topic

"Eric .Did you bring the coke here .I wanted to drink it now please "Akira asked Eric

It is Eric who brought the drinks here .He bought dozens of coke from the super mall .

"Nicholes, you are always thinking something whenever we stop the discussion "

"What is it ?"Akira asked him out of curiosity.

"It is just philosophical thoughts nothing more nothing less "Nicholes replied.

"What are you thinking even at the party . Are you sure you are chilling?"Akira asked Nicholes

Nicholes sipped the drink and exclaimed

"Akira the human brain works wonders . Whenever we want to chill we think about exams . Whenever exams approach near we think of fun "

"Human brain work opposite to the things we intended to do "Nicholes replied

"I don't want to listen to another philosophical lesson . Sorry Nicholes I don't want to be rude but I want to enjoy a party ."

"I don't want to listen to another philosophy lesson. I have already heard enough from professor pom "Akira replied to Nicholes

"Yeah she says stuff that is too much for our inattentive mind "Nicholes told to Akira

"Eric I think Nicholes is drunk He is talking about philosophy all day. "Akira told to eric

"I think we lost the Nicholes that used to be laid back and enjoy the life at the academy "Eric started teasing Nicholes

"Rest in peace Nicholes you will be remembered "Akira teased Nicholes

Akira sipped the drink

"Akira I think the drink is rigged it's alcohol. I am feeling d-drowsy ~ " Louis exclaimed to Akira with a drunk tone

"Yeah~ It's bringing the inner slut within me ~"Emily is moaning

"NO ~ I don't want to be a slut ~.I want to be loyal to a-"Lotus can't handle it and knocked out from her position

"EH. Lotus's drink has too much alcohol content than limiting value. It's too much ~ " Nicholes muttered the word.

"I brought only coke .But how is this happening " Eric wondered .

Nicholes is willed enough to be aware of his surroundings.But he is too drowsy to take action . He is reduced to a mere spectator of the

"What the heck . No Akira party is ruined ~ " Akira said with a drowsy tone

"Akira come here I will take care of you "Eric replied with concern in his tone.

Emily is off from reality as she is currently .....masturbating from the odor of the surroundings and due to obvious reasons. Alcohol clearly changed the party.

Everyone is too drowsy to observe her . But Eric is disgusted by her and took Akira far from her as possible.

"Akira wants to m-make babies niw Eric ~ "Akira muttered weakly by the drink.

"Akira you are drunk shut up "Eric blushed seeing Akira acting weirdly inappropriate

The alcoholic scent is clearly affecting the people at the party and they are slowly losing consciousness.

Despite not drinking the coke, Eric is slowly affected by the alcoholic smell from the room

"Akira is just t-tired. So tired of boring events. Akira wanted a new doll~ "Akira is talking weird again

"Akira ~ stop being so adorable even while being drunk. It's tough to control myself you know "Eric said to Akira clearly affected by the drowsiness.

Eric struggled to resist the whole temptation and tried to fix things.

Everyone is too tired to know what going and they don't what is real anymore all they remember is just sleeping.


At midnight

" Never knew it's this easy. Well let's take care of the things that need to be done " A lone figure muttered to themselves

Who rigged the party and how did they do it

Is the question audience should realize themselves you know.

I won't reveal until more chapters

In the mean time use your brain

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts