
Jungle gym

Kira's house could barely be described as anything other than a luxury army base. After an uncomfortable twenty minutes of being carried out of the underground facility that had been the base of the cult of Emansia, he had been surprised by how close it was to the city, he eventually found himself standing Shakely in front of a large razor fence and checkpoint

"Welcome to the jungle gym!" Kira laughed, patting him on the back with the force of a small atom bomb, causing him to stumble slightly. The facility in front of them appeared to be the remains of a military hangar, although it could hardly be called abandoned seeing as even from behind the checkpoint Cane could see a couple people running around, training and moving equipment. "My own personal kingdom!" she remarked proudly

"Seems cozy" He remarked dryly, before shifting slightly away from Adina, who was clutching at his shirt, now that he knew that she was an adult he was honestly unsure of what to do with the girl, at least with Lapis likely dead he didn't have worry about any impending marriage.

"Oh it's anything but that!" A soldier laughed as he appeared before giving a mock salute in the direction of Kira. He was roughly six and half feet and appeared to be built like an atomic bunker, muscles bulging against his uniform and even spewing out, which was entirely paradoxical to his rather prepubescent sounding voice. "They with you Boss!?" The man asked, looking over to Kira again after inspecting Cane and Adina

Stepping over to them and behind them slightly, Kira laid a hand on Canes shoulder and another on Adina's head "this little ball of holy energy is Adina, our new nun and this… this is my latest "Principle" Cane!" Kira introduced, referring to him with the military for a person she was protecting "and Cane, this is Elvis, he's one of my men"

"Nice to meet you Elvis" Delvin gave a smile, shaking the man's offered hand before turning his head backwards slightly to Kira who was still behind him with a grin. "Just a Principle? I thought we were closer than that" Delvin chuckled, adding some mock sadness and outrage into his tone. Causing Kira to also giggle slightly before surprising him with a kiss on the top of his head, causing the large guard in front of them to go white as a sheet

"The boss got a boyfriend…" The words echoed from the shellshocked man, causing Kira to give him a small glare for some reason, before suddenly the man got a hold of himself and literally screamed into his radio, looking joyus

"Mama bear has a Cub!" Elvis yelled, looking towards the figures in the distance as he ran through the gate of the checkpoint shouting at the top of his lungs "I Repeat! Mama bear has a cub!"

A moment later an Alarm began to ring across the facility, causing Kira behind him to sigh slightly as she quietly usher Cane and Adina into the Jungle gym with an expression that reminded Cane of the he used to make whenever his mother used to bother him about grandchildren

"Code Pink!" the Alarm was replaced by a voice that sounded exactly like Elvis "all Personnel report to the Mama bear for a code Pink!"

Within a few seconds Cane found himself surrounded by a bit over a dozen men and women, each sporting wide eyes and cramming to get a look at him and Kira.

"Holy shit! Elvis wasn't lying" A woman sporting an assault rifle and a face of tattoos Yelled as she pushed through the crowd, only to be shoved back by another person, this one a tall African man who appeared to be missing an eye and was holding a pen and paper

"Brother, can I get an autograph!" The man yelled, his thick accent sounding french of all things, causing Cane to raise an eyebrow before he smoothly reached out for the pen and paper, quikly scribbling his signature on what was revealed to be a picture of Kira in a full military kit, smoking a cigar

"Omar! What did I tell you about sneaking photos!" Kira yelled, looking slightly embarrassed as she tried to swipe for the picture, only for the man to pull it to his chest like a precious treasure immediately

"Never, someone needs to record the precious waifu propaganda! " Omar yelled before promptly diving back into the crowd to avoid Kira's outrage, giving a final yell to Cane "You're my hero now man!"

"All right that's enough!" Kira yelled, causing the crowd to immediately halt, likely on instinct slamming into a salute, although Omar appeared to be at the back where it was safest "everyone in line!" she ordered, causing the group of soldiers to fall into ranks, going instantly serious, aside from an occasional giggle and smirk

"Elvis!" Kira called, standing firm in front of the group, not unlike a general with their army

"Yes Ma'am!" The man emerged from the crowd, standing out amongst the others due to his sheer size

"What the hell is all this?" She demanded, her cheeks slightly flushed as she spoke, despite her authoritative tone "this is a military camp, not a damn Fanclub! And turn off that damn alarm!" She roared, clearly tired of the words of Elvis which were sounding on repeat across the base, blasting through the speakers

Quickly the man pulled out a remote from one of his pockets, clicking it hastily, stopping the alarm instantly before saluting and beginning to speak, sounding deadly serious "Code Pink was created in the case of an impossible event where you bring home a boy to the family! We honestly never thought we would use it Ma'am!"

"Since you all seem soooo interested in my personal life, you clearly don't need ones of your own!" Kira bellowed, looking at the troops accusingly "I want you all to have completed the drill 1 through 7 done by midnight!"

"But captain! Each drill takes 6 hours-" Someone within the crowd of people protested

"Then work together and get it done!" she yelled, causing the crowd to disperse like a sea of fish in hot water

Once they had all run off Kira put her face in her hands, blushing so hard that steam practically came out of her ears "why are they like this!"

"I just wanted to show you how cool i am" she sulked, causing Cane to give her an understanding pat on the back