


"Rei, take that back." I warn and she shakes her head tearing up.

"I wish you would've just stayed dead Toya. I hate you." She cries.

When I take a step forward she throws the first thing she can find at me. Conveniently my favourite mug.

"I have put up with your crap for the kids sake, but you are not worth it. Now get out … leave!" She throws another cup, this time she didn't miss.

"Okay, but can I at least make it up to you, one night out on the town. We try again and after that I'll let you move out and we work out a co-parenting schedule."

She looks at me and agrees, wow, she really wants me out of her life. I'd rather die then let that happen.

I have some clothes here no need to go back to freshen up, "Well, I'll get ready in my room upstairs. We'll leave when you're done."


I take a shower and get dressed. Rei finishes last wearing a body con dress. Her hair is curled, she always looks really sexy in curls. We drive to the first stop. The best club in town. We share drinks here in silence.

We go from club to club barely saying a word to each other.

We started our binge drinking at 12 noon, now it's 6pm and I can't feel my face.

We dance together and I look her in the eyes, "I really want to have sex with you right now."

She looks me in the eyes, "Well, I hate you right now, so don't hold your breath."

I lean in, "I'll take my chances." I kiss her and she kisses me back. Perfect, I have her right where I want her. All that's left is to take her home, and by morning we'll be best friends again.



I wake up and take a shower and get dressed.

Toya sits up, I can see his reflection through the mirror. Why does he have it facing the bed? What a terrible place to have a mirror.

"Are you still leaving?"

"Of course. I would never let a man treat me the way you did and let them get away with it."

"You mean choke you."

When he says it my heart sinks, I don't want to think about it, I am so ashamed to have allowed him to treat me like that. How weak am I?

I wipe the tears away and I turn to the door and he's already standing in the way naked. He pulls me into his chest.

"Go if you want to, but you'll be back. I garauntee you that." He opens the door and steps aside.

"I hope you get yours Toya Hiryu. I really hope you do." I walk out the door never looking back. I never want anything to do with him, ever again.



I smile watching the news. The Ise organization was attacked. A lot of civilian casualties in the altercation, but the message was sent across. The weak riff raff and traitors are all dead, none of them made it out alive.

Well, then, lets drink to the death of my fre-nemies.

I read the article featuring Kai about the Ryoshi. He's definitely sparked a lot of controversy, but a lot of people are starting to call for an end of the Ryoshi group. On the other hand they've only gotten more out of hand.

I get a call and it's from Kendo, "Yeah? Where are the kids?"

"Their with Rei, she came to get them. Though I have bad news for you. Something happened Toya, I was attacked by the Ise, if they were with me they would be dead. We need to go all out now, or we're in a lot of trouble."

"Where the hell are my children right now Kendo?!"

"Kai's place. Head straight there."

I get in my car and drive to Kai's house.

I arrive and there's a lot of smoke coming from the building. I open the door and Rei is unconscious on the floor. I look around the house and I find Kai unconscious too.

Beside him is Kaiya. I run to her side and feel for a pulse, I feel nothing. I look around again.

"Astrid!" No reply, she'd come running to me, "K …" I look and all three of them are on the floor dead.

No. This is a dream, this is a nightmare. Not my kids. No way in hell is it my kids. What the hell happened here?

I grab Kai and shake him until he wakes up. He turns to his side and the sight of his daughter gets him up on his feet.

I see him touching her forehead and she wakes up. He extends his hands towards the triplets and they wake up.

"How did you do that?" I ask him and he looks away.

"My ability is not really transmutation, it's DNA transmutation. The moment I found out that Kaiya could bring the dead back to life, I took some of her blood and infused her DNA with mine, same thing with Rei."

"What happened?"

"Rei arrived with the kids and she said she was leaving, she wasn't looking so good, so when I heard the door open but never close I came down to check, but I was knocked unconscious. I only remember that and now waking up to the kids dead, who did this?"

"Ise, I am going to ruin them."

"That's exactly what they want." He warns and I grab him by the collar.

"They will keep coming after my family, I won't let them get away with this, not even for a second. They will regret ever laying eyes on my children."

Kai walks past me to Rei. She wakes up and holds her head, she sees me and jumps back. The kids run into my arms crying. They think it was a night mare.

"Daddy's going to protect you, I promise."

I turn around and Rei is leaving, "Rei, I'm not allowing you to stay there by your side."

"I don't need your allowance Toya." She leaves and I sigh. I really screwed this one up.

I look at the kids, I thought I lost them. I can barely even breath right now. My heart rate is still beating abnormally fast.

I don't think this is normal.



Toya collapses and shortly after Kaiya follows. I slowly come closer and I feel my chest burning. It's like I'm choking but what I'm choking on is a ball of air. I get on my knees finding it hard to breathe.



I wake up in hospital with a red eyed Rei. I sit up and she breaks down all over again.

"Hey, what is it?" I ask and she cries even harder.

I get out of bed and Kai is sitting outside with his face in his palms.

"Where are my kids?" I look around, maybe they're in a different room.

"Their all dead." Kai says.

"You brought them back."

"I only had one shot at it, and the second time around no matter how hard I tried …" The lights in the whole area burst.

I can't stop shaking.

My heart feels so black.

I turn to Rei in the room, why'd she leave? If she had listened to me my kids would still be alive. I take a step closer and Rei collapses. I call a doctor and they rush her out.

I sit on the bed and my face feels wet, what is this?

Am I crying?

I haven't cried in so long I'd forgotten what it's like. I can't believe it.

No, this can't be real. I want my kids back. I want to hear Kaen tell me about becoming a super hero. I want to sit with my son Kasai and geek about cars. I want to hold my little princess and listen to her sweet laugh and have her tell me about her 13th career as, I don't know what this time.

I never got the chance to take them to bear park. I promised them.

I want my damn kids back. Please.

The tears won't stop pouring. I can't stop them no matter how much I try. I can't stop the aching. I wish I never got in that stupid fight with Rei. I want things to go back to the way they were. I want out of this hell.

My flames get out of hand, everything around me is burning. I always struggled with giving my flames a shape, but I can see what my grief looks like through my flames.

I want the world around me to burn, I want everybody else dead too.




Toya wakes up hyper ventilating. He looks around and it's just me and my new friend here.

He looks to the side and Kai is still unconscious. Rei was the first one to wake up.

"Really? So you all had one fear, losing your children? There are worse things out there you know." I turn around and cross my arms when Rei passes out. Magenta's power takes a toll, if the healer couldn't hack it, the other two won't either.

Kai finally wakes up and glares at my friend, guess they've met before.

I thought they would kill each other if I put them in a collective nightmare, I thought I knew them both so well, one of them was going to go after the other, and I know if Toya and Kai got into a fight they would kill each other.

Sucks that's not what happened.

How did I get it wrong?


Well, I better make my exit while I have the chance. See you soon family. Murder you all real soon too.