


I wake up when I hear Toya run around the house like a headless chicken. He really woke me from the best dream I have ever had.

Pinna Colada's on a private island with the hot sun in my face, getting a tan just to have Rei help me get rid of it because 'I'll age faster'

I open my door and he's carrying Rei down the stairs, shit, this looks serious.

I follow behind them and my heart stops when we're heading to the hospital, I thought we had 3 months to go, why so early? Is something wrong? But how could something be wrong, Rei is a healer.

The doctors rush her in, and we wait outside the delivery room.

"Why the hell are they so early?" Toya asks freaking out. He looks calm on the outside.

"Their your kids, what else would you expect." I remind him sitting down, I remember we didn't even have time to prepare the room. We have all the things we need but we do not have them set up.

That kid living in our house, Genshin's clone boy, he's the first person that comes to mind, "Hey, nerd, what powers did your parents have?" I ask over the phone.

"Uhm, my mother had telekinesis, and my father had physical evolvement."

"What happened to them?"

"Genshin killed anyone with the power to stand against him. I survived for being powerless."

"Real sappy story kid, I need you to get here pronto, wake Rin up." I wait for them and I touch his chest.

Woah, who knew people who are powerless had such different physical bodies, my power flows through him so freely, no limitations no bugs fighting me off like a virus. I can actually alter his DNA to suit my personal needs.

That might come in handy. Right now though, I'll focus on Rei, she needs me more.

"Okay there, now go back and fix that baby room before the boys get home, Rin, stop snoring on your feet and help." I look at Toya still freaking out, he's losing his cool, and his heat is burning my skin.

Rin is still snoring on his feet, he probably thinks he's dreaming, damn idiot. I rest my hand on his shoulder, "She was still designing the room we thought she had more time. Go home and wake up already." I shake him back and forward until he gets it together and leaves.

We wait and the boys are born 30 minutes apart.

There are no issues with the kids that I can be sure off, so what's taking so long. Toya watches the kids as they sleep. Black haired and white haired. They're the only ones born with a bit of hair on their heads.

I walk in to see Rei now awake.

"The triplets were easier then that." That's the first thing she says to me and I laugh, "What are the doctors saying?" She asks worried.

"Nothing, so we had the hospital surrounded with allies. They're being very unprofessional with the way they are handling you or the babies. I'll stay with you, Toya will try to not blink as much as possible while watching the boys." I joke and she laughs smiling at me.



Anyone tries to hurt my kids they're so dead. Beyond dead, and then deader than dead after that.

I'm going to protect my kids from anything and anyone who might try to hurt them, I will not allow myself to ever let my fucking guard down.

When it comes to my kids, everyone is the enemy, except their mother, and maybe Kai too.

I look around and the nurses are walking around not paying any attention to the kids.

Killuhua starts crying so I open the door and pick him up. He keeps quiet when I have him in my arms. I peck his forward and he jumps surprised, I wonder what he would look like wide eyed in this moment, I can't exactly envision it.

Aiden is just quiet and minding his own business, not a tear on his face.

I pick them both up and walk to Rei's room. She sits up happy to see them.

What the hell kind of hospital is this, that I can actually take two children from the baby room and no one says anything? Has the world become that trusting? Are you telling me, this whole assassinate the villains for money thing actually worked?

I will have to do my job and research on this matter more.

Rei feeds them.

The doctor walks in frantically and I wave her off. My kids are busy, she should have some damn manners, doesn't being a doctor come with some respect for your patient?

We are not living in this city. No way in hell.

"Aww, my little babies, you're so beautiful." She watches them and smiles.

Zero walks in with the camera, "Knew you'd forget this, go on, sing them happy birthday." He insists and I laugh singing happy birthday to the boys.

Rei and Kai laugh singing along.

I pick up Aiden and Kai holds Killuhua.

I could never get used to this, holding your baby for the first time, their so small, vulnerable and weak. They need me, they can't eat on their own, can't walk on their own, can't do anything at all.

"I promise I'll be there this time."

I turn to Rei who smiles at me.

We leave the hospital and weirdly enough no check out procedures were done.

"Definitely not living in this city." Kai says as we walk past the last exit towards the cars.

We arrive at home and Rin is sleeping while the nerd is trashing the house.

They should be done by now.

I walk into the baby room and he turns jumping.

"Sorry, I thought you might want an armoury and panic room too. Was done as quickly as I could. Everything is almost ready."

He paints the walls super fast.

"Now everything is perfect."

Rei smiles looking around the room. Her smile widens every moment she looks over every detail.

Okay, she loves it, so he gets to live another day.

Kai calls the nerd out of the room and they leave together, looks pretty important whatever they need to discuss.

"What business do they have together?" I accidentally think out loud.

Rei taps my chest, "Hey, Kai is giving the kid a shot to make things right. Don't be so hard on him, he's just a kid."

"A kid under the same roof as my kids, no way." I take a step and Rei stands in my way giving me that look I hate so much, "Don't look at me like that." I say and she does the exact opposite, "Rei don't you even dare right now."

I hate when she looks at me like that, it's literal torture.

"Toya please, you can't slip back into old habits. I can't allow it." She stands in my way.

"What are you going to do, fight me?" I cross my arms.

"I'll kill him myself before I allow you or Kai to get blood on your hands again. This is a clean slate, don't do this."

"Fine. If he hurts my kids you better snuff him out." I walk past her and she's still giving me that look, I hate it, always makes my heart sink. It hurts.

"Toya, you know I love you, right?"

I turn my head looking at her standing in the door way, "Of course, I love you too."

"Okay." She closes the door smiling at me.

"Hey, you know I would never hurt you or this family right?" I ask.

"Not in a million years." She replies from behind the door.