


Rei sits beside me and pulls me in for a kiss. I hug her and she rests her head on my shoulders, "Please give the twins a chance Toya. I promise you I won't lose any children."

Dammit Rei, I'm so sorry for putting this burden on you, I hate regretting that it was the twins here instead of the triplets. The guilt is ripping my heart in two, and I have no idea what to sat to you.

She hugs me tighter like she could hear my thoughts, "Talk to me." She says kissing the top of my head.

"They died right in front of me, there was nothing I did. I just stood there and watched. You died in my arms Rei, I thought there was hope but you died. Same thing with the kids, I thought they could be saved but they slipped through my fingers. I hate myself so much for it."

"The people who hurt them are dead. We're here now and our kids will be safe, give yourself a chance." She looks me in the eyes, "We'll move if you think it's not safe here."

"I know it's not. I saw it the instant we went outside. Everyone is on edge. Rin's not telling us something." I could see it. I know very well what those looks meant, saw it all the time whenever my father brought me along for the ride for work.

I'm guessing serial killer in the neighborhood. Or worse.

"How will we know where to go?" She asks sitting up. She's smiling, so I guess she's no longer upset with me.

"Good question. I'll have to find out. Rin will show me around and then we'll make a decision from there." I look her in the eyes and smile, "Why'd you kiss me?" I lean in kissing her back before she answers.

"I just knew it would calm you down. I'm off to bed. I'll stay with Kai while you go out with Rin." She stands up and I pull her back down, we ended on such bad terms because of Yachi and Magenta, I really want to fix things.

"Stay, please." I hold her hands and she sits down, "I meant sleep in my bed." I nod to the side.

"Did we sleep in the same bed?" She asks standing up and still getting in.

"For a while, then we got in a fight and things just kept going from bad to worse. I feel so guilty. I know you don't remember but I want you to feel safe around me." We lay in bed together and I hold her stomach, "I want to be an even better father then I was before."

I don't want to lose anyone I love, not ever again.

"Toya, please, just sleep today. We'll worry all over again tomorrow." She kisses my forehead and looks me in the eyes, she's going to do this until one of us falls asleep, sometimes it's me and sometimes it's her, but I am currently reigning champion. She always falls asleep first.

"Okay." I hold her close, I don't want her to be too far away from me.

I will protect her.