
Yakuza's Daughter's Bodyguard

Meet Arashiyama Junko, a 16 year friendly girl. She's the only daughter of an overprotective father who happens to be a leader of a fearsome yakuza group. Meet Kurono Shun, a socially disconnected 16 year old boy who is mysteriously thrust into her life. How will things pan out between the two? Will she accept his service or push the stranger away? Only one way to find out.

Victor_Blak_23 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


"You. There's no point in talking you out of fighting is it?"

Junko questioning Kurono after dinner as if it's a routine for them now.

"It's not fighting Missy. It's protecting you from harm." The boy replied.

"And by doing that you're putting other people in harms way. If you're not gonna listen to my request, then take it as my order. Strict order." With authority in her tone, Kurono could never goes against it.

"I understand Missy." He bowed his head lightly.

"But Junko, what if something similar happens to you? I don't want anything to happen to you or Shun." Shinji interrupts the duo.

"What happened between me and that Hebi group was because they threatened the old lady from the store. I can't just let them do what they want." Junko answered.

"Even if you get in danger, will you still prevent Shun from using his fist to save you?"

"I just don't want anything to do with you Yakuzas. He's here because you hired him, means that he's one of you. And yes, I would rather be in danger than having him putting someone else in danger."

Short silence followed afterwards.

"If that were to happen, I won't be able to face your mother again."

"That and thi-" Junko was stunned. It's not that she didn't have any answers for that, but the word mother, is too heavy for her heart to carry.

Standing up on his feet, with her head hung low while her hands are gripped into tight fists.

"Missy." Sato tries to approach her, but she steps away.

"You have no right to talk about her..." She said with a very low tone, not looking at anyone, just the floor.

But Shun, who's still kneeling in front of her, noticed that tears are gathered within her eyes. The clean beautiful eyes are stained with shiny reflections because of the tears that are being forcefully held back.

Stomping out the living room, leaving the three male in awkward position.

"Seems like I did it again." Shinji scratches his head, regreting what he just said.

"Did something happened to madam?"

"Kurono. Don't get involved." Sato raised his voice against the male.

"It's fine Sato. He's no stranger." Shinji sit down, facing Kurono.

"My wife Harumi. She's a splendid lady. Caring, smart, unexplainable beauty, she has it all. Giving birth to Junko is the best thing she's ever given me...."

Inside her room, Junko is tucking her knees, holding them tightly.

"Mom..." She eventually let tears free from her eyes, staining her cheeks and clothes.

Kurono returned to his room after hearing Shinji finished his story. He may have been a brute, but he knows what it's like to lose a mother.

'Live proudly. For me.'

The final words of his mother, is the reason he never back down from anything. Weather he was fighting a kid, a group of them, or even adults. He never run away.

The next morning.

It was Saturday, no school so Junko just slept in. Even longer than usual because the lack of sleep after last night's event. By the time she woke up, it was afternoon.

"Good morning!!" The greetings from the gang as usual.

"It's afternoon you morons."

Of all the members within the place, Kurono corrected them, which, triggered a long awkward pause on everyone. Junko, and the rest turned towards him, confused.

"Who are you calling morons!? You moron!!" Reiji shouts at him. But Kurono didn't pay him any attention.

"Missy. Good afternoon."

"Uh...um....yes..." Confused at Kurono's greeting, she walked into the shower.

'What is this? A dream? Shun greets me just now? Does he has a personality switch? What's going on??'

She spent a good thirty minutes in the shower, trying to break down every possibilities and causes of Kurono's behaviour.

After shower, Junko arrived at the living room, where Shinji has already prepared a meal for her. Since she missed breakfast, her portion is larger than usual.

"Itadakimasu." She begins her feast on the meal for a few seconds. Then she slowed down her chewing, with her mind sets on her bodyguard yet again.

"What's wrong?" Shinji asks her.

"Where's Shun?"

Shinji was surprised by her question. Junko got nothing good to say about Kurono. Yet now here she's asking about his whereabouts.

"He went with Sato into town."

"I see..."

The father daughter duo sat in the room filled with major awkwardness.

"I'm sorry about last night." Shinji then spoke up first.

Junko knows where this is going. Her father will apologize the next day after mentioning her mother. He did that every time.

"Just last night. Not what you put me through for over a decade?"

"I have no answer for that..."

"Of course not!!" The girl slammed her hand on the table.

"You're selfish! You're a disgrace for a human being! You think making meals for me will change my views on you!? Never!!"

Tears brimming down Junko's reddish cheeks.

"I will not deny anything you said. Eat up. Meals are meant to be enjoyed. I'll leave you for now." Shinji gets up on his feet and left the girl by herself.

She wiped her face, staining her sleeves with her tears. Straightened her body, she let out a deep breath.

"Meals are meant to be enjoyed."

She returns her focus to finish the food before her. After that, she went inside her room, enjoying some me times.

She was browsing the internet and social media for a bit until a text message popped up on her phone's notification bar.

"Remember. Tomorrow 1pm. Also me and Aka couldn't get a hold of Kurono-kun because the boy said he don't have a phone. So I'm leaving your childhood friend to you. Peace. ✌"

It was a message from the one and only Nene. She totally forgot about the plan for Sunday because of what happened between her and Shinji.

Determine to not let Kurono screw up at public again, she makes her way to his room.

*Knock. *Knock.

It took a while, but eventually Kurono opened the door, and was surprised by Junko's appearance. The boy was speechless for a moment.

Looking at each other. Junko has the serious face whereas Kurono held onto his dumbfounded one.

"Uh...do you need something?" He asks the girl.

"Did you hit your head this morning?" Now Junko's question makes him even cringed than normal.

"Come again?"

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I have been really busy for the last few days. This was supposed to be uploaded last night, but I didn't get to finish it. So, here. Leave your comments.

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