
Yakuza's Daughter's Bodyguard

Meet Arashiyama Junko, a 16 year friendly girl. She's the only daughter of an overprotective father who happens to be a leader of a fearsome yakuza group. Meet Kurono Shun, a socially disconnected 16 year old boy who is mysteriously thrust into her life. How will things pan out between the two? Will she accept his service or push the stranger away? Only one way to find out.

Victor_Blak_23 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


"How about this one, miss?"

The worker brought out a new box of smartphone, unwrapped it and show it to Junko. He was taken back at first by her request for the 'idiot' phone.

"In this modern era, everyone knows how to operate a phone. I'm sure sir here will get used to it in time."

Even children in kindergarten has their own phone now. He didn't believe it that Kurono, who's a teenager can't operate a simple device let alone own it. But business is business.

Junko took the phone in hand, started to go through the basic. Unlock the screen, swiping and clicking. Kurono knows what phones are. He just never have any mean to access them. Not that he feels like it.

All he can do was just standing there, looking at Junko works her magic.

"But we do have a new model. Might I suggest th-"

"I'll take this one."

Junko cuts the worker off.

"I'm not looking for anything crazy. The simpler the better. Also this one is cheaper than my own phone, I'll pay by cash."

She put the phone down, and grab her purse out, ready to pay for the device. The worker, disappointed by not able to hook her in for a more expensive model, begins wrapping the phone.


Kurono, called her out, stopping her in the process.

'Missy? What is she, a princess?' The worker stare at the boy who's been quiet from the start.

"I don't need a phone."

His words put the worker over the edge. Dude's trying to make a living here.

Junko let out a sigh.

"It is necessary. I'll explain everything after we got back."

The worker was relieved to hear that. Dude's trying to make a living after all. After everything is settled, Junko leaves the shop with new phone in hand followed by Kurono.

"Thank you very much."

The worker bowed his head as the two teens walked off before raising himself after they got to a certain distance.

"What a joke. A teen who don't know and don't need a phone." He said to himself, watching the Kurono's back as he follows Junko.

"That girl, I think I've seen her somewhere. Missy? The hell is she, a princess? What a joke." He laughed lightly at his own joke.

But it ended quickly after he realized Kurono was actually staring at him from afar. The worker gulped, not believing that the boy heard him from the distance.

He bowed his head one last time and quickly retreats back to the shop.

"Shun! Don't just stand there! Hurry up!"

Junko shouted at him after noticing he isn't by her side. The boy followed the order and they reached home afterwards.

Inside Kurono's room, Junko was having a tough, terrible time teaching the cave boy. He's like one of those old people that's trying to adapt to new technology.

"Lightly, gently swipe, tap, and don't scratch the screen."

Kurono was holding the phone like a baby. With one hand supporting the device, while the other awkwardly swiped the screen with his finger.

"Good. And now, try calling my numbers."

Kurono stared at her.


Junko is fuming. Steams bust out her ears and nose like a walking volcano head. She has to teach him literally, everything!!!

It took a while, and they continue for a bit until evening.


The family members are all gathered for dinner. There's used to be some unspoken tensions around, but recently it kind of subsidies. Just a little bit though.

"Where did you go this afternoon?"

Shinji being the one to break the silence, asking his daughter. She turned to him with killing intents in her eyes.

"I was getting a new phone for Shun."

Everyone, except for Kurono stopped their eatings. The boy continues for a while until he noticed that all eyes are on him.

"Oi you damn kid!!! What makes you think Missy should spend any money on you!!?"

Typical Reiji, ready to start a fight during dinner again.

Junko was about to shut him up for ruining the dinner, but what Kurono did shocked even Shinji.

"Because it was necessary for our trip tomorrow."

A dead beat silence afterwards. Everyone turned towards Junko who started eating again.

"Where are you going tomorrow Missy?"

Sato questions the young lady.

"I'm going shopping with my friends tomorrow. And seemingly how the bodyguard will be there as well, I need to find ways to communicate with him without revealing much about us."

"I see."

Shinji turned towards Kurono.

"A new phone huh? It must be exciting to have your own right?"

"Yeah obviously."

Junko answered the question on Kurono's behalf.

"You're so rich yet you don't even afford anything for him. How stingy can you get?"

"And that's how I stayed rich."

Shinji laughed at his own answer but Junko isn't impressed.

"But I already told Shun that if he needs anything can just come to me. The boy already has a roof over his head. Three meals per day. What more do you think he wants?"

"I don't know. You ask him." They turned towards the boy of the subject.

"Is there anything you ever want Shun? A tv in your room maybe? Video games are what boys like."

"That would be unnecessary."

Junko isn't convinced.

"Unnecessary. What did you do during your free times anyway? You don't have a phone before. Do you spend all the time doing homeworks?"

Then it hit Junko.

"You did your homeworks right?"


'This guy....'

Back for another chapter. Enjoy.

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