
Yagami Light’s Reincarnation: Against the Gods

Here we are again with the student Yagami Light, aged 26, after serving his punishment in the Shinigami World for using the Death Note to kill hundreds of humans. Now, he is being transferred to his next destination, to a world were cultivators against the gods, with the Death Note in his possession, or to be more precise, the Death Note and Life system. Will he be able to overcome the obstacles and achieve his dream of ruling a new world free from crime, or will he end up dead by his own system once again?

The_King_MT · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Blood Light

"Xia Qingyui?? Is that the name of Mayor Situ's daughter?" 

Yagami pondered upon hearing the name of Xiao Che's wife. Nevertheless, he didn't dwell on it further and followed the wedding procession heading towards Mayor Situ's palace.

As time passed and the procession continued, Yagami noticed something strange happening. The wedding procession for Xiao Che took a peculiar turn, diverging from the path to Mayor Situ's palace. 

What was even stranger was that the red carpet extending from the Xiao clan to the location of the bride was on the opposite path, as if everything was normal and nothing unusual was happening.

'Wasn't this supposed to be the way to Mayor Situ's palace? I'm sure of it. I've checked multiple times and even seen his palace with my own eyes. So, how can something like this happen now? Where are they going? This is not the time to ponder. I must follow them to see what's happening here,' Yagami thought to himself as he moved quickly behind the wedding procession, not wanting to attract the attention of the guards.

After a while, the wedding procession reached the end of the red carpet, facing a grand and ornate clan gate. Above the gate hung a sign bearing the name of the clan: the Xia Clan!

'Ah, the Xia Clan? What is the wedding procession doing here, for heaven's sake? According to the information I gathered last week, the Xia Clan is the wealthiest clan within the Floating Cloud City. Their clan leader is Xia Hongyi, and he has a son named Xia Yuanba. I've investigated and observed them already,' Yagami pondered heavily, but he continued to avoid drawing attention.

"Brother-in-law!" Suddenly, a voice called out from inside the Xia Clan as the clan's gate opened.

A massive and powerful figure rushed towards Xiao Che, This person was still young, but his height exceeded two meters. His body was as strong as a raging bull, and the ground trembled under his footsteps. As soon as Xiao Che saw him, he couldn't help but swallow hus astonishment and said, "Yuanba!! I haven't seen you for a month, and yet you've grown to this extent!"

At that moment, Yagami's eyes almost popped out of their sockets from the shock!

'This is impossible!! I saw this kid Yuanba just yesterday, and he was thin and of average height! How could he become like this overnight? This is impossible. Wait, why did Xia Yuanba call Xiao Chi his Brother-in-law? The leader of the Xia Clan, Xia Hongyi, has only one son, Xia Yunba, and he doesn't have any daughters. So, what's happening here?' 

Yagami thought deeply, exhausting his mind as he searched the memories of the old duo, Xian and Jin, in hopes of finding something, but unfortunately, his intelligence failed him this time. He chose silence and followed the flow of events.

As the procession entered the Xia Clan, at that moment, Yagami did something. He summoned the system and stared at one of the guards accompanying Xiao Che, After gazing at him, he flashed a slight smile and said, "Possession."

In the next moment, the expressions of the guard changed as if he had fainted, but it lasted for only a fraction of a second. Afterward, the guard returned to his normal state, and the procession entered the Xia Clan, closing the clan's gates behind them.

At that moment, the system screen was visible before Yagami's eyes. The screen showed the Xia Clan, or rather, the guard's eyes were connected to the system screen, allowing Yagami to see everything within his field of vision!

The Possession, one of the many abilities of the system. In the past few days, he's learned more about the system and discovered that as my power level increases, he gain higher-level abilities. It's like a game. This possession skill allows him to take control of any weaker being just by staring at them, meaning he can control their every move and action. 

'What a legendary skill!' Yagami analyzed the situation as he found a logical analysis. After that, he continued to observe the events...

After the procession entered the headquarters of the Xia clan, Xiaowei saw Xia Hongyi standing at the entrance with a smile on his face. With supernatural speed, Xiao che dismounted from his horse to stand before Xia Hongyi, then bowed to him with respect and said.

"Uncle Xia."

"Hahaha, after all this, you still call me uncle," Xia Hongyi laughed. His stature was ordinary, and if one looked closely at him, the feeling they would get from him was that of a sincere and simple person. Yet, this sincere and simple man was respected by everyone in the city!

Xiao che's eyes gleamed as he respectfully said, "Protector."

Xiao che had always been polite when dealing with Xia Hongyi because he was his father's sworn brother. Despite everyone's mockery of Xiao che since he was young, Xia Hongyi always treated Xiao che with the greatest love and care, never breaking the promise he made with Xiao che's father, which was to marry his daughter, Xia Qingyu, to Xiaowei no matter what.

As the two continued to converse, Yagami analyzed the situation.

'All right, let's simplify the matter. A week ago, the entire city was talking about Xiao che's marriage to the mayor's daughter, Sito. But suddenly, and without warning, on the wedding day, reality changed so that the leader of the Xia clan acquired a daughter out of nowhere and married her to Xiao che. Even his son, Xia Yunba, changed to a great extent. But the strange thing is that the entire city is behaving as if this is what was supposed to happen from the beginning. Well, the most likely analysis I've come up with so far is that someone has tampered with everyone's memories, and the one responsible for that is likely a higher entity, perhaps much stronger than me, and it's likely that this entity is Xia Qingyu', Yagami analyzed the situation as he found a logical analysis. After that, he continued to monitor the events...

"Take care of my daughter, and as for those who mock you, don't care about them," Xia Hongyi said to Xiao Che.

"Don't worry, Father-in-law. Despite everyone mocking me now, once I fix my profound veins, a dragon will awaken from its slumber and come to this world. I'll make everyone who mocked me and thought I didn't deserve your daughter shut their mouths forever!" Xiao Che (Yun Che now) replied with determination and anger, his eyes gleaming with resolve.

'Hmm, this boy reminds me of myself! He wants to change his bleak fate and become a dragon, just like me when I wanted to rule the world and become a presence that punishes criminals like a god. But that's in the past. I'm living a new life now... But still, I cling to my dream, and if I want to achieve it, I must become stronger. So, I must exploit every opportunity to my advantage and destroy anyone who stands in my way, even if it's the system itself! And you, Yun Che, since you were chosen by Ryuuk, you are not an ordinary person at all. So, I must use you to my advantage!' 

As Yagami pondered, a faint smile appeared on his face, and his eyes emitted a strange blood light. 

Anyone who saw this face now would die of terror!