
Y-yeah I Am The Hero

“What if you can fight the world’s evil?” “What if you can wield powerful unstoppable magic?” “What if you can get all the riches in the world?” “What if you are respected, loved, and worshipped by everyone?” The old wizard points his finger at the man in front of him. “You can get all of that!!! “ “Just one condition, be the HERO” The man lifts up his face and looks straight into the old wizard’s wisdom-filled eye. The man’s eyes filled with vigor and life. He raised both his hands and grabbed the wizard's shoulder tightly. The wizard was startled by the man’s action. Without turning his gaze away from the wizard, the man replied confidently “F*ck No”

Sora_Sai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 6: White Light 2

"You're late" (Old Guard)

"Ahahaha, sorry sorry~ There was a dog I found when coming here. I had to put a leash on him so that he and his friends don't disturb us tonight."

Akuto start put his right hand behind his head and starts to bow his head a bit as a sign of apology.

"….."(Old Guard)

"Where's Hiro? I saw him with you a few minutes ago" (Akuto)

"He went in to save Maria" (Old Guard)

"Ah~ He has a death wish" (Akuto)

Akuto joined his palm together and close his eyes as if praying, facing the sky.

"May you rest in pieces-oh sorry, peace, oh dear Hiro! " (Akuto)

The old guard look at Akuto in disappointment.

"He's not dead yet" (Old Guard)

"He will be" (Akuto)

"He won't. There's an addition for the current objective" (Old Guard)

"Oh!~ Then I'll add more charges to the current payment, sir, if you don't mind" (Akuto)

Akuto starts to rub his hand and smiles brightly towards the old guard. The old guard starts to take out a pack of cigarette from his back pocket. He shakes the cigarette pack upwards and a cigeratte seems to pop out from it. He bit the butt of the cigarette and pulls it out with his mouth. He lights up the cigarette and inhale deeply. He puffs out a cloud of smoke slowly. He looks at Akuto.

"As I said before, money is not a problem" (Old Guard)

"Alright sir~ What is the new task?" (Akuto)

Akuto smiled bewitchingly.

"The new tasks are to save Hiro and Maria" (Old Guard)

"What? Saving someone? Boo~~" (Akuto)

Akuto starts to swing his hand downwards while showing two thumbs down to the old guard.

"You've got the wrong guy. I am a killer. I am not a hero. Killing is easy rather than saving." (Akuto)

Akuto looks at the old guard lazily.

"Come on, you know both of them aren't bad like the other guards here. They don't want to come here, but their circumstances brought them here." (Old Guard)

"Sigh… "(Akuto)

Akuto had given up on arguing with the old guard. Akuto looks at the old guard.

"Alright, I'll save Maria for free. That's because she helps me a lot in this shithole. But, I'll charge double for Hiro cause he's an idiot." (Akuto)

"Well, I can't refute that he is an idiot . But that idiot has a good heart" (Old Guard)

"Hmph! Good heart is not enough to save someone, you had to have strength and power. He had none of it." (Akuto)

"That is why I want you to lend yours for a bit"

Akuto looks surprised by the guard's statement.

"Sigh… alright" (Akuto)

"Good" (Old Guard)

The old guard smiled and slid open the glass door.


A machine gun going off can be heard far in the mansion.

"Go quick! Bring them to the pier later, we'll use the boat there to get out of this island" (Old Guard)

"Alright, see you there" (Akuto)

Akuto runs into the mansion. The old guard starts to move away from the mansion, towards the pier.


Wira's right hand was grabbing both of the maid's hand on top of her head. The other hands were starting to travel from the maid's chest towards the maid's crotch when suddenly-

"WIRAAA!!" (Hiro)

Wira was startled and stopped his actions when he heard the voice. He looks towards the corridor which was connected to the main door. There was Hiro, walking out from the corridor while aiming his light machine gun toward Wira.

"L-let go of her!" (Hiro)

Hiro's tone was shaky, but his expression was the opposite. Wira can sense Hiro's determination in his eyes.

"I said, LET GO OF HER!!" (Hiro)

(Tch, this trash is ruining my fun) (Wira)

Wira let go of Maria's hand. Maria push Wira away from her and started to run toward Hiro. She hugs Hiro and started to cry on his chest. Hiro held Maria in his left hand and aimed his light machine gun using his right hand.

"Hic..Hic.." (Maria)

"It's okay, I'm here. He's not going hurt you anymore" (Hiro)

Hiro started to rub Maria's head while still focusing his aim on Wira. Wira get off the sofa and raised his hands. He was only in his underwear and his bathrobe was already on the floor.

"Hey, come on now. Relax, you're the new guard right? What's your name?" (Wira)

"…Hiro" (Hiro)

(Hiro! What, you want to be like your name, a hero? F*ck you!) (Wira)

"Oh, Hiro. That's a good name. Now Hiro, let's talk okay. No need for violence. We are cultured men here." (Wira)

Hiro's tone was friendly and pleasant to the ears. His facial expression was kind and inviting.

"....." (Hiro)

"I am in my underwear here. I don't have any gun here. Why don't you lower your weapon a bit. Let's talk properly." (Wira)

"….You think I am stupid!" (Hiro)

Hiro didn't budge.

(Tsk!) (Wira)

"Okay… I want to ask first. Why are you aiming your gun at me, your boss. What did I do wrong?" (Wira)

Wira talks to Hiro in a calm manner.

"What did you do wrong? You're trying to rape Maria!" (Hiro)

Hiro shouts towards Wira.

"Owh, that huh. But…" (Wira)

Wira's eyes start to look at Hiro sharply.

"Aren't you the same too?" (Wira)

"What?" (Hiro)

Maria looks up at Hiro in surprise.

"He is planning to rape you too, Maria. You know that I share the woman that I rape with the guards right. He is with the guards, you must have known about it. He is the same. The guards always get the woman after I have satisfied myself with them first, right. The guards always complained about getting the girl after I have done with them. Hiro is unsatisfied just like them. He wants to taste you first "

Maria starts to distance herself from Hiro.

"W-wait Maria. It's not true, I-I am not-definitely not like that" (Hiro)

Wira starts to grin while watching Hiro and Maria's reaction.

"Think about it Maria, he works for the cartel, like the other guards. He is the same as them. Think, what would happen after he brought you out from my mansion? He is going to get you away from this island? He cannot get out of this island, not without the guards' help. The guards work for me, Maria. Don't you see it? His action here is illogical. He wants to show a good side to you, Maria. He wants to play you, and when you put your guard down. He will eat you. He is much more mischievous than me. After he is satisfied with you, he will share you with his friends. They will give you to me last, Maria." (Wira)

Maria's emotional state is unstable right now. She was almost raped by Wira a few minutes ago. She had felt desperate and helpless. When Hiro saves her, she thought she was safe. But when Wira told her about Hiro and the guards, she realise that there is truth in it. She had seen what the guards do to the woman Wira raped. She had heard their complaints about having Wira's leftovers. Hiro is with the guards, which means he is also the same. It's like going out of the tiger's mouth and into the crocodile's. Maria doesn't seem to see a way out and she felt desperate.

"Calm down Maria. Don't listn to his bullsh*t. Here, come closer. I really am here to help you. Trust me"(Hiro)

Hiro reach his left hand towards Maria to grab her wrist. Maria smack Hiro's hand, and she noticed the light machine gun.

( That's it) (Maria)

Maria leap towards Hiro's hand that was the holding the machine gun.

"Wha-" (Hiro)

Maria was able to grab the machine gun, but Hiro was still holding the gun tightly.

"Give it to me Hiro!" (Maria)

"No, Maria. You need to calm down!" (Hiro)

Maria and Hiro were struggling with the machine gun. Hiro accidently pulled the trigger and bullets started to hit the living room walls erratically.

While Hiro and Maria were struggling with the machine gun, Wira run towards his desk and slide on it. He dropped down and take cover under the desk. The bullet hit his table and the walls near him.

"Phew! Good thing my tables a bit thick. Damn it! My new walls. They're going to get it!" (Wira)

Wira open his top drawer and took out a revolver from it. It was Smith and Wesson Model 29. The gun was painted red in colour, but the gun handle and chamber was black. Wira took out six bullet from his drawer and fill it into the gun chamber.

Wira peek out from his table a bit and aim his gun towards the struggling duo. He was unable to take a good shot because the duo is always moving. Hiro is now facing Maria, and Maria's back is facing Wira's desk.

Maria put her face close toward Hiro's hand. Maria bit Hiro's hand, and Hiro who unable to stand the pain, let go of the machine gun. Hiro quickly put his hands up in the air. Maria held up the machine gun and aim it towards Hiro.

"Don't move!" (Maria)

Hiro raise up his hands in the air.

"Okay Maria, calm down. "(Hiro)

Maria don't seems to know how to handle a machine gun, because she only held the body of the machine gun with both of her hands.

(What! She got the machine gun! It can't be help then)( Wira)

Wira stand up from behind the desk and aim the revolver towards Maria's back. Hiro noticed Wira's intention and swiftly hug Maria. Maria was unable to react to Hiro's sudden advancement. Maria's hand was folded inwards and the light machine gun is stuck between them. Wira start to pull the trigger and Hiro turns Maria around simultaneously.


The shot can be heard loud and clear. Maria noticed her and Hiro's position was changed. Maria saw Wira with a revolver pointed at Hiro's back. There were smoke coming out from the revolver. There were silence for a few seconds.

Hiro and Maria were still in the hugging positions. Hiro suddenly put his hands on Maria shoulder and push away Maria. Maria looks at Hiro's face and he was smiling.

"Thank god you're fine…cough!" (Hiro)

Blood start to spray a little on Maria's cheek.

"Sorry… " (Hiro)

Hiro's head landed on Maria's shoulder. Hiro start to fall to the floor, but Maria let go of the machine gun and catch him. Maria sits on the floor and lay Hiro's head on her lap carefully. Blood can be seen flowing from Hiro's back and soiling Maria's dress

"No.. "(Maria)

Tears can be seen falling from Maria's eyes and hit Hiro's cheek.

"I am the one… who should be sorry…"(Maria)

The clock in the mansion struck twelve.

" Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!*

Oh nooo, HIROO!!! *SAD EMOJI*

Sora_Saicreators' thoughts