
Y-yeah I Am The Hero

“What if you can fight the world’s evil?” “What if you can wield powerful unstoppable magic?” “What if you can get all the riches in the world?” “What if you are respected, loved, and worshipped by everyone?” The old wizard points his finger at the man in front of him. “You can get all of that!!! “ “Just one condition, be the HERO” The man lifts up his face and looks straight into the old wizard’s wisdom-filled eye. The man’s eyes filled with vigor and life. He raised both his hands and grabbed the wizard's shoulder tightly. The wizard was startled by the man’s action. Without turning his gaze away from the wizard, the man replied confidently “F*ck No”

Sora_Sai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 1: Let's Meet The Hero 1

"What if you can fight the world's evil?"

"What if you can wield powerful unstoppable magic?"

"What if you can get all the riches in the world?"

"What if you are respected, loved, and worshipped by everyone ?"

The old wizard points his finger at the man in front of him.

"You can get all of that!!! "

"Just one condition, be the HERO"

The man lifts up his face and looks straight into the old wizard's wisdom-filled eye.

The man's eyes filled with vigor and life.

He raised both his hands and grabbed the wizard's shoulder tightly.

The wizard was startled by the man's action.

Without turning his gaze away from the wizard, the man replied confidently

"F*ck No"

{Let's go back a few days before...}

In a throne room, there sat a majestic figure with a golden crown fitted with a big blue crystal on his head. He seems to be in his 40s with a majestic brown beard covering his neck. The figure's eyes look sharp as daggers, with a muscled body that can be seen through his thick king's attire. Any eyes that look at him will get the urge to shout "MANLY!!" but will stop due to his majestic presence. The figure is looking at the person who is kneeling before him.

It is an old man with long silver hair reaching his shoulders. He is wearing a full white robe. The robe had a figure of a face of a snake, with a witch hat on top of its head, stitched from golden color at the front and back of the robe. The old man is in his 60s but his face shows otherwise. A much younger face but filled with a frown.

The old man started to speak.

"How long… my king ?"


"Please, tell me…"

"… seven"

"Seven what? Seven days? Seven weeks? SEVEN WHAT??"

The old man stands up while raising his voice to the king. If other people were to see this, the old man would be reprimanded or the worst-case scenario, executed on the spot. But it was only just the two of them in the throne room. He excused all the king's advisors, nobles, and soldiers before meeting with the old man.

"My King, does anyone else know?"

"…she knows"

"She? Do you mean? "

The old man look at the king. The king nodded solemnly.


"That is why I am orderi- no, I am requesting master's help"

"It doesn't matter if it is an order or a request from you, I will complete it to the best of my ability"

The old man kneeled and smile at the king.

"The white night is coming soon"

"Yes sire, I noticed"

"I want you to do the Summon Ritual"


The conversation between the king and the old man continued through the night....


In a house near the beach, 5 people were sitting at the dining table. They were in casual clothes with papers and files on the table. One of the five stands up. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, with a sharp jawline.

"Okay everyone, this is a special joint operation between the MIF and SPF. All of us had been selected due to our expertise and skills in ensuring this operation a success. We are all undercover agents here so I will introduce myself first, as I am elected as the leader of this operation. The codename given Alpha. "

A second person raised his hand. Black hair with a scar on his left eye.


A third person raised his hand. Black hair and lazy eyes.


The fourth person raised his hand. Red hair with big eyes.


The last person raised his hand. Brown hair with blue eyes.


Alpha continues the conversation.

"Our target is Wira"(Alpha)

Alpha throws a picture on the table. A picture of a child and a middle age man. The child looks to be 9-12 years old. Black hair and black eyes. The child has androgynous looks. Could be an eye-turner if he grew up.

The middle age men look to be in his 30s, with black hair, and black eyes. No special feature, just a little bit muscular. As plain as can be.

"Our source stated that he has gone through plastic surgery when going into hiding. This is his new face."(Alpha)

Beta looks at Alpha

"Is it credible?"(Bravo)

"Yes, HQ was able to track his whereabouts through the activities of one of his bank accounts that were monitored by us. There was a transfer from the account to a person that is specialized in plastic surgery in the underworld. We interrogated the "doctor" and got his picture"(Alpha)

While holding the pictures, Echo looks disappointed.

"Out of all the faces, this is the one he chose. What a waste" (Echo)

"That's not the point"(Delta)

"If it was me, I would choose to be at least more handsome than that."(Echo)

"He's in hiding. The least he wants is attention"(Delta)

"Yeah, yeah. Just saying.."(Echo)

Bravo look at Alpha

"What our target has done?"(Bravo)

"He is the scumbag who is responsible for many crimes like blackmailing, theft, organized terrorism, and mass murder. We were ordered to capture him alive. He is an expert deceiver and we were warned to not listen to whatever nonsense he's spouting from his mouth. He could sell you a rock with a value of a building if he wants to, or even worse, make us kill each other."(Alpha)

All the other four look surprised.

"He's hiding in a small uncharted Island, northeast 30km from here. It will take approximately 30 minutes to reach there"(Alpha)

"Is he alone?"(Delta)

"He got armed men guarding his mansion 24/7, and some staff of the mansion too. "(Alpha)

"How many?"(Charlie)

"12 men, they rotate between them each 6 hours"


"Nah, cartel goons. Oh and don't harm the staff, they are civilians. Just arrest them. We'll move at 2300 hours"

In a mansion on a small island. It was a few minutes until midnight. In the living room, stood two figures looking at each other. One is taller than the other. One of the figures is the man from the picture, Wira. He is wearing a brown bathrobe.

While the other looks to be a woman, with blonde long hair and black eyes. Her face seems to be like a porcelain doll, white, cold and captivating. She was wearing a black maid dress with a long skirt reaching her feet. The maid's dress covers all her skin but accentuates her figure more.

"What is it that you want now sir? Is the tea isn't enough? It is already past my working hour"(Maid)

Her voice was monotonous and emotionless.

"You and your cold treatment, it makes me want you more. I've already drank the tea, but I want a snack to accompany it. And I decide my snack for tonight is you"(Wira)

Wira's lustful gaze can't help but glide all over her. He looks at her beautiful eyes. Next at her plump red lips. He started to lick his lips.

"...You've gone crazy. I said I would wear this outfit and be your maid and nothing more. And I've got a few more days left before I leave this shithole"(Maid)

He continues to look at her chest. Even though it wasn't that big, the image of him nibbling on it made him aroused more. The skirt was almost see-through and her legs could almost be seen. She seems to be wearing white knee-high socks. His breathing was getting faster and he started to unfurl his bathrobe. The bulge in his underwear is getting bigger and bigger.

The maid doesn't seem to be fazed at all.

"If you are hot, I will turn on the air condition sir. You don't have to take off your bathrobe in front of me. If that is all, I will take my lea-"(Maid)

Wira grabs the maid's hand and pushes her onto the sofa. Wira tried to rip the maid's clothes like a madman.

"Since you are going to leave, why don't I leave you some good memory"(Wira)

"W-wait! St-stop! This is not in the deal! N-not like this!!"(Maid)

The dress was complicated to undress even for Wira's animalistic behavior. He started to grope the maid's chest and ass. Even though it is through the fabric, it makes him more aroused. Wira started to sniff and kiss the maid's neck. She tried to push him, but he was stronger than she imagined. Her eyes started to get teary. His right hand was grabbing both of the maid's hands on top of her head. The other hands were beginning to travel from the maid's chest to the maid's crotch when suddenly-


2330 hours, five figures walked out of the ocean in scuba diving suits. The moon was shining bright that night.

"Gear up fast. Their shift started to change now. 10 minutes before one of them arrived here."(Alpha)

They started to take off their diving gear and covered it with grey cloth. They started changing into their tactical gear and put on their night vision.

"Radio check"(Alpha)


"Bravo and Charlie, secure the perimeter and the guard's quarter. Delta and Echo move through the west and secure the staff quarter. I'll move to his house. Rendezvous at his house in 20 minutes. Move out"(Alpha)



Bravo and Charlie were walking stealthily behind the trees. Not too fast and not too slow. Beta was covering the back while Charlie was covering the front. Charlie makes a fist signal to stop. Charlie showed 3 fingers and pointed towards a wooden walkway.

Three figures were holding light machine guns. Two figures were talking to each other while the other was smoking a cigarette and leaning on a pillar a bit far away from the other two.

"I'll take the two and you take the one"(Bravo)

"Ooh, Like a bit of challenge aeh. Alright"(Charlie)

Bravo grins without Charlie noticing. Charlie and Bravo move toward their targets.

Crouching behind a tree, Charlie throws a rock into the bushes a few distances in front of him. The sitting figure heard the noise and started to move toward the sound. Charlie moves close behind the figure slowly. With a quick movement, Charlie took out his gun studded with a silencer and shoot it behind the figure's head.


Charlie catches the body before it falls forward and lays it down gently.

Bravo, already in his position takes out two knives. It's not a typical knife. Instead of a blade, it is like a tip of a sphere. Instead of slicing, it seems to be used to stab. With the same tactic as Charlie, Bravo threw a rock a few distances in front of the two. Both of the figures were starting to move towards the sound when suddenly there is a noise behind them.

Without any time to turn around, Bravo was already behind them. He swings both of his hands sideways towards their neck with both knives in each hand. Blood splattered towards Bravo's face. Gurgling sounds can be heard for a few seconds before they succumb to their demise.



Charlie look towards the sound and notice two of the talking figures were already lying on the wooden floor bleeding from their neck with their eyes wide open.

"Should you be this cruel?"(Charlie)

"They are a cartel, they have done something even worse than this"(Bravo)

Bravo smiles with blood covered face.

"Sigh…I think you are enjoying this"(Charlie)

"You think?"(Bravo)

"...Wipe your face…Let's go"(Charlie)

Hi guys, just started my first novel. Hope you guys like it. It will be a long intro though. Thanks for reading (^o^)

Sora_Saicreators' thoughts