

A frenemy is a person whom you like though you have a rivalry with them. Frenemies are people whom you started to trust less but they make themselves lovable by forgetting the clash.

There were so many people in my life who are frenemies. Frenemies are 90% enemies and 10% friends according to me and I'll explain why. ( ps: no one needs to make an argument on that in the comment box!). Frenemies are persons who don't make proper need in your life but you still stay with them because of the courtesy and likeness you had while joining them.

One need not be friends with the people you pretend to like, cause as we know, once betrayed, disliked, untrusted and not given respect to you, they are not required in your life at any point.

If you still wish to keep them, they will show their true side to you in some way that harms you mentally and you start to regret the moments which you thought are memories. So, according to the untrusted people's graph in every one of our brains, keeping people who are once your enemies away is most suitable because one day or the other they leave you at a place where you feel unpleasant for making them stay in your life this far. Frenemies don't deserve better hearts, they're foul as their thoughts.

A blessed and blissful soul like us needs to have someone who tries to understand, have ethics while being with you and respect you at your back.

95% of my life, not lying at all, has been with people whom I don't deserve, the only reason I ought to start hating them because of the language they speak behind you and the disrespect they show towards you. I hate it. I don't want to stress things but if you think you don't like them, you're right, put them aside in your happy life, because they won't make you grow.

As elders always tell, your circle decides who you are, choose people wisely, and the ones who deserve everything you give and don't bounce it back idiotically. Cyberbullying, threatening, emotional blackmail is all on one side of the page, but once you turn the page, there will be so much mental stress and remorseful memories in your brain which take some gap to be forgotten and you need not waste that much time for toxic people.

Erase unwanted friends, enemies and frenemies from your life. Delete them. As many of you might be assuming that having rivals make everyone know that they're afraid of you and your life which is happy and fun and that is why they concentrate on you and you think their life is awful bullshit, but that's not true.

Everyone has their enemies, if you don't cut them off when they deserve it, the next coming enemies may become friends to them cause enemies-enemies might become friends. You can get new ones if you cut off the old ones because at every point of life if something good is to happen, you got to have some bad shit.

To make your life a positive, happy and respectable one does not keep in touch with people who are toxic or hang on to the past which is not needed. You lead your life, you choose people.

Don't be a mediator in between persons. They can solve on their own. Being in between them gives blame and 50% of the frenemism on you.

To lead a valuable and respectful life bagging out shit should be the main motto.


(The whole writing is what I feel, I don't need any kind of criticisms, though you give, you'll be treated as toxic to me.)




