
457-459 (14.7k)

Chapter 457: Endless Reincarnation (Seeking Subscription for Monthly Votes)

"They... came to choose me?" Wu Yuan was slightly stunned, his gaze involuntarily sweeping over the three items in the distance.

A long sword, a piece of paper, a black rectangular object.

Each with their own mysteries.

Just by sensing them slightly, Wu Yuan could confirm that these three items all contained unfathomable secrets, vaguely surpassing many high-grade Dao artifacts that Wu Yuan had seen or obtained.

Even top-tier Dao artifacts like the Black Demon Blood Cave and the Demon Suppression List didn't give Wu Yuan this kind of feeling.

Completely inscrutable.

However, no matter how magical they were, how could they determine the successor of the Dao Lord? This left Wu Yuan somewhat puzzled.

It seemed like Purple Void sensed Wu Yuan's doubts.

"Most of the Supreme Beings, when choosing their successors, will leave behind Dao imprints and some unique inheritance, in order to help these successors get as close as possible to the highest level," the beast Purple Void smiled, "Behind your Immortal Physique Avatar, it seems that there is a Supreme Being standing. Although I can't see who it is, I think it's not much different from what I said."

Wu Yuan was astonished.

Purple Void was so powerful. As the successor of an Immortal True Saint, the core inheritance he received indeed consisted of Dao imprints and many secret techniques.

As for items like divine crystals and Dao artifacts, the Immortal True Saint didn't bestow much.

"The Dao Lords are different." Purple Void's eyes were filled with endless reverence, and he said solemnly, "The Dao Lords, in the most ancient era, when everything was just born, became one of the highest existences."

"That era was called the 'Primordial Era'. The Dao Lords stood at the pinnacle at that time."

"Back then, places like the Witch Court and the Immortal Court had not yet been opened. Even the Immortal True Saint of the Taiyuan Divine Court had not been born... The Dao Lords were the first to control time and space, naturally becoming the masters of the Dao." Purple Void sighed.

Wu Yuan was shocked to hear this.

The Primordial Era?

The origin of everything?

It sounded like it was before many cycles of the universe. No wonder he was the Lord of Time and Space.

"The Dao Lords have seen too much." Purple Void shook his head, "Have you heard of any extraordinary geniuses that they haven't seen? It's because of this that they understand the difficulty of achieving the highest level, which cannot be crossed by so-called talent enlightenment."

"For Supreme Beings, if they are willing to exert all their efforts, even a pig could cultivate into a Star Sovereign or even a Sovereign." Purple Void said solemnly, "Many of the closest friends of Supreme Beings, even if they die, can be resurrected... Most of them have been cultivated into Star Sovereigns, and those with a bit of talent become Sovereigns."

"Like the Dao Lord, he has cultivated all of his dozens of early friends into Sovereigns."

Wu Yuan was breathless, even more shocked.

Too powerful.

If it's just about being a Master, let alone Sovereigns, it should be impossible to easily cultivate into Star Sovereigns.

At the same time.

Wu Yuan also thought of Zhuo Haiyue, whose cultivation speed couldn't be measured by common sense either.

The gap between Sovereigns, Masters, and Supreme Beings was simply immeasurable.

"To transcend the constraints of the heavens and the earth, to break free from the shackles of reincarnation, is to reach the highest level." Wu Yuan pondered over these two sentences.


Once it's related to the Supreme Beings, it's no longer ordinary.

"However, cultivating into a Star Sovereign or Sovereign, what's the use?" Purple Void shook his head, "The River of Time flows through destruction and rebirth time and time again... The universe changes repeatedly, for the Dao Lords, it's like a cycle of seasons."

"If you can't reach the highest level, you'll eventually be like a cicada, unable to survive the cruel winter of reincarnation."

Wu Yuan sighed inwardly.

But he didn't know what to say.

"In the eyes of cultivators, beings who have not stepped onto the path of immortality have short lives, like cicadas."

"But in the eyes of Supreme Beings, even powerful beings like Sovereigns are probably just slightly stronger cicadas." Wu Yuan murmured.

"Therefore, after countless years, the Dao Lords have already seen through it all." Purple Void said, "Ordinary cultivation methods simply cannot cultivate Supreme Beings."

"In fact, even cultivating Masters poses some difficulty for the Supreme Beings." Purple Void said, "Often, it takes some effort... but this is also the limit of cultivation."

"Like the Dao imprints, each Supreme Being can only differentiate nine, which are quite precious. If you can get one, it's a great opportunity for your long river of life." Purple Void said, "As for the Dao Lord, he has given some of the earliest successors Dao imprints."

"Each Supreme Being can only differentiate nine Dao imprints?" Wu Yuan was secretly surprised.

No wonder!

He remembered what the Agent of Creation had said. An Immortal True Saint only leaves behind nine Dao imprints, at most accepting nine disciples. That must be the reason.

With the help of Dao imprints, cultivation becomes like having divine assistance. If one only comprehends a single superior law, it's almost just a matter of time before it's fully understood.


According to what Purple Void said, does the Lord of Time and Space no longer have Dao imprints?

"Purple Void, sir," Wu Yuan couldn't help but ask, "How many disciples has the Dao Lord accepted?"

"Many," Purple Void replied simply. "In just four cycles of the universe, the Dao Lord has accepted more than twenty disciples... I don't know about earlier times."

"But, up to now in this era, the Dao Lord has taken in four disciples, which is relatively high in frequency compared to the recent cycles," Purple Void said.

Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

So, the Dao Lord only has about five or six disciples in each cycle of the universe? The probability is indeed pitifully low.

"Exactly because he has experienced so much and seen so much," Purple Void said, "so since his birth, the way the Dao Lord nurtures has changed. Even if you become a disciple of the Dao Lord, you won't receive any additional gifts—no Dao imprints, no secret techniques or Dao artifacts."

"You'll only get one chance at resurrection."

"And one treasure," Purple Void pointed to an item floating in the distant void.

A chance at resurrection? A treasure?

Wu Yuan was stunned.

"Even if you become a Sovereign and fall, the Dao Lord can manipulate the timeline to revive you," Purple Void sighed. "But the Dao Lord once said... while it's easy for him to revive mundane life, resurrecting a Sovereign requires an unimaginable price. So, even for his disciples, there's only one chance."

"After all, no one can avoid making mistakes on the path of cultivation."

"But there won't be a second chance," Purple Void said solemnly. "Any living being can only be resurrected... once."

Wu Yuan listened quietly.

He had never known these secrets before. It turns out that the Lord of Time and Space can even resurrect Sovereigns. Perhaps even the Sovereigns of the Dao Realm are not aware of this.

The power of the Dao Lord is truly extraordinary.

"And these three treasures, some were created by the Dao Lord at great expense."

"Some are from deep within the universe, born of extraordinary phenomena." Purple Void pointed to the three items and said, "They all contain great secrets, and in terms of value, they are worth more than a hundred times the Dao imprints."

Worth a hundred times more than Dao imprints? Wu Yuan found it hard to believe.

"Wu Yuan."

"Your talent is extremely high, and you are perfect in all aspects. Even the aspect of Dao Heart, which is easily overlooked by cultivators, is very strong." Purple Void said, "Even without the Dao Lord's inheritance, you should have a great chance of becoming a Sovereign in the future."


"If you can gain the recognition of any of these treasures, then your chances of reaching the highest level in the future will be at least ten percent." Purple Void said solemnly.

"Ten percent?" Wu Yuan widened his eyes, finding it hard to believe.

It sounds like a very low probability.

In reality, it's already terrifyingly high. If this news spreads, it will probably attract countless Sovereigns and Masters to envy and madness.

Such treasures are just quietly placed here.


"Compared to the opportunities in the Undying Land, the inheritance of the Dao Lord is even more precious." Many thoughts flashed through Wu Yuan's mind.

Of course, he also understood that without the many opportunities like the Black Tower, the Undying Land, and even the Black Demon Blood Cave before, he wouldn't have been able to come here so easily.

Now, it's just one step away.

"Don't doubt it," Purple Void said softly, "The Dao Lord has cultivated more than one Supreme Being." 

Wu Yuan was astonished.

The Lord of Time and Space has cultivated more than one Supreme Being? 

The senior Purple Void casually revealed one super-secret after another, leaving Wu Yuan feeling dizzy.

There has never been such news circulating in the outside world, at least Wu Yuan has never heard of it.

"Don't worry."

"If you become a disciple of the Dao Lord, you will naturally know these things," Purple Void looked at Wu Yuan. "If you fail... when you leave the Ultimate Land, all that you have seen and heard here will disappear."

"The time you have experienced will be erased from your life timeline."

"Your consciousness, soul, memories, and so on, will all return to the moment before you entered the Ultimate Land."

"Even if you are a Herald of the Ancestral Tower, you won't be able to stop all of this from happening," Purple Void said. "This is the power of the Dao Lord."

Wu Yuan fell completely silent.

At this moment, besides shock, he had no other words in his heart. The supernatural power of the Dao Lord indeed exceeded his understanding.

Just like a flat creature cannot understand a three-dimensional creature.

Now, Wu Yuan couldn't understand the ability of the Dao Lord to manipulate the timeline.

In Wu Yuan's understanding, time is like a river, supposed to flow in one direction, irreversible.

But obviously, it's not the case in the eyes of the Dao Lord.

"Now, go." Purple Void pointed to the three items in the distance. "Success or failure, it all depends on yourself."


"How should I choose?" Wu Yuan asked.

"I don't know," Purple Void shook his head. "Whether you want to comprehend, touch, or use other methods... as long as you can gain recognition, you will succeed."

Wu Yuan took a deep breath.

Understanding that asking more was useless, he took a step forward, crossed the void, and quickly arrived not far from the three items.

Although the three artifacts emitted a majestic and mysterious aura, they didn't exude strong pressure, so they didn't hinder Wu Yuan from approaching.

"Let's observe first," Wu Yuan stood still and carefully observed.

He dared not act recklessly.

"Here we go again," Purple Void muttered to himself from afar. "This Wu Yuan is indeed extraordinary."

"Both main incarnations, simultaneously reaching the Dual Extremes, and simultaneously comprehending the Great Dao... such talent is indeed flawless."

"In theory, he should succeed."

"But, I don't know which one he will choose, or, which one will gain his recognition," Purple Void whispered.

It looked at Wu Yuan in the distance, quite calm.


"Sword!" Wu Yuan observed the first item, an ordinary-looking long sword.

But the more he observed and comprehended, the harder it was for Wu Yuan to perceive its terrifying aspects.

Where the sword hovered, it seemed calm, but it was actually like a super-sized dark vortex.

Slowly devouring everything.

All the Dao and laws around the sword seemed to be swallowed, emitting only a trace of unfathomable sword intent.

It was this strand of sword intent that allowed Wu Yuan to see endless destruction, as if it could destroy everything in the world.

Yet, he also saw endless vitality from it, as if destruction was followed by rebirth. The intense vitality made Wu Yuan feel like crying.

Destruction! Vitality!

The two intertwined, presenting an extremely complex aspect on the sword... but Wu Yuan was very sure that there was no fluctuation of any laws on the long sword.

Not even a trace of Dao runes.

"This kind of aura, this kind of power, obviously transcends the world and lasts forever... but every part of the sword doesn't have the aura of Dao and laws, as if it's above the Dao." Wu Yuan shook his head, feeling a faint familiarity.

It seems to have experienced it before.

But for some reason, no matter how hard Wu Yuan tried, he couldn't recall it.

This eerie state also made Wu Yuan feel vigilant and puzzled. If he had experienced it, it would be impossible for him to forget with his memory.

"Could it be that, unknowingly, I was deprived of some memories and cognition by some Supreme Being or some power?" Wu Yuan was shocked.

Too eerie.

Very familiar, yet completely forgettable.

Time passed.

Wu Yuan pondered for a long time, but still couldn't recognize or comprehend anything.

"Let's try touching it," Wu Yuan thought, and reached out. *Swoosh!*

The Dharma body flew directly towards the flying sword, intending to touch the sword body to try.


Silently, before Wu Yuan could react, the Dharma body suddenly vanished.

Wu Yuan lost contact with the Dharma body.

"This? Vanished instantly?" Wu Yuan was puzzled. He didn't sense any attack.

Immediately after,

"Swish~" Visible to the naked eye, countless dots of light gathered, and Wu Yuan's Dharma body once again converged.

The Dharma body appeared in the void, simultaneously affected by an invisible force, flying back to Wu Yuan's side.

"This? What's going on?" Wu Yuan couldn't understand at all. He realized as soon as he sensed it.

The Dharma body hadn't changed at all, at least he couldn't feel any difference.

For a moment, Wu Yuan didn't know if what he had just experienced was an illusion or real.

"Let's try again!" Wu Yuan gritted his teeth.


The Dharma body flew out again, exactly like last time, completely vanished, then quickly revived.

Wu Yuan still couldn't discern anything.

"Try again." Wu Yuan tried again.

Like this.

Time after time, maybe three thousand times, maybe six thousand times... in the cycle of the Dharma body's repeated vanishing and revival, Wu Yuan finally caught a trace of fluctuation emitted by the long sword.

"Destruction and vitality... everything is a cycle, all originating from the beginning." Wu Yuan pondered, "Does this sword represent the Cycle? Life and death, destruction or creation... are fundamentally the same?"

Wu Yuan faintly sensed the profound nature of the sword's fluctuation.

Of course, what Wu Yuan could understand was only a very superficial layer. Perhaps the true mystery that the long sword wanted to convey was not so simple.

Although he had gained some insight.

But Wu Yuan still didn't receive any indication, obviously not gaining the approval of the long sword.

"The Dharma body can't get close at all, only to be destroyed and revived time after time," Wu Yuan muttered to himself.

Should he try with his main body? Wu Yuan hesitated for the time being.

He wasn't worried about falling, as Purple Void had already promised him about that.

It's just that if his main body were to vanish, would it be considered a failure directly?

"The paper." Wu Yuan temporarily gave up and instead began to comprehend the second item.

In the end, after observing fruitlessly.

"The Dharma body, try again." Wu Yuan chose to send the Dharma body closer again.

When Wu Yuan's Dharma body was only a few dozen meters away from the paper, it seemed within reach.

Changes occurred.

"Hum~" In Wu Yuan's eyes, the Dharma body began to shrink rapidly, hundreds of times, thousands of times, millions of times, billions of times... as if it had lost its sense.

With the naked eye, the Dharma body was no longer visible.


In the eyes of Wu Yuan's Dharma body, everything seemed unchanged. The paper still floated there, still tens of miles away, but in the field of vision, it had become like an endless starry sky... vast and immeasurable, as if it were a magnificent universe.

But the distance seemed very close.

"Continue to approach," Wu Yuan's Dharma body made a choice, but still couldn't get close. He only felt the paper in his line of sight continue to expand and grow immense.

It had grown so immense that he couldn't comprehend it, couldn't peek into it.

At this moment, for Wu Yuan's Dharma body, it was like trying to observe the entire universe as an ant, already unreal.


Wu Yuan also noticed that no matter how the Dharma body flew, it seemed like there were only dozens of meters left, but in reality, it was separated by endless time and space.

"Is this piece of paper really just paper?" Wu Yuan couldn't help but think. 

It seemed to contain all of time and space within it, boundless, endless, without a final endpoint.

Unable to comprehend, unable to touch.

Wu Yuan could only temporarily give up.

And when he gave up, the Dharma body turned around, and the perception of the viewing field changed rapidly.

Quickly returning to Wu Yuan's main body.

"The black rectangular prism." Wu Yuan turned to look at the third item... he tried it just like the previous two items.

This time.

Wu Yuan's Dharma body touched it, but the result was not much different.

The black rectangular prism seemed embedded in the void, no matter how hard Wu Yuan's Dharma body exerted force.

It couldn't be moved at all.

Comprehension? Wu Yuan could only sense the "absolute proportion" of the black rectangular prism, without perceiving any other abnormalities.

Similarly, there was no fluctuation of Dao and law.

"All failed?"

"What should I do?" Wu Yuan was in a dilemma, lost in thought.

... "They all completed their initial attempts?" Purple Void, in the distance, was somewhat surprised.

Wu Yuan's seemingly effortless probing was quite rare in his eyes.

In the long years gone by, even across several cycles of the universe.

He had seen many seal bearers attempt this.

It could be said that anyone who could reach this step now was an extraordinary figure.

But there weren't many who were as easygoing as Wu Yuan.

"The paper and the black prism are just the beginning attempts, but Wu Yuan's spiritual will and comprehension of the Dao are extremely high, not affected by invisible forces," Purple Void mused to himself. "Previously, the seal bearers, even if they were slower, could basically complete it."

"However, how did he achieve instant recovery with the Cycle Sword?" Purple Void was somewhat puzzled.

In history.

Those seal bearers, every Dharma body attempt, all vanished, never to be revived.

Wu Yuan was the only exception in history.

"Could it be that Wu Yuan can gain the approval of the Cycle Sword?" Purple Void speculated.

He understood the special nature of the Cycle Sword.

Ranked first, representing the most special, most important, and most significant meaning.

There were many treasures in the ultimate land. Unless the successor reached the highest level, once the universe cycled and the successor fell, the treasures taken by these successors of the Dao Lords would return to the ultimate land.

Even if an external Dao Lord's successor killed them, they couldn't take away these treasures.

The roots of these treasures were in the ultimate land.

And over the long years, this Cycle Sword had always ranked first.

And since several cycles of the universe, no one had ever taken the Cycle Sword.


In Purple Void's initial speculation, Wu Yuan probably had a high probability of gaining the approval of the paper or the black prism.

Of course, many treasures were not absolutely superior or inferior.

What mattered was suitability.

... As time passed, year after year, perhaps it was ten years, or maybe a hundred years.

Wu Yuan tried again and again, either by comprehending or sending the Dharma body.

All failed.

"Only the first sword made me feel somewhat familiar, but besides that, nothing," Wu Yuan's eyes flashed with a hint of determination. "Continuing to try like this, even if I try for hundreds or thousands of years, I'm afraid there will be no end."

Wu Yuan was certain.

These three treasures were beyond his current understanding and comprehension, far beyond what his current Dao insight could penetrate.

Continuing like this would surely result in failure.

"Only the main body can do it." Wu Yuan didn't hesitate anymore, his main body instantly flew towards the first sword.

Since he felt familiar with the fluctuations in the sword's body, he naturally started with it.


Wu Yuan's main body approached like lightning, directly reaching the 'annihilation and resurrection' area where the Dharma body would encounter.

"Peng~" Wu Yuan's main body, just like the Dharma body before it, instantly vanished.

As if fallen!

... "The main body has fallen?" Wu Yuan's main body in the Qingling Realm instantly sensed that something was wrong.


"The main body has only left the first stage for an instant, how could it fall?" Wu Yuan's main body was extremely astonished.

The two main bodies shared consciousness.

But clearly.

The main body in the ultimate land of the Dao Lord's test seemed to have experienced many years.

And the main body had no perception at all.

This method was even more terrifying and extraordinary than the isolation method in the Immortal Land back then.

"Hmm?" Wu Yuan's main body's pupils contracted slightly, and a hint of astonishment flashed, then he understood everything: "So that's how it is."

He had understood everything the main body had experienced.

"The Great Dao of Creation!"

"The Great Dao of Time and Space!" Wu Yuan's main body completely calmed down, gently closing his eyes.


The realm of the Time and Space Dao, the ultimate land of the Dao Lord's inheritance test.

"Life, death!"

"Destruction, creation."

"Reincarnation is endless, both are inherently the same, and this is what I have experienced before." Wu Yuan's Dharma body stood a foot away from the sword.

At this moment, his whole body was condensed with countless mysterious and unfathomable patterns.

Just now, in the moment the main body experienced.

In this ultimate test land, the Dharma body had experienced millions of annihilation and resurrection cycles.

Every annihilation felt like a fall.

Every resurrection felt like a rebirth.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but this experience felt so real, intensely stimulating Wu Yuan, something he had never experienced in his tens of thousands of years of life.

The annihilation of the main body and the annihilation of the Dharma body were two different feelings.

Through each cycle of life and death, Wu Yuan became more and more familiar with this power, and unknowingly recalled memories.

"The fusion of the origin of the ancestral tower."

"I once merged the power formed by the fusion of two great Dao in that mysterious place."

"Just, before, it seemed like there was an invisible force that made me forget."

When Wu Yuan completely recalled what he had comprehended, the perception between him and the main body was quietly connected.

Even the ultimate land arranged by the Time and Space Dao Lord could no longer isolate the perception of the two main bodies.

At the same time.

The invisible fluctuations emitted by the long sword could no longer shake the countless mysterious patterns floating around Wu Yuan's Dharma body.

These secret patterns transcended Dao and law.


Wu Yuan resisted the invasion of the invisible force emitted by the long sword, stepping forward step by step.

Finally, he reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword.


The entire ultimate land trembled faintly.


PS: Guaranteed two in one

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 458 Space-time Dao Lord (Seeking Subscription Monthly Pass)

The entire ultimate land of the inheritance test trembled.


When Wu Yuan's Dharma body grabbed the hilt of the sword, the sword body instantly turned into countless purple light spots, surging into Wu Yuan's body.

"Hmm?" Wu Yuan was first stunned.

Then, he felt an unprecedented willpower rushing towards his twelve-fold primordial spirit, the impact was too strong to resist.

In an instant, he closed his eyes, as if falling into a deep sleep, completely losing consciousness.

"Whoosh!" A surging and vast breath completely enveloped Wu Yuan's Dharma body.

At this moment, if an outsider could observe, they would perceive.

Wu Yuan's body was faintly intertwined with purple and red lights, as if two terrifying and supreme powers were colliding. Amidst the collision, an incredible pressure was spreading outward.


"The imprint of the Reincarnation Sword, disappeared? Permanently?" The distant Purple Void Beast stared dumbfoundedly at the scene, feeling the tremor of the ultimate land.

His eyes were full of shock.

His vision was extremely high. As the creation of the Space-time Dao Lord, he was comparable to a ruler in many aspects, and even surpassed in some.

For example, the ability of 'deduction' was enough to rival many supreme beings.

The Purple Void Beast was the true guardian of the Space-time Island.

"This shouldn't happen, shouldn't!"

"The Lord of the Dao left behind nine great treasures in total. The imprints of the two former treasures disappeared, which should only happen when the Lord of the Dao's successor achieves the highest level and breaks free from the ultimate land's constraints." The Purple Void Beast was puzzled: "But Wu Yuan, is still just an ordinary mortal, not even considered a long-lived being... how could he make the imprint of the Reincarnation Sword disappear directly?"

"How did he do it?"

If the imprints in the ultimate land remained, then once the successor fell outside, or failed to transcend during the cycle of the world, these treasures would return directly following the imprints, unstoppable even by the ruler.


As long as they hadn't transcended, even the successor recognized by the treasures didn't truly possess them.

But once the imprints in the ultimate land disappeared?

It meant that the treasure was truly under his control.

"The Reincarnation Sword, is completely under Wu Yuan's control? How did he do it?"

"And, the aura emanating from Wu Yuan's body?" The Purple Void Beast's heart pounded.

He instinctively felt a trace of fear.

"Could it be related to his status as an heir to the Ancestral Tower?" A thought flashed through the Purple Void Beast's mind.

"But, back then, the Black Demon was also an heir to the Ancestral Tower, and such a special situation didn't occur with him."

He couldn't understand.

Having lived on the Space-time Island for countless ages and experienced many cycles of the world, he was not unfamiliar with the Ancestral Tower.

It's worth noting that most sovereigns and even rulers were unaware of the existence of the Ancestral Tower.

"At any rate."


"Since the beginning of this cycle of the world, the fifth successor has been born."

"The Lord of the Dao should already know." The Purple Void Beast glanced slightly upwards towards the void.


In the extremely high-dimensional space of the Space-time Island, where space and time intersect, it was extremely mysterious.

Even the Lords of the Dao couldn't perceive it, let alone enter this area.

Here, there was a magnificent palace suspended in mid-air.

In the palace, there was a figure in a black robe with long hair covering his face, sitting cross-legged. He seemed to have been sitting here from the past to the future, eternal and unchanging.

"Do you, like to eat?"

Chapter 458 Space-time Dao Lord (Seeking Subscription Monthly Pass)

"Then I'll give them all to you to eat." The face under the black hair seemed to mutter to himself, "I'll see if you can handle it."

"If you can't handle it, eventually, you'll spit it all out."


When Wu Yuan's Dharma body fell into a special state, completely asleep and unaware of the outside world.


Suddenly, in the Cangfeng Divine Temple in the distant Qingling Realm, Wu Yuan's physical body suddenly emitted countless strands of intertwined purple and red light, and a vast and majestic pressure surged in all directions.

This strand of pressure wave instantly passed through the spatial and material restrictions of the Cangfeng Divine Temple itself.

In an instant.


"Not good." Some strongmen and geniuses who were originally practicing in the Cangfeng Divine Temple flashed a trace of fear in their eyes.

Immediately, the terrifying pressure oppressed them completely, forcing them to prostrate on the ground.

Even powerful beings like Star Lords were no exception.

They lay directly on the ground.

And some weaker celestial beings and witchers, whose spiritual cultivation was not strong enough, instantly fell into a coma, completely unconscious.


This terrifying pressure came quickly and went away just as quickly, dissipating completely in an instant.

"What's going on?"

"Such a terrifying pressure, directly attacking the soul, seems much stronger than the pressure released by the sovereign."

"What's happening?"

"I don't know, can this pressure ignore the Cangfeng Divine Temple?"

"Could it be that the sovereign is practicing some incredible secret technique?" Some Star Lords who were practicing in the Cangfeng Divine Temple, after recovering slightly, were shocked and quickly began to transmit messages through the Witch Court Realm and the Cangfeng Witch Realm.

They were all extremely shocked, but no one could figure out the reason.


A majestic voice sounded in the ears of all the Star Lords in the Cangfeng Divine Temple: "Remember, the matters of the Cangfeng Divine Temple today must not be leaked. Anyone who violates this will be regarded as a traitor to the realm! There will be no mercy!"



"We obey the command of the sovereign." These Star Lords all bowed respectfully.

They could all hear that it was the voice of the Cangfeng Sovereign.

Having the qualification to practice in the Cangfeng Divine Temple, they were naturally permitted by the Cangfeng Sovereign and were considered the core of the witch realm, highly trusted.

"It must be related to the sovereign."

"I guess the sovereign is practicing some powerful technique."

"The sovereign is truly formidable. The residual waves emitted unintentionally during his cultivation made hundreds of Star Lords unable to raise their heads." These Star Lords each had their own thoughts, secretly amazed.

They basically all believed that the Cangfeng Sovereign was practicing some kind of powerful secret technique.

...And in the core of the Cangfeng Divine Temple.

"Wu Yuan?"

The Cangfeng Sovereign, who was quietly cultivating here, was also shocked and full of doubts.

As the owner of the temple, he easily sensed the situation in Wu Yuan's world.

At this moment, the aura and pressure of Wu Yuan's physical body had completely returned to normal, as if everything just now was just a dream.

But how strong was the Cangfeng Sovereign?

He knew that what happened just now was real.

"This kind of pressure? It seems to be only at the level of a ruler, but it contains a hint of transcendent eternity." The Cangfeng Sovereign thought to himself, "Wu Yuan, a witcher, how could he cause such a big disturbance."


"His consciousness seems to have fallen asleep? Could it be that something went wrong in his cultivation?" The Cangfeng Sovereign worried.

He had long recognized that Wu Yuan would be the future leader of the Cangfeng Witch Realm, so naturally, he valued him.

Also worried about accidents.

"The vitality is worry-free, the spiritual aura is normal, and it seems to have grown slightly stronger. There shouldn't be any harm." The Cangfeng Sovereign didn't dare to intervene easily.

He remembered the instructions of the Kuachi Sovereign - not to interfere easily with Wu Yuan's cultivation, which involves the highest existence outside the Witch Court.

After some thought.

"Kuachi, Wu Yuan has encountered some situation." The Cangfeng Sovereign transmitted to the Kuachi Sovereign.


The original body of the Kuachi Sovereign arrived. After listening to the Cangfeng Sovereign's explanation and seeing Wu Yuan's condition, he was naturally extremely shocked.


After secretly observing, the Kuachi Sovereign couldn't see through Wu Yuan's state.

"Let's wait patiently for a while." The Kuachi Sovereign made a decision: "I trust Wu Yuan."

The two sovereigns watched from the sidelines, not daring to leave far away, fearing that Wu Yuan might encounter another accident.


In the space-time Dao realm, within the ultimate land, the slight trembling of the void had returned to calm.

However, in the void, besides the Purple Void Beast, there was only the piece of paper and the black rectangular object.


Floating in the void was Wu Yuan. At this moment, all the mysterious and profound patterns that had originally appeared around him had completely dissipated.

He had returned to normal.

And in a mysterious place that countless beings couldn't perceive, that even the Purple Void Beast couldn't detect, and even the Dao Lord might not be able to pry into...


Was a vast and boundless void, with towering divine mountains floating around.

Each divine mountain was towering and endless, with no end in sight, exuding an ancient and sacred atmosphere, as if born from chaos in ancient times, supremely holy and unpredictable.

"Fifty-five divine mountains?" Wu Yuan's consciousness descended upon this world.

Just like last time, a large portion of his conscious thoughts were covered by an invisible force.

His consciousness was extremely pure.

"What are those?" Wu Yuan's gaze instinctively swept over the purple light flashing in each divine mountain.

Those strands of purple light intertwined, containing unfathomable sacred Dao rhythms.

"Dao patterns transcending the laws of the upper realm? No, it seems that even the Dao is inferior to these Dao rhythms." Wu Yuan instinctively held his breath.

Although many thoughts were covered by the invisible force, and even consciousness was difficult to maintain, this was still Wu Yuan's second arrival, and compared to the last time, his strength was stronger.

Most importantly.

"Hmm~" Wu Yuan's mind moved involuntarily, and with a rushing sound, on both sides of his consciousness body, two mysterious and profound Dao pattern diagrams were formed.

One was a combination of the laws of life and death; the other was a combination of the laws of time and space.

Two Dao pattern diagrams.

"Rushing~" At an astonishing speed, the two Dao pattern diagrams merged into strands of integrated secret patterns. The aura of these secret patterns was vast and majestic.

At their core, there was still a brilliant and dazzling blood-colored Dao pattern light... The aura contained within this blood-colored Dao pattern was faintly comparable to the aura in those divine mountains.

No less than the purple light flashing in those divine mountains.

And the power contained within this blood-colored Dao pattern was something Wu Yuan could control.

"These are secret patterns and Dao rhythms that transcend the laws, surpassing even the highest laws... When I came here last time, I had already partially understood them and grasped a hint of their true essence." Wu Yuan had completely 'remembered.'


There was no force that could suppress or erase his insights and thoughts.


"When I came last time, between these fifty-five divine mountains, there seemed to be flowing blood light, and the final thing I comprehended was also a strand of blood-colored Dao pattern... This time, why is it purple light?" A hint of doubt flashed through Wu Yuan's consciousness body.

However, although his condition was slightly better than the first time he came, he was still full of chaos.

It was difficult to thoroughly understand and figure out the cause and effect.

"The Dao is incomplete."

"Here, this is the true perfect, eternal, and flawless Dao rhythm." Wu Yuan instinctively began to immerse himself in the mysterious Dao rhythms emitted by the fifty-five divine mountains.

He wanted to thoroughly comprehend and control this power.

The immense power that transcends the Dao.

Last time, he only comprehended a trace.

And after tens of thousands of years of cultivation, he had gained more insights and made greater progress on the two paths of the Dao.

At this moment, the two Dao pattern diagrams formed by him showed no signs of fusion.

With his consciousness fragmented and unable to understand the cause and effect, Wu Yuan couldn't be bothered to think about it.

He was now just instinctively retracing the path he had once walked, once again comprehending the Dao rhythms of the fifty-five divine mountains.

This was an instinct.

It was like when a person instinctively withdraws their hand when touching something extremely hot.

As a peerless genius who simultaneously comprehended the two paths of the Dao, when Wu Yuan's consciousness descended here.


He would follow this path to imitate the vast and majestic power contained in the myriad of divine mountain secret patterns.

To deduce, comprehend, and then completely integrate into his own insights.

Time passed!

Here, it seemed that time did not pass.

On both sides of Wu Yuan's consciousness body, the two huge Dao pattern diagrams continued to merge and intersect.

The degree of fusion.

Was deepening continuously.

However, when he comprehended it last time, there was intertwined flowing blood light in the divine mountains, and what he comprehended and fused into were countless blood-colored secret patterns.

But this time, countless newly formed secret patterns turned into a large number of purple secret patterns.

Red secret patterns, purple secret patterns... intertwined and merged, with a faint sense of collision and opposition.

However, the two seemingly different secret patterns were essentially the same, both originating from the Dao of creation and the Dao of time and space.

When he descended for the first time, as Wu Yuan's consciousness gradually comprehended, there would be strange changes in the two main bodies.

But this time.

From start to finish, when Wu Yuan comprehended the Dao rhythms of the divine mountains, there were no special changes in either his Qi refining or body refining main bodies.

So, no one knew or noticed.

Time passed.

Maybe it was a million years, or maybe even longer. Gradually, in front of Wu Yuan's consciousness body.

During the process of fusion of the two Dao pattern diagrams, more dazzling and endless purple Dao patterns were born. These purple Dao patterns were no less than the initial strand of blood-colored Dao pattern.

These purple Dao patterns approached the profound Dao rhythms of the divine mountains.

"These Dao patterns transcend the higher laws, and even transcend the Dao... They seem to be the most fundamental, most primal power, the ultimate of everything." Wu Yuan realized something.

They should be the original Dao patterns.

"Original Dao patterns?" Wu Yuan murmured to himself, the Dao patterns he comprehended were still extremely weak.

But it was a beginning.

The only thing that puzzled him was that last time he comprehended and fused the red Dao patterns, but this time, what formed from his comprehension were purple Dao patterns... If the final fusion and comprehension from last time could be considered a strand of red Dao pattern, then this time it was six or seven strands of purple Dao patterns.

On the other hand.

"The Dao patterns are difficult to manifest in the normal world. Only in places covered by the power of the highest beings, such as the immortal land and the temporal island, can they further manifest." Some thoughts instinctively flashed through Wu Yuan's mind.

"Even the two main bodies simultaneously comprehending different Dao cannot merge and display, only one source."

"Not to mention the most primitive Dao patterns... everything originates, everything is essential... they are absolutely impossible to manifest in the world, even the highest beings probably cannot do it." Wu Yuan realized.

"I'm afraid, only the three great supreme objects can."

Just at this moment.


Silently, Wu Yuan's consciousness body dissipated like a collapsing sandcastle in an instant.

The originally fused Dao pattern diagrams, original Dao patterns, and so on, also dissipated in an instant.

Wu Yuan's consciousness returned to the two main bodies.


Temporal Island, the ultimate place.


Wu Yuan's Qi refining main body had not opened his eyes yet, but his consciousness had returned to the two main bodies, understanding everything at the same time.

Understanding everything he had experienced.


"The comprehension is starting to fade." Wu Yuan sighed inwardly. Last time, he was ignorant and forgot everything that happened in that mysterious place of the highest order afterward.

And this time, as Wu Yuan's strength became stronger and his comprehension deepened, he could clearly feel that what he had comprehended was rapidly becoming vague.

Even gradually forgetting this experience.

"The reason why they represent the primordial is because they can only exist at the beginning of all origins... Hmm, it won't be long before I forget all of this again." Wu Yuan sighed inwardly.

This clear process of forgetting was more painful than the vague and ignorant forgetting, as he could only watch himself lose it.


Wu Yuan vaguely understood that this forgetting was not his true forgetting, but a vast and invincible power in the operation of the order of the world.

It was suppressing and concealing his gained insights.

Rather than completely erasing them.

Because, fundamentally, it couldn't be erased.

The most primordial power was a power that surpassed the Dao.

"If I enter that mysterious place of the highest order again, many of the seemingly forgotten insights and memories should be able to quickly come back to me." Wu Yuan pondered.

However, how to enter that mysterious place of the highest order?

He was not sure.


"I might become strong enough to resist this power of the world order." Wu Yuan thought to himself.

If he was strong enough, everything was possible.

And to achieve that step, Wu Yuan guessed that it would probably require transcendence—transcending the shackles of the world and no longer being suppressed by the power of the world order.

Time passed!

Not only did the comprehension completely fade away, no matter how much Wu Yuan thought, he couldn't evoke it. Even memories began to fade... until they were completely forgotten.

It seemed slow.

In fact, from Wu Yuan's consciousness returning to complete forgetfulness, it took less than half an hour.



Wu Yuan slowly opened his eyes, a hint of confusion as if he had lost his memory in his eyes.

Everything that had happened before was completely forgotten.

All he could remember was that he had finally gripped the hilt of the sword.

Then, he fell asleep.

Then, he opened his eyes again.

"Did it succeed?" Wu Yuan was puzzled: "No, I held the sword... where is the sword?"

The next moment.

Wu Yuan immediately sensed it.

In the upper Dantian Palace of the two main bodies, the black tower that had never moved in thousands of years suddenly moved!!

The black tower, hanging on one side of the upper Dantian Palace, was emitting endless rainbow light, faintly standing as if half of the world.

While in the other half of the world, there was a black long sword floating.

The sword body was majestic, spanning the void, no less than the black tower.

It emitted a purple light all over, confronting the black tower from a distance, without falling behind.


"This!" Wu Yuan was completely shocked, feeling a bit confused and unable to believe it.

Something could actually rival the black tower?

The black tower was a projection of the Ancestral Tower.

The grandeur and supremacy of the Ancestral Tower were needless to say, Wu Yuan also had some insights.

But what about this black long sword?

"What is it? And how did it end up in my upper Dantian?" Wu Yuan was puzzled: "And I was just trying to control it with my Qi Refining Main Body... why does it appear in the upper Dantian of my Body Refining Main Body too?"

He tried to control it.

Both main bodies tried at the same time.

Immediately, Wu Yuan found that this black sword suspended in the upper Dantian Palace was as difficult to move as the black tower.

Its breath was equally vast and infinite, majestic and profound.

"What exactly happened? Did I forget something?" Wu Yuan couldn't figure it out at all.

But there was no doubt.

This sword was extremely terrifying, perhaps not as good as the Ancestral Tower, but it probably contained great secrets.

In an instant, Wu Yuan understood his situation.

"Wu Yuan." The voice of the beast Purple Sky sounded, and it had already sensed that Wu Yuan had regained consciousness.

"Elder Purple Sky." Wu Yuan bowed slightly.

"Congratulations, you have successfully obtained the Reincarnation Sword. I think you have already sensed the Reincarnation Sword." The beast Purple Sky smiled beneath the three-layer pagoda above its head.

"Reincarnation Sword?" Wu Yuan tasted the name of the sword.

Indeed, it was very similar to the aura it emitted.

"Elder, how should I use this Reincarnation Sword?" Wu Yuan couldn't help asking.

"The Dao Master said."

"Treasures have spirits. Since you have obtained it, you should be able to use it when needed, and it will naturally function when it needs to." The beast Purple Sky said casually.

In fact, Purple Sky didn't know how to use it at all.

After all, before Wu Yuan, no disciple had ever obtained the recognition of the Reincarnation Sword, and the Dao Master had never mentioned these details about the treasures.

How could it know?

"Treasures have spirits?" Wu Yuan hesitated a bit. From what he could sense now.

This Reincarnation Sword seemed very similar to the Black Tower.

It was like a projection of some kind of supreme and powerful artifact... because the image of the Reincarnation Sword appeared in both main bodies' upper Dantian Palaces.

Normally, if it were a normal treasure, it would only appear in the Qi Refining Main Body.

Unfortunately, there was too little information, and Wu Yuan couldn't figure it out.

He could only temporarily put it down.

"Obtaining the recognition of the Reincarnation Sword also means that you have truly become the Dao Master's successor." The beast Purple Sky said, "Come, leave your spiritual mark here."


Countless light points condensed, and in the distant void, five temples appeared, each temple shrouded in mist, appearing sacred and vast.

In the first four temples, although they were obscured by clouds, there were vaguely seated figures.

It was unclear.

"What is this?" Wu Yuan was puzzled.

"This is the River of Time Temple," the beast Purple Sky said solemnly, "In addition to the other four temples, they are the spiritual imprints left by the four chosen successors of the Dao Master in this cycle of reincarnation... In this way, once these successors fall outside, they can be revived and come out from the River of Time Temple."

"Chance for resurrection!" the beast Purple Sky said, "These four successors, except for one who is still a sovereign, the other three have become dominators."

"Dominator, essentially, is a very special and powerful sovereign, so when a dominator falls, the Dao Master can still be revived."

Wu Yuan listened in shock.

In the past, he was unaware.

It turns out that of the four successors chosen by the Dao Master, three are already dominators.

"Gather your mind and visualize that temple, then," the beast Purple Sky said.

Wu Yuan nodded.

His gaze fell on the temple, and his mind quickly became ethereal. Just a few breaths later.


Only in the distant void, in the fifth temple, there was a faint figure appearing, with a vague face.

"Is this a success?" Wu Yuan felt a bit hesitant, as he didn't feel any connection with the temple.


"Successful." The beast Purple Sky seemed to understand Wu Yuan's doubts and smiled, "You didn't feel anything, that's correct."

"In this world, there are countless life-saving methods. Like comprehending the Great Dao of Creation, or many life sovereigns who have practiced the Secret Technique of Divine Blood, with just a drop of blood, they can be revived after death."

"It seems like resurrection."

"But in reality, that drop of blood contains a complete life imprint... Essentially, it is another Main Body, just unable to be born due to the rules of heaven and earth."

"So, this situation doesn't count as a true demise," the beast Purple Sky said, "And encountering some extremely terrifying beings, such as if a supreme being personally takes action, even if it's a sovereign existence, they will be directly killed, erasing all traces of blood souls, divine blood, and so on."

Wu Yuan held his breath.

The secret technique Purple Sky mentioned, wasn't it the "Immortal Soul" he cultivated?

Initially, he found it extremely magical, but now that he thought about it carefully, what Purple Sky said made sense.

"The Dao Master's 'Eternal Life Temple' does not require you to leave a life imprint, so it's right that you didn't sense anything."

"If you did sense something, what's the difference from those ordinary life-saving techniques?" the beast Purple Sky shook its head, "Even the so-called spiritual imprint is essentially just a time coordinate."

"Even if everything about you dissipates, everything falls... and even if a supreme being erases all traces of your past in time."

"The Dao Master can still revive you through the time coordinates in the River of Time Temple."

"This is the gift of the Dao Master." The beast Purple Sky looked at Wu Yuan.

"The Dao Master's methods are unfathomable," Wu Yuan sighed sincerely.

Through the beast Purple Sky.

Wu Yuan felt his horizons being opened once again, realizing that the sovereigns and dominators who were once high above.

In the eyes of the Time and Space Dao Master, they were nothing at all.

"Like the imprints of the Dao Master reporters, when they leave, they will receive a gift and can be considered as part of the lineage of the Time and Space Dao Master." The beast Purple Sky said, "As your ancestor 'Northern Solitary Sovereign' is."

"However, they can only be considered peripheral members."

"Only you, and the other four successors, are the core of the lineage of the Time and Space Dao Master." The beast Purple Sky said, "You are still too weak now. When you become a sovereign, you will naturally know the information about the other four successors."

"The Dao Master is unattached and has no demands on you successors. Whether you fight each other or join forces to explore the vast river of time and space... it's up to you."

"But there are two things you must remember." The beast Purple Sky said solemnly.

Wu Yuan listened quietly.

"First, once you leave the Dao Realm, you can never return to the realm of time and space, whether it's your Law Body, Source Body, or other Main Bodies, none of them can return."

"Second, successors can kill each other, but they must never reveal their own identity as the Dao Master's successor, nor reveal the identities of other successors."

"Violators, no matter how talented they are, the Dao Master will personally take action and kill them," the beast Purple Sky's voice carried a chill.

Making Wu Yuan wary.

"Disciple remembers," Wu Yuan said solemnly.

"No need to call yourself a disciple," the beast Purple Sky said, "You are the successor of the Dao Master, but not a disciple of the Dao Master... Successors inherit the Dao of the Dao Master."

"The Dao Master has no disciples."

Wu Yuan fell silent.

What's the difference between this so-called successor and disciple? In fact, Wu Yuan understood the difference between the succession of masters and disciples on the immortal path and the martial artists' master-disciple relationship in the mortal realm.

In the mortal realm, martial artists often pass on disciples to help them in battles against enemies they made when they were younger.

But in the immortal path, taking disciples is mostly for passing down one's own teachings.

"Having offspring is similar," Wu Yuan thought to himself, "The mindset of the eternal beings and mortals is worlds apart."

Just like Wu Yuan.

He never cared whether he had offspring because he pursued his own eternity rather than the perpetuation of his bloodline.

What need is there for bloodline when seeking personal eternity?

"Come, follow me to meet the Dao Master," the beast Purple Sky said, "If you don't become supreme in the future, this will be your only chance in life to meet the Dao Master."


The beast Purple Sky swayed its body, and the pagoda gently shook, invisible forces descending instantly.

Wu Yuan and the beast Purple Sky disappeared simultaneously in this void.


On the Temporal Island, amidst the clouds at a height, in that towering temple, the three enforcers of the law were patiently waiting.

"It's been nearly a day."

"How's the situation?" the Crimson Robe Demon Lord and the Black War Armor Lord communicated.

"Previously, whether it succeeded or failed, results were obtained in a very short time," the Crimson Robe Demon Lord puzzled, "This time, the duration has been so long?"

"It's been a while, which is strange," the Black War Armor Lord shook his head.

Only the Mist Flame Lord remained silent.


"Hmm?" The Mist Flame Lord, the Black War Armor Lord, and the Crimson Robe Demon Lord all flashed a hint of surprise in their eyes at the same time.


"It actually succeeded?"

"The duration has been so long, compared to the previous successors, this is the longest. Mingjian must have reached a very special stage," the Crimson Robe Demon Lord couldn't help but say.

"He passed the first four tests quickly, but slowed down the most after entering the ultimate place," the Black War Armor Lord shook his head.

"Stop talking," the Mist Flame Lord said solemnly, "Let's wait patiently."

"Mingjian should be coming out soon."

The three enforcers of the law patiently waited, filled with anticipation.


Becoming a successor of the Dao Master, although there were still many doubts, especially regarding the Reincarnation Sword, Wu Yuan didn't understand many things.

But at this moment.

Wu Yuan was more eager to meet the Dao Master, the master of the temporal avenue who rose in the earliest era.

"The Immortal True Saint, creating the Immortal Land, in nurturing successors."

"The Temporal Dao Master, creating the Temporal Dao Realm, also wants to nurture successors," Wu Yuan thought to himself, "These supreme beings all seem to want to cultivate new supreme beings... What exactly is their purpose?"

Hoo! Hoo!

Wu Yuan and the beast Purple Sky appeared in front of an ancient and towering palace.

The four-dimensional space intersected, unfathomable.

"Boom~" The new temple gate slowly opened, but the inside of the hall was misty, seeming to block the line of sight, making it impossible to peep inside.

"Let's go in."

"The Dao Master is waiting for you inside the hall," the beast Purple Sky said solemnly.


Wu Yuan held his breath and stepped into the interior of the temple step by step.

At this moment, he finally saw the furnishings in the temple clearly, all decorations were extremely ancient.

Full of a primitive taste.

The temple, from the outside, seemed endless, but the interior was not very spacious, only a few hundred meters in diameter, much smaller than Wu Yuan expected, and there was nothing special about it.

It was just like an ordinary mortal palace.

However, after looking around, Wu Yuan's gaze finally fell on the figure in the center of the palace, who was sitting cross-legged in black robes.

His aura was very ordinary, but his face was concealed by black hair, making it impossible for Wu Yuan to see his face clearly.

The temperament and style were completely different from the Immortal True Saints Wu Yuan had seen before.

"Wu Yuan, meet the Temporal Dao Master," Wu Yuan respectfully bowed, sincere in his heart.

After years of cultivation on the Temporal Island, it's worth paying respects to the other party once.

Moreover, this time he also obtained the Reincarnation Sword.

"Get up." The figure in black robes seemed eternal and unchanging, with a gentle voice echoing in the palace.

Wu Yuan stood up.

"I speak, you listen, no need to respond, and absolutely no questions," the Temporal Dao Master's voice was gentle.

Wu Yuan was startled, bowing slightly.

He dared not speak much.

"First, your potential is the highest among all my disciples, your foundation is already perfect, but also the one with the greatest karmic entanglement," the Temporal Dao Master spoke slowly.

"Second, the Ancestral Tower Mark is both a tribulation and an opportunity, it all depends on your grasp."

"Third, the Reincarnation Sword is a key, it will help you reach the highest, and in the future, it will help you entangle the Ancestral Tower. How you use this key to open the path to the highest depends on yourself."

"Fourth, the Realm Path, seizing the title of Saint, will be one of your chances to transcend. Whether you can grasp it depends on yourself."

"Fifth, when your understanding of the Dao reaches the level of a Sovereign in the future, you can step into the level of a Star Lord. There's no need to linger too long in mundane life. The mundane lives for millions of years, everything you gain is beneficial in your eyes, but in mine, it's all a disadvantage," the Temporal Dao Master's face was obscured by black hair.

However, Wu Yuan felt the gaze of the Dao Master, as if piercing through space and time.

He thoroughly saw his past, present, and even his future.

"These five points are my admonitions to you," the voice of the Temporal Dao Master became more ethereal, "If you eventually transcend, we will naturally meet again."

"If you cannot transcend, it means we are not destined."


With a wave of his hand, Wu Yuan, full of doubts, disappeared on the spot.


Silently, the towering temple once again entered that special space.

Just now, it was deliberately controlled by the Temporal Dao Master to meet Wu Yuan.

Otherwise, neither Wu Yuan nor the beast Purple Sky would have been able to step into the mysterious space where the Temporal Dao Master usually resides.

...In the void outside the temple.

Of course, by now the temple had disappeared, leaving only the intersecting void.

"What's this?" Wu Yuan stood in the void.

Up to now, he was still somewhat puzzled.

He had too many doubts in his mind.

He could understand the first four admonitions left by the Dao Master, but the fifth one.

"The mundane lives for millions of years are all a disadvantage in the eyes of the Dao Master?" Wu Yuan thought to himself, "Why is that?"

He didn't understand!

This was a question Wu Yuan had never thought of before.

Because in all the records and teachings he had encountered from any powerful beings, it was always emphasized to stay in the stage of immortal or god for as long as possible.

Only the advice of the Temporal Dao Master was completely different.

"Once the understanding of the Dao reaches the level of a Sovereign, you can step into the level of a Star Lord?" Wu Yuan thought to himself.

He hesitated a bit.

Should he listen?

"The Dao Master is one of the oldest supreme beings. He shouldn't lie to me, but he didn't tell me the reason," Wu Yuan sighed inwardly, "I can only try to find answers in the Wutian Court in the future."

As far as Wu Yuan knew, there should be more than one supreme being in the Wutian Court.

However, Wu Yuan was not in a hurry.

Firstly, his understanding of the Dao was far from reaching the level of a Sovereign.

Secondly, only the broader sense of mundane life is eligible to enter the Realm Path, usually the immortals or gods enter.

So, before coming out of the Realm Path, Wu Yuan didn't need to consider this matter.

"The Reincarnation Sword is the weapon I will use to restrain the Ancestral Tower in the future?" Wu Yuan silently pondered.

In the upper dantian, the black sword and the black tower confronted each other from a distance, seeming evenly matched.

In the depths of his mind.

Since receiving the inheritance of the Black Demon Sovereign, Wu Yuan's pressure has eased a lot.

"According to the Dao Master, he should have a good understanding of the Ancestral Tower and seem to have a way to deal with it," Wu Yuan thought to himself, "It makes sense. The Dao Master is incredibly ancient and dare not claim to be the most powerful supreme being...but he's definitely one of the peak ones."

"Although the Ancestral Tower is amazing, it should not be able to harm the Dao Master."

Standing tall among the numerous cycles of reincarnation, it made all forces cautious, even the Witch Court and the Immortal Court were unwilling to provoke.

It has already proven the strength of the Temporal Dao Master.

"Wu Yuan," the Purple Sky Beast standing not far away said solemnly, "Have you seen the Dao Master?"

"I have," Wu Yuan nodded.

"Although I don't know what the Dao Master said to you, I hope you remember his instructions, you can't go wrong," the Purple Sky Beast said, "You have become a successor, and I have informed the three major enforcement Sovereigns... they will inform the Taiyuan Divine Court. Once the team from the Taiyuan Divine Court arrives to pick you up, they will send you away."

"So soon?" Wu Yuan was taken aback.


"The Temporal Dao Realm is meaningless to you now, and the so-called temporal inheritance is becoming less and less effective for you," the Purple Sky Beast said, "Not leaving? What's the use of staying?"

Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

Indeed, as his comprehension of the temporal avenue became higher, many auxiliary cultivation techniques and methods were rapidly weakening in their effects.

In the end, he could only rely on himself.

Just like the masters in the mundane world, at the beginning, there were various techniques and scriptures to help, and they could draw nourishment from them. As their level increased, they had to comprehend it themselves.

For Wu Yuan, it was the same.

"Alright, then I'll wait for the team from the Taiyuan Divine Court to come," Wu Yuan said, "Senior Purple Sky, please inform my Master, the 'Northern Ethereal Sovereign'."

If the ones coming were other strong individuals from the Taiyuan Divine Court, he wouldn't even know them. How would he explain when they arrived?

"I've informed him," Purple Sky said, "Also, what we publicly announced was that you failed to obtain the Dao Master's inheritance... for all the successors of the Dao Master, this is the official statement."

"External forces can speculate, but you cannot reveal it yourself, understand?" Purple Sky stared at Wu Yuan.

"The junior understands," Wu Yuan nodded.

"I hope that in the future, when you achieve the highest, we will meet again," Purple Sky smiled, "Go and meet with Lan Yan and the others."

"In the future, if you become a Sovereign or even a Dominator, you may still have dealings with them while exploring the universe."


Before Wu Yuan could say more, Purple Sky sighed, and Wu Yuan disappeared in this void.



Ripples in space, Wu Yuan felt a flash in front of him, and he found himself in a majestic temple.

At the end of the temple, three figures emitting powerful auras were standing, their eyes filled with intense heat.

One of them was the Lord Lan Yan.

"Pay respects to the young master," the three Lords bowed slightly simultaneously, their voices echoing in the temple.


PS: Three chapters in one, with two chapters guaranteed and one to make up for the one owed from the day before yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 459 Source Stone of Space (Please subscribe for monthly tickets)

"Young Master?" Wu Yuan looked at the three Great Lords and couldn't help but be stunned.

Many thoughts emerged in his mind as well.

"Young Master, don't worry." The supremely pure Lord Lan Yan stood up, smiling, "The three of us are the enforcement Sovereigns of the Dao Realm. We are aware of the news of the Dao Master's successor... Regarding your part of the information, Senior Purple Sky has informed us."

"Oh?" Wu Yuan suddenly realized, thinking of Purple Sky's reminder just now.

Now it seems that the core of the Dao Realm, which is usually guarded, consists of Purple Sky and the three enforcement Sovereigns, including Lord Lan Yan.

"You call me Young Master?" Wu Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"The successor of the Dao Master is naturally the Young Master." The eerie figure in the red robe smiled, "Of course, to be precise, Mingjian, you are our fifth Young Master."

Wu Yuan nodded.

In this cycle of reincarnation, there had already been four successors of the Dao Master before him, making him the fifth.

Although there had been many successors of the Dao Master in previous cycles of reincarnation, with the end of each cycle, those who hadn't transcended all perished.

Just like the current Lord Lan Yan and the others, they were all born in this cycle of reincarnation.

"The successor of the Dao Master, at most seven in total. Each birth is a great joy, and we are all excited about it." The Lord in the black battle armor smiled, "We have always hoped for all seven Young Masters to be born. Young Master Mingjian, you should be the one with the highest talent and potential among the five Young Masters so far."

"It's nothing special," Wu Yuan shook his head, "The previous successors already included Dominator-level powerhouses, just a step away from the highest level."

At the Dominator level, talk of talent and potential becomes somewhat illusory.

Even for someone as extraordinary as Wu Yuan.

Now, he dared only to say that he might become a Dominator in the future. As for transcending? It was all but a distant hope.

Seven successors?

Wu Yuan understood with a little thought. He was the fifth successor, and there were only two ultimate treasures left in the inheritance trial.

Indeed, there would only be seven successors of the Dao Master in this cycle of reincarnation.

"Young Master Mingjian," Lord Lan Yan smiled, "I don't need to introduce him. This is Lord Hongyi, the Sovereign of Karma, a Qi Refiner with the peak strength of a Sovereign, extremely proficient in karma curses, and is considered one of the top Sovereigns in the Dao Realm in terms of strength."

"Hongyi Sovereign," Wu Yuan said, but he was secretly shocked.

A Sovereign at the peak level of strength in karma, and also a disciple of Qi Refiners. His deterrent power would be astonishing.

"Young Master can just call me Hongyi," the eerie figure in the red robe smiled.

"Young Master, this is Lord Heizhen," Lord Lan Yan introduced again, "He is the Sovereign of Earth, a Body Refiner, also at the peak strength of a Sovereign, with extremely strong defense."

"Heizhen Sovereign," Wu Yuan said.

From the sound of it, the three major enforcement Sovereigns of the Dao Realm were all top-notch Sovereigns.

Not easy to deal with at all.

...As Wu Yuan slowly conversed with the three enforcement Sovereigns, he also learned some secrets that he had been unclear about in the past.

For example, the cause of the Black Demon Sovereign's death.

He was extremely powerful back then, dominating the Dao Realm, even the peak Sovereigns were not his opponents. He seemed to have already become a Dominator, but not as dominant as a Dominator, and waged war against various forces in the Dao Realm, attempting to unify it and making countless beings worship him.

In countless battles, the Black Demon Sovereign killed many strong opponents.

The forces of various sides in the Dao Realm were helpless.

Even in the final battle, when the Black Demon Sovereign attacked the Temporal Island, attempting to uncover its secrets, it drew the intervention of the three enforcement Sovereigns.

Unexpectedly, even with the joint efforts of the three enforcement Sovereigns, they were still suppressed by the Black Demon Sovereign.

"In the final battle, it was actually Senior Purple Sky who made a move. In the Dao Realm, Senior Purple Sky's strength is comparable to the highest level. With just one move, he suppressed the Black Demon!" Lord Lan Yan sighed, "However, Senior Purple Sky is extremely mysterious, and no one knows, so the various forces of the Dao Realm think it was the Dao Master who made the move."

Wu Yuan suddenly realized.

So that's how it was.

He couldn't help but think of the seemingly harmless creature in the ultimate trial ground, which resembled a small cat.

"But the Black Demon Blood Cave was indeed left behind by the Dao Master's instructions." Lord Hongyi said.

Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

In his speculation, the Dao Master left behind the Black Demon Blood Cave probably because of that strand of Ancestral Tower's origin.

"Young Master Mingjian," Lord Heizhen smiled, "Senior Purple Sky never leaves the Dao Realm... and the Dao Master himself never appears. As enforcement Sovereigns, we were actually selected by Senior Purple Sky, and we have only seen the Dao Master a few times."

Wu Yuan was speechless.

It sounded like Senior Purple Sky was the Dao Realm's major domo.

"Young Master, your strength is still weak for now," Lord Lan Yan smiled, "When Young Master leaves the Dao Realm and becomes powerful in the future, venturing through the endless river of time and space, perhaps we will have the opportunity to join forces."


"Young Master, the incarnations of us Sovereigns in the Dao Realm often venture out." Lord Heizhen smiled, "However, among the Sovereigns who know your identity, there are only the three of us. Other Sovereigns in the Dao Realm can only guess at most and cannot be sure."

Wu Yuan's heart stirred.

"Young Master, you are about to leave the Dao Realm, but since this is our first meeting, consider this a small gift prepared for you." Lord Hongyi smiled, "With this treasure, Young Master may find it smoother to travel the universe in the future and perhaps even claim a sacred title."

As he spoke, the Lord in red flipped his palm, revealing a rather large silver sword disc, with many flowing lights shimmering within, dazzling like silver fish.

Upon closer inspection, it would be clear that these were not silver fish at all, but rather sharp flying swords.

"This?" Wu Yuan was slightly surprised.

A gift?

For himself?

Wu Yuan could sense that this sword disc was very special and extraordinary.

Lord Lan Yan and Lord Heizhen both flashed a hint of surprise in their eyes.

"Young Master, this item is called the 'Hundred Sword Galaxy,' containing a hundred flying swords inside, each of which is as powerful in killing and attacking as a middle-grade Dao Artifact flying sword, just without Dao Source, so its value is not considered too high." Lord Hongyi smiled, "However, the hundred flying swords contained within the sword disc can be perfectly integrated, which is its major advantage, and the disc itself is a middle-grade Dao Artifact."

"The Hundred Sword Galaxy... may have little use for me, but it seems very suitable for you, Young Master." Lord Hongyi said.

"This is too precious," Wu Yuan shook his head.

Lord Hongyi's words seemed casual.

But Wu Yuan's perspective was extremely high now, and a little calculation made it clear that the Hundred Sword Galaxy was definitely a top-grade among middle-grade Dao Artifacts, and its value could definitely rival that of the Nine-Star Lotus Platform, or even higher.

Even figures like Lord Hongyi don't necessarily carry treasures of this level when they go out to fight and kill.

"If converted into divine crystals, the Hundred Sword Galaxy should be worth tens of trillion divine crystals." Lord Heizhen chuckled, "Of course, no one would exchange such treasures for divine crystals."

"Young Master, this treasure is not necessary for us, but its construction is quite ingenious, and it is most suitable for you to travel through the universe in the future... After all, fighting on the Celestial Path is a matter of your true body going there."

The most common middle-grade Dao Artifacts, such as flying swords and flying knives, are worth about a trillion divine crystals.

"Young Master, take it." Lord Lan Yan also smiled, "Even if this treasure is not suitable, when you return to the Taiyuan Divine Court, Young Master can exchange it for other suitable treasures."


"Hongyi Sovereign, I do need this treasure. I won't refuse anymore." Wu Yuan said.

He could tell that if he refused again, it would only displease Lord Hongyi.

The other party was trying to establish a good relationship.


Wu Yuan waved his hand and accepted the Hundred Sword Galaxy.

"Young Master, I have also prepared an item, also as a gift for our first meeting." Lord Heizhen smiled, "This item is called the 'Ten Thousand Stars Immortal Lock,' extremely skilled in binding and capturing, and can also be infused into the Sword Domain to enhance defense, but it may be difficult for you to control, Young Master."

As he spoke, Lord Heizhen flipped his palm, revealing a black sphere resembling a miniature star.

Upon closer inspection, one could perceive the extremely fine chains winding around the sphere.

The black sphere floated, emitting a majestic aura.

"This is? A top-grade Dao Artifact?" Wu Yuan was astonished.

He had seen many top-grade Dao Artifacts, and although this Ten Thousand Stars Immortal Lock was faintly sealed, he could still sense its aura.

Such treasures are of great use even to ordinary Sovereigns.

In terms of absolute value, the Ten Thousand Stars Immortal Lock is much higher than the Hundred Sword Galaxy.

But in practical value, the Hundred Sword Galaxy is more useful for Wu Yuan at present, perfect for the Sovereign's incarnations to carry into battle, and will definitely greatly increase their strength.

As for the Ten Thousand Stars Immortal Lock, to fully unleash its power, one must at least reach the Star Sovereign level.

However, treasures like the Hundred Sword Galaxy and the Ten Thousand Stars Immortal Lock are not something you can easily obtain by just wishing for it.

Even Wu Yuan's true body in the Witch Realm's treasury has many restrictions when trying to exchange for middle-grade Dao Artifacts.

The more powerful the treasure, the rarer it is.

"This gift is too precious," Wu Yuan shook his head, not daring to accept it easily.

He even wondered if he should return the Hundred Sword Galaxy.

If they were low-grade Dao Artifacts or high-grade Immortal Artifacts, it would be easy for Sovereigns to give them away as gifts.

But for treasures that are too precious...

Accepting them would incur karma!

And karma must be repaid, just like when Wu Yuan's Qi Refining incarnation obtained the Hundred Star Sword from the Star Sovereign, there was also a promise of karma.

"Young Master."

"Don't worry too much." Lord Lan Yan finally spoke, "Similar gifts are given to every successor, it's just that the one for you is a bit more significant."

"The other four successors mostly receive treasures worth trillions of divine crystals." Lord Lan Yan smiled.

Each successor receives a gift?

Wu Yuan's pupils contracted slightly.

He was not a fool and vaguely understood why the three Sovereigns were so enthusiastic about him.

"Young Master, these treasures are indeed precious to ordinary Sovereigns. Most ordinary Sovereigns don't even have ten high-grade Dao Artifacts." Lord Hongyi smiled, "But we possess peak Sovereign strength and are also the enforcers of the Dao Realm... Our wealth far exceeds that of ordinary Sovereigns, so these treasures are not much for us."

Wu Yuan listened.

The three enforcers were indeed extraordinary.

"The earliest three successors have all become Sovereigns." Lord Heizhen also smiled, "And we are convinced that your talent, Young Master, is the highest, so we firmly believe that you will become a Sovereign in the future."

"By offering some treasures to help you, Young Master, and allowing you to grow faster and more steadily, once you become a Sovereign in the future, it will be worth it for us." Lord Hongyi smiled.

"From the peak of Sovereignty to the level of Sovereign, it's extremely difficult." Lord Lan Yan said softly, "For example, the Taiyuan Divine Court, which spans two thousand realms, has tens of thousands of Sovereigns."

"However, even with the guidance of the highest existence, there are currently only eight Sovereigns."

"And you, Young Master, are likely to be among the strongest Sovereigns in the future."

Wu Yuan understood completely.

Other Sovereigns are not sure if they have become successors to the Dao Lord, so they may not be willing to pay a high price.

But the three enforcers know him very well.

Therefore, they are willing to "invest" early.

"Young Master, we have no other requests." Lord Heizhen smiled, "We just want to help you become stronger in the future. When we roam outside, having a bit more help and backing will be beneficial."

"After all, our line of the Temporal Dao Realm is relatively weak when roaming outside, and the Dao Lord doesn't care about us at all." Lord Heizhen sighed with emotion.

He seemed to recall some "humiliating" experiences he had been through.

As Sovereigns, even in the long years, there are times when they lose out in battles against other peers.

The highest existence often does not interfere in conflicts beneath its level.


At this time, if a Sovereign has a powerful figure backing them, they naturally have more confidence.

On the other hand, the Temporal Dao Realm does not have Sovereign-level figures, and the successors of the Dao Lord do not belong to the Temporal Dao Realm. Moreover, although several previous successors to the Dao Lord were Sovereigns, not all of them are suitable for seeking help from a certain powerful figure. For example, if Wu Yuan were to help one of the three enforcers in a life-and-death battle against the powerful figures of the Taiyuan Divine Court or the Witch Court in the future, whom would Wu Yuan help? Moreover, the more help you provide, the more karma you consume. Therefore, for the three enforcers, it is better to establish good relationships with more successors to the Dao Lord.

"Young Master," Lord Lan Yan smiled, "I don't have a suitable treasure... However, your life-bound flying sword should be following the most perfect evolutionary path, so I specially prepared a piece of Space Origin Stone for you."

Lord Lan Yan waved his hand.


In the hall, a huge stone about ten zhang high, like a small mountain, appeared out of thin air. It was crystal clear and translucent, with mysterious and unpredictable spatial runes flowing on its surface.

A rich aura of space origin emanated from it.

"This!!" Wu Yuan was dumbfounded.

"This?" Lord Hongyi was astonished.

"A mountain-like Space Origin Stone? The one from the Temporal Treasure Hall, did you exchange it for that?" Even Lord Heizhen was shocked.

Space Origin Stone.

It represents precious treasures derived from the origin of heaven and earth, with many uses.

And its most important use is for refining Dao artifacts.

To form a Dao artifact with complete Dao essence, a large amount of Space Origin Stone must be refined.

And among various types of origin stones, Space Origin Stone is undoubtedly one of the most precious, second only to Time Origin Stone.

"Lord Lan Yan."

Wu Yuan was already shocked, shaking his head, "A small piece of origin stone can exchange for a low-grade Dao artifact, but such a big piece?"

This size, in terms of value, is probably close to that of a top-grade Dao artifact like the Demon-Sealing Tablet.

Ten Hundred Star Swords put together are not as valuable as this mountain-like Space Origin Stone.

The entire net worth of many Sovereigns is not as much as this piece of origin stone.

It's too precious.

No wonder Lord Hongyi and Lord Heizhen were both taken aback. Such a treasure is enough to make Sovereigns jealous and tempted to snatch it.

"It's not expensive, it's not even a third of my net worth."

"For me, having a few more or fewer treasures doesn't make much difference. I just sold many useless treasures." Lord Lan Yan smiled, "And with this, your life-bound flying sword only needs time to evolve into a top-grade Immortal Artifact."

"Accept it." Lord Lan Yan looked at Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan took a deep breath.


If you want your life-bound flying sword to evolve from a middle-grade Immortal Artifact to a top-grade Immortal Artifact, the price is enough to make Sovereigns tremble.

Because of this, not many people have been able to walk this path from ancient times to the present.

At this moment.

The three enforcers were all looking at Wu Yuan, especially Lord Lan Yan.

She, seemingly the only female among the three Sovereigns, actually had the boldest temperament.

She had faith in Wu Yuan.

If not for this, when Lord Wanlang wanted to kill Wu Yuan last time, she wouldn't have dispatched rescue so promptly. Speaking of which, it violated some of the hidden rules of nurturing on Time Island.

For a long time.

"Alright, three Sovereigns, I'll accept all these treasures." Wu Yuan said slowly, "Thanks to the three Sovereigns."

Wu Yuan hesitated for a long time, especially about the gifts from Lord Hongyi and Lord Heizhen.

Lord Lan Yan's gift was just too precious.

But this was exactly what Wu Yuan needed the most.

With such a large piece of Space Origin Stone, there's no need to exchange for other treasures. It can continuously facilitate the evolution of his life-bound flying sword.

They are the best materials for evolution.

"As for the future, we'll talk about it later." Wu Yuan thought to himself, "With these treasures today, I'll be able to progress faster and more steadily."

The opening of the Celestial Realm is not far away.

"Haha, that's right."

"Good." Lord Lan Yan, Lord Hongyi, and Lord Heizhen all smiled.

As enforcers of the Dao Realm, they were considered more core members of the Temporal Dao Master lineage, so their relationship with Wu Yuan was already very close.

Today, Wu Yuan accepted their gifts again.

Especially Lord Lan Yan, she can be said to have spent a lot, far beyond others.

"Young Master."

Lord Lan Yan said, "I have already sent a message to the Taiyuan Divine Court about your imminent departure... The response from the Divine Court was that when they send representatives next time in dozens of years, the Masters of Heart Cliff and Northern Twilight will come to pick you up."

"Heart Cliff Master? A Master-level figure?" Wu Yuan was surprised.

"Young Master, this is some intelligence about many powerful figures in the Taiyuan Divine Court, you can take a look." Lord Heizhen said.

He waved his hand, and a celestial scroll appeared in front of Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan reached out and took it, and his divine sense quickly began to investigate.

The information wasn't too complicated but quite comprehensive.

It also made Wu Yuan understand the position of the Masters of Heart Cliff in the Taiyuan Divine Court.

One of the Eight Masters.

"Such a super existence is coming to pick me up?" Wu Yuan was secretly surprised.

"Young Master, your talent is extremely high, and it's recognized that you are the number one in our side of the Temporal River." Lord Lan Yan said, "Although your cultivation time is short, you are quite competitive on the Celestial Path. It's not surprising that the Master of Heart Cliff personally comes."

"Moreover, although when each Dao Master's imprint leaves, we notify various forces to come and pick them up, and inform them of the failure of inheritance, they will also speculate that you, Young Master, have become a Dao Master heir."

Wu Yuan couldn't help but nod lightly.

That makes sense too.

Although the Dao Master's heirs are not made public, the numerous top-tier forces in the Temporal River are not fools.

Isn't it unreasonable that in the long years, when the Dao Master created the Time Island, not a single heir was selected?

Over time, there will naturally be doubts.

After some more exchange.

"Young Master, in the next few decades, you can use the teleportation array in the Time Island to travel freely in the Dao Realm." Lord Lan Yan said, "When the Divine Court warship arrives, I will inform you through the Time and Space Immortal Realm."


Immediately, Lord Lan Yan directly sent Wu Yuan back to the Time Island.


Wu Yuan didn't return to his own palace, but directly used the teleportation array to arrive at the Snow Light Mist Realm.

"Lord Lan Yan, really gave me a great gift." Wu Yuan thought to himself, "The value of the gifts from the other two Lords is also not insignificant."

"All of these are karma."

"Will be repaid in the future." Wu Yuan's understanding was very clear, there's no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

"But, when I become stronger, what does this karma count for?" Wu Yuan shook his head.

To receive, one must give.

And whether the two are equivalent, Wu Yuan had to weigh for himself.


"For thousands of years, apart from the Reincarnation Sword, the only other major gain on the Time Island is the inheritance of the Lord of Black Magic." Wu Yuan walked in the vast snow and mist of the Snow Light Mist Realm.

With one step, he entered the spatial turbulence layer and quickly headed towards the Black Magic Blood Cave.

Before leaving the Dao Realm, he naturally had to reclaim the Black Magic Blood Cave.


In the temple where the three enforcers were located on the Time Island.

"Lan Yan, this is where you went wrong. We had agreed on similar gifts." Lord Hongyi shook his head, "The gifts you gave... made mine and Heizhen's gifts seem insignificant."

Lord Heizhen didn't speak, but his expression indicated that he was equally displeased.

Courtesy and gifts are all about comparison.

"Even if I told you in advance, would you be willing to give gifts equivalent to the Space Origin Stone?" Lord Lan Yan glanced at the two of them.

Lord Hongyi and Lord Heizhen were speechless.

They wouldn't be willing.

"If Mingjian values sentimentality, will he forget your gifts?" Lord Lan Yan said lightly, "If Mingjian doesn't value sentimentality, no matter how valuable the gifts are, they would be in vain."

With that, she took a step and returned to her own palace.

"But, Mingjian, I trust you." Lord Lan Yan had her own judgment.


As time passed, Wu Yuan stayed in the Snow Light Mist Realm for nearly a year.

Previously, through the Demon Suppression List control, dozens of celestial gods and immortals scattered throughout the Dao Realm all left their respective forces and gathered in the Snow Light Mist Realm.

Then, they all entered the Black Magic Blood Cave.


"Greetings, Master." Dozens of individuals like Xiang Fei Celestial, Red Demon Star Lord, and Ancient Longevity Star Lord respectfully bowed.

Among these dozens of people, only Xiang Fei Celestial was not controlled by the Divine Spirit.

"From now on, you will temporarily cultivate in the Demon Realm. When the time is right, I will let your law bodies and true bodies go out to hone and explore." Wu Yuan instructed.

"Yes." Many celestial gods and immortals respectfully agreed.

Then they dispersed on their own.

"Master." The Great Demon stood on the side.

"I am about to leave the Dao Realm. Take this opportunity to retract the Black Magic Blood Cave." Wu Yuan said, "When I find a suitable place, I will set up the Black Magic Blood Cave again."