
Chapter - 02

P.O.V. Narrator


The entire hall was quite. There was no cheering from the Slytherin House as well.

Alexander calmly walked towards the Slytherin table, his eyes lingered around the Hall. All he saw was the look of disgust and caution in their eyes, even from those of the Slytherin House.

But such a reaction wasn't all that surprising. The once great line of Slytherin which continued down as The Gaunts were just as grandiose and vain as their Ancestor was, the only problem being that Salazar could back all that pride and arrogance up.

Salazar was after all, know as the greatest Dark wizard of all times with only Herpo the foul surpassing him and his student Merlin, and Morgana Le Fay matching Salazar's skills in the Dark arts.

Salazar's bloodline gifts were passed on to his descendants as well, as almost all of them possessed Paseltounge and a higher capacity of magic in them as compared to an average Wizard or Witch but due their constant inbreeding and reckless utilisation of the Dark Arts they became insane.

Slowly they squandered all their wealth away and are left with just a cabin in the woods. They became so unhinged that they constantly raped and killed muggles that even the Purebloods stopped associating with them, well not as if they could even communicate much with them before as they only spoke Paseltounge and refused speak any other language.

Alexander walked towards the end of the table with his back facing Albus.

P.O.V. Alexander


The sound drew the attention of the entire student body to the Professor who lead us in the hall and announced our name, the Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts, Armando Dippet, "Your attention please, the Headmaster would like to speak a few words."

I looked towards the sickly old man who had dim twinkle in his eyes.

"Welcome to another year here at Hogwarts....", my attention was diverted when felt something slither under my robes , '~hmm, what are you doing calm down girl~.' I whispered in as quietly as I could so I drew as less attention I could which wasn't that much of a problem as the entire student body enamoured with the various announcements that the Headmaster was relaying. "....The punishments for breaking the rules, especially the ones ment for safety purposes and trespassing restricted section of the castle will be dealt in dungeons, which believe me, you'd want to avoid. That would be all. May the feast begin."

Suddenly, food appeared in front of us. The fragrance overwhelming my nose, it looked clean, plentiful and my lord so gorgeous "*sniff*sob*", the sound of a few people crying brought me out of my high and looked around towards the Gryffindor table. I saw a majority of the first years in tears, especially the girls. And I understood what they were going through cause I felt a tear rolling down my cheek.

I turned my attention back to my food, 'ah! my food. Never thought I would be able to say that.' thinking that I started slowly eating the absolute heavenly taste that graced my tongue.

The memories of the past came to mind; days on spent on empty stomach without even the most vapid of breads. Working 14 hours a day just for handful of shillings, well atleast what was leftover after the older pricks beat my arse to the ground.

'Never again. I can't go back to that hell. The Great War is just a couple of decades away. All that death, destruction is about to come, the chaos, mayhem and political assassinations leading towards to an already damaged Britain to WW-2. A lot many people will die, not just of war but diseases, damn even penicillin is not here yet, no vaccines to combat the new diseases that will break out and that's just on the muggle side of the fold. What about the Magical ones? No wolfsbane, no prevention of Dragon pox. Too many ways for me to just die and suffer while doing so.'

I continued eating the sumptuous delicacies served to me drowning myself with the worries of the era of continuous hell I was reborn in.

P.O.V. Dumbledore

'The weather is quite pleasant today.', I think walking towards the Express and boy did it look beautiful. 'Too bad, I can't really wait to appreciate it with all these people staring at me.'

I boarded the train and started looking around for cabin which was welcoming or not occupied with the Purebloods.

At long last I found one, with only one occupying the cabin, "Excuse me? Hello, I was wondering if you would be open to me sharing the cabin? Everywhere else is full or just.... anyways, mind me sitting here?"

He gave me cursory glance and let join the cabin for the rest of the journey.

'Alexander, huh' He's different, his eyes are grey, which coming from the muggle heritage is very rare or he's a bastard half-blood given the state of his clothes. "Are you a muggle-born? If you don't mind me asking."

His answer was calm, 'he didn't even look up to answer me. Guess he's not the talking type. But he's most likely lying, well not my business.'

The rest of the trip till reaching the castle was spent either with enjoyable small talk, appreciating the landscape and sleeping. When we were about to move forward to area the ground keeper was calling us first years, I saw them, large skeletal horses with wings pulling the carriages, Thersals. I looked around only to find I wasn't the only one who sees them, there are quite a few, 'including him' I think looking towards Alexander only to meet his eyes at the same time. After a moment of assessment we broke contact.

'This Castle is Majestic.' were the first word that came mind along with a feeling of hospitality and belonging. I glanced around my shoulder only to see the same awe in Alexander's eyes.

We reached the entrance of the Great Hall where the Deputy Headmaster, Armando Dippet, the old wizard is over 200 years old stills looks not a day older than 150. He gave us a basic overall introduction of the houses and the point system and left for a few moments.

"So it's true that the son of the muggle-hater has come to Hogwarts." I freeze up a bit as a cold fury and memories of that day come rushing back but I snuff it out as I use my novice Occlumency to think my options through. I just remain quite as Lestrange keeps running his mouth off and thank Merlin that Dippet came back at the right time.

We made our way through the Hall as our names were being called under the beautiful enchanted ceiling.


"Albus Dumbledore"

I walked towards the Hat with a blank look on my face drowning out all the noise from my surroundings. The professor put hat on my head. The moment I wore it I back distant to everything.

P.O.V Sorting Hat

*'hmm..... bright mind, a real talent you are boy and ambitions to match them, I'd say either Gryffindor or Slytherin....-'*

"Not Slytherin, put me in Gryffindor."

*'are you sure.... Slytherin can lead you to power and greatness quite easily-'*

"So can Gryffindor"

*'yes it can.... but would you be able to dable in the Dark Arts when you're surrounded by Gryffins?....'*

"Yes I can. I don't need anyone to teach me or interfere with my studies in the Dark Arts, which those of Slytherin will try and acquire. Plus I don't like the Slytherin House anyway."

*'quiet proud and arrogant you are..... this recklessness and search for power might just be your down fall....'*

"I don't want power, I need it, for myself, my brother, my sister and to change the world. For The Greater Good."

*'So be it...'*

P.O.V. Dumbledore


I walked away to the end of the Gryffindor dinning table under the loathing eyes of my fellow Housemates.


"a-Alexander Slytherin"

'Hmm! Slytherin, but that can't be. There were only ever to direct lineages of the Slytherin line— The Gaunts and The Sayers. The Sayer line is extinct, the daughters of Isolt Sayer, the founder of the Ilvermourny School of Witchcraft and Wizardary, One married a muggle and never had children blessed with magic, the other did not marry and lived out her life without any children.

Neither can he be a Gaunt, he shares no similar features. I knew something was different about him.'



'Well that was to be expected. But why is his robe moving so much?

Come to think of it, he didn't have any pet with him. Hmmm'

P.O.V. Narrator

The Joyous feast which was accompanied by House Ghosts popping out of the table and frightening the Students ended on a satisfying note.

Immediately afterwards the houses split as they were taken to their respective dormitories.

The Slytherin House went deep in the dungeons, under the black lake lead by the Slytherin House Prefects. The green hue lighting the darkness which grew as they approached it.

"This is the entrence to Slytherin House commen room. It requires a password to open which changes every month. The Slytherin Dormitories haven't been infiltrated for about 300 years and I'd like for it to not end in my term as the perfect.

The Slytherin House is built on a hierarchy of power in multiple facets. Infighting and competition is allowed as long as you don't take it too far, However any and all disputes are below the unity of the House especially when against other Houses. More specifically Gryffindor.", the Prefect laid out the terms to the new housemates and proceeded to open the pathway.



The Prefects walked through the passage followed by the rest of the students.

The Slytherin Common room was Sophisticated to say the least. The room had a green shade to it with darkness filling out the noise and gold accents.

"Your luggage and other belongings have already been transferred to your individual rooms. The Male and female quaters are separated by enchantment. You are welcome to try and enter the opposite quaters especially the boys, that is if you wish a week in the dungeons.

You will also find that your timetable are already placed in your rooms. You will be given two days to settle down after which, on Monday your term begins.

Good Night to you all."



A/N:- Finally found some time write a new chapter. Enjoy and leave your opinions and suggestions regarding the novel and Dumbledore.

And before I forget Alexander, Dumbledore and Grindelwald are the main cast with Alexander being the Protagonist. And I repeat this novel DOES NOT have BOY LOVE thought Grindeldore will happen, it's inevitable but Alexander is Straight.

The power scaling will be my own so it won't follow cannon plus there is a power ceiling meaning that once a character reaches that ceiling he/she won't be able to surpass it. And if said characters break said ceiling they will die soon after sort of like the 8th gate except the consequences will have weight and in some cases irreversible and not everything can be fixed death is the end, no resurrections and long lasting damage or injury build up will remain through out the course of the novel ( If I come around to writing it).

The Character will be as 3d and humane as possible meaning no Mary Sues, No plot Armor, I can kill the Main character anytime I want and continue with maybe Dumbledore or Grindelwald or Snape or Voldemort or quite possibly Delphine.

If you are fine with this continue the Novel (If I write it and just don't laze around) and give this Lazy author some words suggesting that my work is atleast competent.

Hate comments well do what you want can't really stop you so I'll just delete u.

Constructive feedback is appreciated and your ideas.

