

Centuries after the Great Reality War ended and the Reality Lines are at peace, New threats begin to appear. Kalani Ranel a 15 year old living with grandma is taken by a suspicious group on his way home. People who seem normal at first glance start forming Ice and Fire out of thin air and doing things regular people shouldn't be able to. Kalani is soon forced to join a organization known as NRPK for a week until tragedy happens. He must find out who his TRUE enemies are and the mysteries behind his past.

VenDangoSan · Fantasia
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4 Chs


Kalani gave a few deep breaths and looked around for an nearby exit. Although the door was behind him and Alex was busy talking to the another guy in the room, he knew if he ran for it that he would be good as dead. There also was a window that was behind the group of people with no chance of accessing.

He counted down from 10 inside his head while breathing heavily. As soon as he reached one he made a fast sprint for the door.

Just as he was near the frames of the door he blinked and was suddenly in front of the people in the room sitting on the refurnished carpet with his legs crossed.

Kalani looked at the couch and was shocked to see that the boss was asleep.

~Did I pass out, how did I get here, How long was I out? Let me calm down first and analyze my situation.~ Kalani thought observing the room and his surroundings.

"This is the kid? What a disappoint. He could barely stand looking at us, he obviously isn't the one were looking for."

"Be patient and lets hear him out."

"Is he even mentally conscious right now, he looks kind of dazed."

Alex walked out the room and closed the door behind him even though Kalani knew he was just guarding the entrance to the room.

Kalani gave another set of deep breathes and regained awareness of the situation. He looked at the group of teenagers and eyed each of them closely while sniffing around the air.

The guys sitting in chairs around Kalani looked no older than 18 yet they had some kind of authorative feeling to them.

"They sure do start their life of crime young now and days." Kalani said while looking at a short girl in the group.

"I will have you know that I'm older than you, brat!" she said glaring at him.

"Sure, sure we can play dollhouse later, but I got to go home before dinner so could you kindly tell your friends here to let me go, I would most definitely appreciate it."

"You cocky little f***, What Disrespect!"

A toned body teenager with reddish orangish hair and a few scars walked up to Kalani who was now laughing on the ground and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt lifting him back up.

"Look here kid, we didn't come here to listen to your f****** jokes, we came here because we was promised the birth of a new star from this reality line!"

"They do say over 400 million stars are born in a second but if you are looking for a good view, I recommend a spot on the mountains a few hours away from here. You will make it by the morning if you start walking now." Kalani said after removing the teenager's rough hand from his collar and started continuing his laughter on the ground.

Just before the rough teenager was about to say something another teenager walked over to Kalani, grabbed the rough teenager's arm, whispered in his ear, then led the him to a toned body, tall girl that also had scars and different shades of blue in her hair.

After completing his current task, he walked back over to Kalani and crouched low to match his current height.

"What's the magic word for taming that one?" Kalani said sticking his tongue out at the rough teenager after returning back to his normal position.

"I apologize on his behalf kid, but man you are not making this easy. Look, we just need to talk you about the new Star that is in this reality line."

~Star, What the heck are they talking about. Is that a drug or something. Well the less I know, the better.~ Kalani thought staring at the messy haired kid who was sleeping peacefully on the couch.

"I like how yall call me kid like you guys are not teenagers as well. Plus I'm not too keen on getting buddy buddy with people who kidnapped me." Kalani said attempting his fourth try on psychological warfare.

"Just let me handle this idiot, I will get him talking!" The rough red haired teenager said while returning back to the position near Kalani.

The rough teenager moved the dark green haired teenager out his way and stared at Kalani with an annoyed face for a few seconds.

The green haired kid was about to grab the rough teenager but then the tall girl held him back.

"Wait, DONT DO IT!" He yelled at the rough teenager who gave off a mad but surprised face towards Kalani.

~I didn't think he would snap this soon. That was easier than expected.~ Kalani thought while snakingly sliding his hand under his lap.

The green haired teen looked at a teenager boy who was wearing a hoodie and had a tired look. The teen just gave a nod towards Kalani and started biting his nails intensely.

"What are you doing Jay, he is going to die if you let Melvin do that!"

"Dont worry, he is the one. Old man T is never wrong with his ability." The hoodie wearing teenager known as Jay said.

The green haired teenager pushed the tall girl off of him then looked at Kalani, and then he looked around at everyone. He then gave a highly disgusted face at Jay and walked out the room with a foul mood written all over his face.

"So are yall done with the high school drama, because I would like to go home now." Kalani said starting up another round of small laughter and phycological warfare.

"He sure does annoy me, Hurry up Melvin if you are going to burn this brat!" The short girl said while looking away to hide her worry.

The teen known as Melvin bent low and grabbed Kalani by the shirt while raising his hand. Suddenly a big red flame burst out of the rough guy's palm.

"Now you feel like talking kid? I have no problems giving you a new skin feature if you want it so bad." Melvin said while giving a aggravated face towards Kalani.

Everyone except the guy who was sleeping on the couch faced Kalani with extra attention. Jay then looked at the two and nodded with reassurance.

"Cool, now pull cards out your mouth and also make a rabbit come ou--" Kalani suddenly stopped and broke out in cold sweats before he touched the fire.

~This fire is real and he is just casually holding it like it dont burn. Plus this is the same fire from earlier at that forest. You cant mean they been watching me since then, I got to protect Sarah!~ Kalani thought while reaching for his marker in his back pocket.

"Heh heh, You guys been watching me for quite some time." Kalani said nervously while holding onto his marker making eye contact with Melvin.

"Yeah, but the thing is we just arrived today, So HURRY UP AND TALK KID!" Melvin said while the fire started radiating more heat.

"Hold on, let me think, Star you say. Oh yeah, Hmmmm, Let me Think." Kalani said while pulling the marker slowly under his lap.

~One more push, and he is gonna snap. Once that happens I will escape.~ Kalani thought successfully sneaking the marker fully into his hand under his lap.

"Oh ho, this should be entertaining to watch. Look here kid, if you are the new Star we are looking for then just say so, its not like were forcing you to stay with us." The short girl said giving a slight stare towards Kalani.

The tall girl sighed and started stretching. As she stretched, her scars and toned muscles became more visible to Kalani and made him curious.

"Oh in that case I dont know nothing, so could you please let me go home before dinner. Nana gets angry if I stay out too late."

The fire heat intensity started to increase even more as the rough teen gave a angry face towards Kalani while showing his sharp pointy teeth.

Kalani noticed Melvin eyes were a bright yellow and his teeth were as sharp as knives. He started wondering do he ever bite his own tongue with them sharp teeth.

"Last chance brat or you're toast, LITERALLY!" Melvin yelled as his whole hand began to be engulfed by the flame.

Kalani gave a wide grin looking at the flame and looked at Melvin who looked as if he was on the verge of exploding.

"I already told you I know nothing, I know you are not that smart but please do your best to comprehend simple grammar you dumb stupid idi---"

"Katrina!" Jay yelled giving a quick snap.

"On it!" The tall girl known as Katrina yelled while she got in a position like she was about to throw a ball.

The short girl extended her hands out in front of her.

Kalani no longer smelled anyone but his own scent. He looked at Melvin who had stood up and was now fully surrounded by yellow flames.

Melvin reached his flaming arm backwards and prepared to swing his fist.

Kalani quickly closed his eyes and tried to cover his face and body with his arms after he gave a quick throw of the marker he was hiding.

The marker suddenly bounced back after hitting something invisible covering Kalani.

A few seconds later, a loud crackling noise was heard.

The green haired boy quickly ran in and extended his arms. A dark substance begin pouring onto Melvin, but it was quickly turning into smoke as soon as it started appearing.

"Crap he is burning through the barrier, HURRY UP KATRINA!" Kalani heard the short girl yell followed by more cracking noises.

Kalani was laying on the ground covering his body with his eyes closed but wasn't feeling any heat or punches.

"ON IT!"

There was a loud cracking noise and then sudden silence followed by a few relieved exhales.

Kalani opened his eyes while sitting up, and dead right in front of his face he saw Melvin. Only now he saw that Melvin was completely covered in ice, frozen in a slightly completed swinging pose.

He scooted back and looked the the frozen figure as drips of water poured down along with Kalani's sweat.

"You were this close to becoming ashes." Katrina said sighing in relief looking at Kalani.

Kalani sat there for a few minutes trying to regain his focus on his thoughts staring at the frozen Melvin with confusion about what just happened.

"I tried to warn you Jay, This is why you dont push things too far idiot!" The green haired teen said while wiping some black substance off his hands.

"Look kid we just want to know about the New Star in this reality line. Just tell us and you can go home, this is getting boring, I had to freeze my dear little brother." Katrina said going back to her previous position.

~What the heck, I have to be drugged, I need to escape while I can, Is Sarah Ok? Let me just cooperate~ Kalani thoughts were scrambled but steadily returning to normal pacing.

After a few minutes of disoriented thoughts, Kalani walked back fully into the room and exhaled.

"Can I have the antidote to whatever yall drugged me with first? I promise to tell you all whatever I'm able to."

The green haired boy looked at Jay and Katrina, and then looked back at Kalani.

"What drugs are you talking about-- Wait do you know what abilities are?" He said while looking worried.

"I know my version of abilities, which is the normal definition, which is a skill or something someone can do." Kalani said, afraid that he gave the wrong answer.

The short girl smacked her forehead and gave a sigh while she looked out the window.

"Wait, you're telling me that you actually thought a New Star was born in a F rank line Jay, that is hilarious." Katrina sneered followed by her bursting into laughter showing her sharp teeth.

The green haired kid walked over to Jay and shook his head. He sat in a chair next to the couch where the messy haired kid was laying and sighed.

~Please let me go, Please let me go, Please let me go!~ Kalani thought sweating intensely.

Jay begin biting his no longer existing nails once more and gave a slight sigh.

"Old man T gave me this info and also---"

Jay suddenly became quiet and about three seconds later, he looked if he was out of breath while sweating.

The messy haired teen then suddenly hopped up off the couch and gave a loud whistle.

Footsteps and running could be heard throughout the halls followed by doors opening and loud zipping noises outside the room. The green haired kid ran to the door and peeked out the room.

"Code RED, dismiss duty. You are now free to go!" He yelled down the hall and then peeked back into the room.

~What is going on, I thought that guy was asleep.~ Kalani thought while trying to get a good look at the messy haired boy's face.

"How much time we got left Jay?" The messy haired teen said as everyone seemed to be in rush, picking up things.

"15 Minutes, 147 Estimated Backup, and 10 S rank Elites!" Jay said while heavily panting.

Kalani shifted himself closer to the door as the green haired kid went outside and came back a minute later.

The messy haired teen looked at Kalani and then looked at Melvin who was surprisingly almost free from the ice.

"How long do Melvin got this time?" He asked going into the middle of the room.

"He should thaw in a few seconds." Katrina said joining into the group in the middle of the room.

~What's happening, the police must found them. If I run now I most likely can escape.~ Kalani thought while eyeing the teenagers who was all gathered in the middle of the room talking.

"What about the kid, we taking him?" Katrina said glancing at Kalani.

"No, were leaving him for NRPK. They wont harm him since he is not one of us. Most likely, he will undergo mind wiping." Jay said looking at the Kalani who had suddenly ran out of the room.

"Well he better not run or struggle too much, they are known to get rough when it comes down to us." The short girl said staring at the green haired teen with awe.

Everyone began holding onto the messy haired boy arms and starting closing their eyes. Soon after, they disappeared leaving nothing but silence and the sound of Kalani running through the halls opening doors.

As Kalani peeked into rooms, he saw that it was nothing but a closet. He noticed that he wasn't seeing nobody throughout the cabin and started walking to the entrance.

When he arrived, it seemed like the whole place was now suddenly empty. He just walked outside and saw red and blue lights surrounded by people with heavily armed outfits on.

Kalani started waving his arm and walking towards the lights but suddenly dropped onto the ground.

"Wait I'm not---"

Just before Kalani finished his sentence, he felt what seemed like a shot in his neck and quickly felt drowsy.

"This is agent L from the trainee program. We got one suspect, Most likely a victim." A figure said as Kalani started to lose conscious.

He was then lifted by a taller figure and was heading towards the light. After he was placed in a car they drove for a few minutes and stopped.

"He couldn't be a Xenverion, so we will just give him a level 5 interrogation."

"Preparing for jump in 5 SPT!"

"Put eye protectors on the kid in the back before we jump."

"Yes sir. By the way, can I be present in the interrogation, Pleasseeee?"

Those were the last words Kalani heard before fully passing out.