
Xenarra: The Dragon Throne

Xenarra has long descended into war and chaos. In the ruins of the Draconic Imperium, Demons are stirring and the Gods are watching from above. Adoh, the son of a farmer, once scholar, has a bloodline capable of saving the world from total destruction. Will he succeed? Or will he become another blood stain on the path to destruction? https://discord.gg/acEBNnnefG Discord server link

DragonRiderOfHell · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

The Last Dragon Mage

A massive dragon was lying on a dusty stone floor. It appeared to be in a cave, that cave went in two directions. No matter which way you looked, all you could see was pure darkness. The dragon looked to be on its last breaths. Its scales had lost their deep black color, now looking more grey. Its horns which once looked to be blood red were now broken and looking more grey much like the scales.

It appeared to be sleeping but if one looked closely you could see that the dragon was watching its surroundings carefully. This being indicated by the pale golden glow just barely shining over the floor of the cave, which made the dusty floor look like it was covered in gold.

At one end of the cave, suddenly a majestic red light flashed into appearance, alongside a heat that many could not and would never be able to withstand. The cave floor in that area instantly became black from the vast heat burning the floor. The red light however seemed like it was flickering and if you looked at the walls themselves it was as if the light was dancing joyfully. Then the light and the heat receded as a faint outline of a figure could be seen.

The dragon merely glanced at the light before mumbling, "You have finally come then." The dragon's coarse voice echoed through the cave as he spoke.

"I would not like to see an old friend die without any family or friends around him. After all your children are all dead. Even the ones you blessed, their bloodline is too thin to be considered one of your kin." The figure's voice was soft but it had a slight fire to it that would warm the people who heard it.

The dragon paused before speaking as if he was reflecting on the past. In his eyes, a tinge of sadness could be seen. "Yes, the ones who I considered family died long ago. I wouldn't consider you a friend. If I was your friend, your people would laugh at you for being a friend with a lesser species. Especially when you blessed my kind with much of our power over fire."

The dragon then groaned and its head fell to the floor with a crash. As he began to look up again. He began to plead with the figure which would stun all the creatures of this world into silence. "My time is coming. How I wish one of my children survived!... When I take my last breath could you do me one last favor? Make sure my body is gone so none of those demons or their mutated followers can use it in their foul experiments."

The figure smiled at the dragon, it was as if he had expected something like this to have been spoken.

"I would gladly do that for someone like yourself. You are after all the last True Dragon, the last of the Dragon Mages. You would not deserve to be tormented once you have died."

The great dragon slowly began to rise. Once standing on its legs it let out an all mighty ROAR! Then as it collapsed letting out its last breath. It sent a message to the figure, "It's funny as I die, I sense one person whose bloodline has the potential to be my kin. Protect him please at least until he becomes strong enough…. Goodbye old friend."

"You finally called me a friend in the end," the being said this while letting out a sigh. He then slowly began to walk towards the now-dead dragon.

Then with a movement of the figure's hand, the red light that was around him began to glow even brighter and hotter until it encompassed the dragon. Once the light receded all that was left was a black mark where the dragon had been. The cave after that person had left was plunged into massive darkness.