

100 years ago the world was once a peaceful and quiet place. Scientists were doing an experiment that went terribly wrong which made the world we once knew turn into chaos. Now there is something the remaining humans who survived the deadly experiment call this. They call these monstrous beings the abominations. Some of these abominations are weepers, bloaters, toxic abomination and fast biters roaming around the world that can affect other humans and turn them into abominations. This story is about Brook and his friends trying to find out the truth behind everything. Was it intentional or was it a mistake?

Xcution18 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

The Strongest

Sera- Brook you just said Silvet. Who is that?

Rick- That name sounds like a typo.

Brook- Same thing I was thinking but Silvet is something not known to our world. Not known to humans, demons,monsters and basically any living creatures in this world. Crowley, Red and Me tried to fight it but it left.

Shoyo- It's unknown to even me. I'm sorry we have no information to provide on that particular topic but I can tell you Lilith and that "Silvet" person along with her followers had a part in freeing The Maker 101 years ago.


Henry- I had a question for the longest while. Was all this before Jesus?

Shoyo- Okay,okay. Jesus was just a normal man who had the blessing of an Arc Angel. That Arc Angel was Michael. Jesus was not God's son he was just placed on this earth to keep the balance between the good and bad.

Brook- Balance? That Yin and Yang bullshit ?

Rick- That is a good reference but as of right now this world have more darkness that light.

Henry- Well I guess that's not good.

Sera- Nothing is ever good in this fucking world.

Shoyo- This world needs to be balance. It have to be equal. The important reason why we sealed The Maker is because he's part of this balance. He's important to the balance. If we had kill him the world would, you know...

Brook- Boom?!

Shoyo- Exactly.

Brook- Wait really? So right now the world could go boom any minute now????

Rick- Brook, she's just messing with you. What is happening right now is that portals are opening rather easily. For example Purgatory, the minute that was open and remained open the balance immediately shifted to the dark side. The world will urm Okay we don't know. This is the first time this ever happened so we are actually in the dark about it.

Brook- LOL. Rick and Shoyo don't know something.

Sera- LOL?

Henry- Brook was reading that book about slang there. "LOL," means laugh out loud.

Sera- Oh okay.

Shoyo-About the balance you guys have to find out that yourselves and Sera can contact me when she perfects her communication spell.

Henry- Wow Sera that's awesome.


Brook- So WTF?

Rick- Okay give me that book now.


Brook- Hey! Give that book ASAP.

Sera- Okay who left that book there.

Rick- Sorry. It's a book from a long time ago. I just had it there because he never even paid attention to the books I have here.

Henry- Well thank you Rick. He will be talking that for a while until he gets bored.

Shoyo- ZIP IT.




Shoyo- There might be someone you will want to meet on the other side.

Brook- Mmhmm? *TRANSLATES TO " WHO?''

Shoyo- TALK.

Brook- Who will we want to meet?

Shoyo- Someone. He's known as the strongest and well he know at least 3 of the 6 hidden places of the world.

Sera- Strongest? Isn't The Maker currently the strongest?

Shoyo- Well strongest in as human I guess?

Sera- Let me guess he not a normal human huh?

Rick- He is but he have incredible magic, incredible fighting abilities and is able to wield the one of the dimensional weapons.

Brook- I heard that earlier from Shoyo. What does that actually mean?

Shoyo- You'll find out about that when you're ready.

Henry- I learnt some kind of release of my magic or something from Oli.

Shoyo- That's not magic. It's inner strength, it's something the middle ages people used. They were Chinese and from a country called China. In the Wu Ding rein they figured a way to use their spirit pressure or aura as a weapon. This also helped us in the War.

Brook- Isn't China where they make those awesome books you have?

Rick- No, no they do make awesome books but those are made in Japan and are called Manga.

Shoyo- Can you just shut up about the Manga. Interrupt me one more time and I will seriously make your penises disappear.

Rick and Brook- Understood!

Shoyo- You guys know how to get to the other side right?

Sera- Yes there's a village at the shore named Kevesh's End or something.

Shoyo- Yes but Brook do you know how to get back?

Brook- Yeah the same way we got here.

Shoyo- No you fool. Just get in the circle.

Brook- Guess this is good bye for now guys. Thank you for everything.

Rick- Stay safe Brook.

Shoyo- Sera your parents would have been really proud of you but your new magic will be more powerful if you can utilize your feelings into your magic power. It will be extremely powerful and you will be able to surpass me someday.

Sera- Thank you.

Brook- Late--



Rick- Shoyo, why did you lie and say you knew nothing about Silvet.

Shoyo- I couldn't. That's for them. This is their story. Plus Silvet is not a huge threat. Right now Zelos is proceeding with his plans. They're very close to Athena. If they get her on board, they'll have a better chance going forward. Crowley is also Brook's "go-to" guy. Even if they don't want to admit it.

Rick- You also tell him he had 5 sources. Why you hid his mother's source from him? He will find out you know and Zelos is a problem for another time.

Shoyo- Alaina's source is what is making him able to tap into his other sources because she's a dimensional walker and Brook didn't inherit Alaina's ability to cross over to other dimensions but he is able to use his other sources because of her source.

Rick- Okay. Let's hope he understand why you kept it from him. Even I don't understand. Also our son has taken an interest in Brook. Let's hope he don't spill the beans...That son of a bitch took my Manga.


Crowley- One sheep, two sheep, three sheep....