
Target Package

It has been a few days since Nikolai came to visit. To me everyday was the same. Wake up, run around the community, warm ups at the parking lot then start preparing breakfast.

In the early mornings, I would be around the streets doing window shopping like a normal western tourist. Laugh with the shopkeepers and passerbys.

It was long since I had felt the connection with fellow humans.

And in the afternoon, I would be a salted fish and rest.

Everything was normal except for my neighbors. On my right side, there lived a young single mom, who worked at the grocery store down the street. She had a young son with her who looked old enough to be three years old.

We had met several times and I could swear that she was constantly checking me out. The worst of all was that she started leaving groceries on my door with little notes on the side.

She was the reason I stopped visiting that street vendor. I just couldn't let her warm gesture go to waste.