
Sand Viper Drone

The cold wind was still howling on the top deck. One could even feel the breeze become dense by each passing second. The carrier swayed with the waves but nothing could shake the willpower of those at the deck.

The mercinaries lined in an orderly manner as we watched large quantities of transportation was shipped off to shore the whole night. The marines were keeping the surrounding areas safe just in case.

When it was our time, everyone took a last prayer and we set off.

On the shore, everyone looked at the large number of IFVs, ATVs and Humvees and others brands like they were in an open market. Even I couldn't help but feel a little pang of jealousy.

I looked at the closest four seater UTV and took the driver seat immediately turning on the ignition.

With a slight push of the pedal, the engine roared loudly before I eased off. I was just testing and I had to say that I was plugged.