
May's Changes

It was already mid-day when the motorcade reached the Oval Office. It has been a fight to remember, everyone that took part in it would forever reminisce in it.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were already surrounding the White House and only five vehicles passed through. From afar, it looked like a mountain of people.

These soldiers were immobilized immediately to ensure that no one ever reaches the maximum shooting distance of a long-distance shooter. So these vehicles were the two limousines; The Beast and its decoy, one road runner and two Sentry 2020.

Looking at the cracks and dents left on the bodies of these vehicles, one would know they have gone through the worst.

After the procession stopped at the front door, the limousines were surrounded by soldiers who were armed in a dangerous way. The doors were opened in a hurry and agents poured out first with indifferent faces.