
Last Breath In Aglæca

Several thunderous sounds came from all the sides but only slight tremors were felt. With all that was happening and given that we were underground, we would be the most affected by the situation but the opposite seems to be happening.

The flying balls still had over twenty-five red rays of sinister lights all bathing us on different spots all over the body.

Several warning alarms sounded all over the city but not much happened as suspended luxury flying cars continued to transverse with their businesses.

"Since we have an unknown situation that could threaten the city, you'll be taken into custody until the issue is resolved. Please line up with the children on the front." The voice commanded as we did as it asked with our arms raised.

The tugging continued and I looked down to see the girl's wide teary eyes staring back at me. I concluded that she was just afraid as she thought that she and her brother would be the first ones to be executed.