
Having Our A*** Handed Back To Us

In that small space, a bellowing laughter rang out as an oppressive aura enveloped the kitty cat. It was so dense that the entire area continuously released tremors. Dagon looked at the Ghost Cat in a new light.

"I will show you something..."

After a wave of her hand, a few wails resonated from deep underground. In a few breaths, it had become so high pitched that one could vividly picture what those people were experiencing. 

The soil parted and a few torture weapons started piling up.

With a wave of her hand, several dark chains covered in flames shot forward in a bid to bind the cat. In that short moment, the chains had intertwined until they looked like a some sort of braids plated together. Even with this, it didn't stop their momentum.

"I wanna see where you can run to."