
Death Storm

"We have been hit." The pilot said after a notification popped up displaying the whole helicopter and the place where the damage has been dealt.

"What?" The machine gunner couldn't help but ask knowing exactly that no one would dare show their body with his attack power. Everything cooled as the three thought of the possible outcome of this situation.

At last, the pilot decided to report the situation to his higher-ups, in this case, the second helicopter.

They had three occupants as they were the ones responsible for ferrying their comrades after suppressing the Special Forces soldiers. They had to act with precision as they had already lost two helicopters in the morning.

"Cavalry, this is Rescue Team reporting."

"Copy loud and clear Rescue, report."

"Cavalry, we have been hit and we are losing fuel. I suggest we land immediately before it blows us to smithereens."

A frown appeared on Kai's face. She had a grim look and thought that these humans were joking with her. She had a clear view of the second Apache and in her view, it was still capable and hovering though no more bullets were seen being fired down to the forces below.

"Are you pulling my leg? How could a single bullet penetrate that thick armor?"

"No Director! I don't know how it has happened but our time is limited."



A second later Director Kai was seen materializing from thin air and surrounded with joules of electricity that produced a soothing sound if they couldn't electrocute someone to death. Even she couldn't understand how the humans were pulling this off. They have been on Earth for some time and the first thing that they did was reconnaissance on the occupants that occupied the world that they have traveled to. But nothing significant showed up on their reports.

She was angry and decided to direct the Rescue herself which made her travel from the Inaccessible Island to the United States in a few seconds. She hated using her abilities but had to, and now she heard yet again the same bad news as always. She decided to check it out herself.

One second she appeared in the helicopter and the next she was gone. She disappeared into thin air just like she came. The three occupants frowned at the scene and displayed their discomfort but couldn't lament as she withheld absolute power.


An earth-shattering explosion took place as the Bell AH-1Z Viper exploded into pieces with no possible survivors. Mounted with different kinds of ammunition, facilitated the chain reaction of the explosions and a continuous display of fireworks took place rendering anyone who dared to look, partially blinded.

But two people were seen looking through the explosion.


"Why did you slap me?" I asked Rue as she is the only one next to me.

"You are despicable, you know. Haven't you got enough of my body to leave a lasting imprint in your mind?"

"You touched my boob earlier and I decided to help you when you were unconscious, and now you are still checking me out?"



"Should I strip for you?!"


"Men! You are such a pig. And as pigs, you are all the same."

"Rue, what the hell has gotten into you? Why did you do that to him?! He is currently unstable and I do advise that you cease anything that you are thinking of right now." Aya said after witnessing Rue attacking me physically and verbally.

"What! You can't conspire against me Aya. Look at him. Sigh! Such an ungrateful fils de pute!"

"Get out of my car this instance! GET OUT NOW! GET OUT!!"

"What the hell!?" I couldn't help it and speak up. Rue was now yelling and with such events, my blood started to boil up. It couldn't pass me by as I noticed that the energy pulsing through my body was increasing with every passing second.

"WHAT THE HELL! Okay, let me show you how I've handled guys like you before. I didn't react at home as you looked hurt and innocent and knew that you couldn't hurt me but looking at it now, maybe I should have taken some drastic measures back then." Rue's voice was now filled with malice, anger and contempt.




The next second, I found myself lying on the tarmac. I didn't know how I got there as I felt like my body was being torn into pieces and then being reassembled once again. It was such a torment!

I stood up and looked at the Hypercar beside me and then scanned my surroundings.


"That was close. Thanos, I need a report." Kai said as she materialized into their helicopter.

She was shocked beyond measure. As soon as she appeared in the Rescue helicopter, she encountered a unique heat signature. She was familiar with it as she had come across such signature before. But now, she encountered it in an undeveloped world.

It wasn't that undeveloped if you looked at it closely. It had everything, from remarkable landscapes and statues to buildings and technology. But to a being like her, from where she came from to the other worlds that she had traveled to, Earth was lacking in every aspect.

So it was clear to her that there was a masked individual or organization that had advanced weaponry. She had to be careful now.

"Yes, Guardian." Replied a man who was holding a Scar-L Assault Rifle the same as the ones that Special Forces were issued with.

After talking with the guy, she started thinking of all the possibilities and setbacks they could face in the near future. As she was thinking, she made a call to her superior.

"Ailah, we have encountered an equally strong being. We have no idea who or where they are, I am going to disconnect the call because I fear that they have the ability to track it back to you. I don't know how this will end but I'll see you when this is over."


Just as Director Kai was saying this, an explosion consumed the helicopter she was in just a few seconds ago.

"Guardian, the report is ready."

"Brief me." Kai said.

"A distance explosive energy bullet was fired from an angle of 20° from our position using a unique sniper rifle from another universe."

"Distance explosive energy bullet?! Another universe?!" Kai started to process her thoughts.

"My estimation indicates that it's probably the Death Storm. Which is the known lethal sniper rifle there is in the whole multiverse. It has the ability to cover the distance which from where the shot was fired from, exactly to be 4.72 miles."

"They are only two known made and they are in possession of those Deadly Twins." Kai now had an unresigned look on her face. No one could tell what she was thinking. "Where did it come from? If they decided to follow us here, I'll make sure I die with them."

"It came from that direction." The man replied while pointing in a certain direction.

"Change of plans. Prepare for the worst." Kai said as she turned the throttle and guided the helicopter to their new coordinates with the help of the co-pilot.


At the White House, May was seen looking at some documents on the tablet on her hands. She was reading through them while frowning making her skin color turn a shade darker.

"They agreed on this?" She asked her Secretary and Mark who were both available with her in the office. Hardcover files were seen on the Secretary's hands ready to be signed.

"Yes, Madam President." They answered in unison.

"This will give me a headache. I'll have to think about it first before signing it."


Whenever I looked, I saw chaos and calamity as smoke was everywhere. It was just like looking at Gaza.

I wasn't myself at that moment. It was like I have been possessed and I had no control of my body. It felt like I was there and at the same time wasn't.

I started walking forward with heavy and slow strides. My body at the same time was pulsing with energy. It was pure like Qi.

In the Hypersport Rue couldn't fathom what was happening and asked Aya.

"What's he doing?"

"One second you beat a man up and chase him out of his comfort zone and the next you are concerned about his well-being. You are hilarious!"

"I am serious Aya, Maxwell is crazy after all. He is wanted by the government yet he is walking to them leisurely and unconcerned."

"He can't be angry as it was just two slaps and I tazed him on the abdomen."

"I told you he wasn't stable but you just did what you always think is right. He wasn't checking you out, through the scope I saw the beautiful woman that talked to him on your front lawn. She had spotted him and was looking at him but I doubt that he saw her. I was just kidding and you took it to heart."

"And by the way, that's not Maxwell."

Thanks for reading!

Omara_Aicreators' thoughts