

Lilith and her army were close to the subway entrance when all of a sudden two voices overlapped each other in her ears making her face turn sour. As the power restrictions caused by the EMP vanished, all their gadgets resumed their tasks but at a slow pace as others had to be rebooted and it took some time for the more complex ones.

As such, her advanced AI had been temporarily offline for hours, however, after a few hours of self rebooting, it was now operating again and choose this exact time to announce its presence.

On the other ear where a comms device was partially covered by the long hair, a smooth feminine voice spoke to her.

After a few minutes of contemplating between the two voices; mechanical and human one, she ordered her squad to stop advancing as several of their helicopters approached from the distance.

In only a couple of minutes later, they were on board as they hurried to leave Los Angeles.