

Sasuke's black eyes shrank suddenly, and the black-haired boy's body even trembled: "Then...the training you asked us to do..."

"Of course I lied to you! Otherwise, why would you obediently help me make money from filming?! How could someone from the Hyuga clan who only cling to tradition and abide by the old rules has the ability to break through the boundaries of soft boxing and go to more Somewhere high?"

Hinata spread out her hands, and an orange-red flame ignited excitedly from her palms: "Only me! It's me! I created this genre! What you are practicing is not the so-called secret arts of predecessors, but The supreme fist I created! Me! With my own eyes and my own experiments, I have proved the existence value of the 'Nandou Seven Holy Fists'! And you and Naruto should be honored, because you are the test objects, witnessing The success of this great idea. Ahahahaha~! Ahahahahaha!"

The frantic laughter of the white-eyed girl made Sasuke, who was standing there, bite his lips subconsciously, and even a trace of blood dripped from the corner of the boy's mouth.

At this moment, he can't even tell what kind of feeling in his heart is, only a burning emotion gradually gathers in his eyes, and with the crackling and piercing beeps, Sasuke is wearing a holy fist. The hands of the gloves shone with a dazzling blue thunder light, and this strong gathering of chakras showed that it was as intense as the inner emotions of the young man.

"You! Have you said enough?!"

Raising his head fiercely, Sasuke's eyes have already shown an abnormal red color, and the original black eyes have also turned into strange black gouyu. The posture of single gouyu in the left eye and double gouyu in the right eye is exactly Uchiha. The blood following the boundaries of a family - Shaking Wheel Eyes!

And looking at Sasuke's eyes unsurprisingly, Hinata smiled slightly, and her tone changed accordingly.

"Of course, there is the last sentence."

"What I said just now~ is all to deceive you."

Zuo Ming Alliance


Undoubtedly, even though Sasuke was already in the midst of extreme anger, Hinata's words still made him stunned for a moment, as if a breath was stuck in his throat, his expression solidified subtly.


Seeing the opportunity of the opponent's foolishness, Hinata rushed forward abruptly. When Sasuke instinctively sensed the opponent's attack, it was too late to avoid it. The white-eyed girl clenched her right fist with a standard uppercut and hit the ground from bottom to top. The blow hit Sasuke's barely crossed arm.

As soon as Pu touched, the scorching pain, accompanied by the opponent's strength, deeply pressed into Sasuke's arms, directly hitting Sasuke's arms up. Seeing the moment Sasuke's defense was broken, Hinata's left hand also raised fiercely in the same uppercut posture. This time, it hit Sasuke's undefended jaw, and the strong force immediately caused Sasuke's whole body to leave his feet. Fly backwards and fly out!


With a scream of exhalation, Hinata jumped up with his fists wrapped around him, and smashed Sasuke in Xiaofukong with a sturdy hand hammer. He was hit by this heavy blow, and Sasuke subconsciously With a scream, the whole person was slammed to the ground like a tennis ball, and he kept rolling and sliding on the ground for a distance of four or five meters before stopping.


Unlike Naruto, Sasuke was obviously still half-breathed. The black-haired boy who thought he had figured it out looked at the white-eyed girl in front of him with difficulty, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"How stupid do you have to be to listen to the enemy's long speeches in battle, and even neglect to guard against it?"

With a sigh of relief, Hinata raised her right hand, and then frivolously blew out the flame on her index finger: "I hope you can remember this lesson in the future, this time~ I won~"


Sasuke, who was beaten to death, rolled his eyes, and finally fell into a state of shock, no matter what, this time should be a rather painful lesson for him.

And looking at Naruto and Sasuke who were brought down by himself, Hinata closed his eyes with satisfaction. Obviously, just as she originally thought, the holy fist gloves can help her skip the advanced skill of 'chakra nature change' and directly convert it into a lethal flame. With strong boxing skills, it is indeed extremely terrifying. of ninjutsu.

In the later stage, when she can master the skill of 'chakra change' on her own, there is no need to continue wearing this glove.

There is obviously no problem in terms of lethality. Whether it is Qin Yueyang who KO Naruto just now, or Sunflower 3 dan KO Sasuke, there is no sense of stagnation when using it, and the cohesion and manipulation of the chakra on the arm, Through the gloves, it can be turned into the control of the strength of the flames. In this way, other moves may also be used.

After all, whether it is Kusanagi ancient martial arts or Yagami ancient martial arts, these two boxing skills can not be famous only by one or two physical skills. On top of those ordinary moves, there are also powerful super nirvana skills. Since Now that she already has flames and boxing skills of similar nature, she will definitely be able to master those advanced super kills.

As for Naruto and Sasuke, both of them have obviously reached the level of using holy fist gloves. Whether it is Sasuke's kind of direct energy gathering in his hands, or Naruto's straight punch with wind blade damage, it shows that Their bodies have been able to freely change the chakra on the gloves into substantial attribute power.

Moreover, since it is a super nirvana, it is obviously not that simple to master them. However, now that you have found the way, all you need is time to practice and grind.

Holding Naruto's foot with his left hand and Sasuke's foot with his right hand, Hinata Yuya dragged the two men towards the Uchiha mansion. Not calm, Kakashi, who was acting as a free post outside the Uchiha mansion, was taken aback and hurriedly greeted him from the mansion, his tone was also extremely nervous: "What happened to these two?"

"It's nothing, it's just our routine internal communication. You know, mentoring two boys of the same age, but too poor in intelligence and self-control, always requires some drastic measures."

He threw down the two 'corpses' in his hands without changing his face. Hinata's calm words made Kakashi's eyes twitch for a while. Bai-haired Kaminin automatically ignored the nonsense that was trying to cover up under his own intuition, and came to a conclusion. The most direct conclusion: these two were just beaten up again by the white-eyed girl in front of them.

"Really, Hinata-sama's training is really strict."

Kakashi, who consciously picked up Naruto and Sasuke on the ground one by one, and followed Hinata's footsteps, said tentatively, "Is it to become a powerful ninja?"

"Of course, I am the Hinata clan."

Hinata, who was walking in front, raised his eyebrows slightly, and his tone became extraordinarily natural: "Also, the opponent is a descendant of the Uchiha clan, so of course he can't lose."

As soon as the tone changed, Hinata said lightly: "You come to take care of the two of them, I'll go home first, remember not to be late for work tomorrow."

Watching Hinata leave, Kakashi, who was standing in the courtyard, thought for a while, and then carefully placed Sasuke and Naruto in a coma on the tatami in the hall. Judging from his vision, these two What an individual suffers is only flesh wounds, not affecting the inside.

When Sasuke woke up, the sun was almost setting, and he felt the heavy dull pain in his chest still still. It is already clear that he has lost this competition again.

No matter what method Hinata uses, her approach is indeed in line with the definition of a true ninja. She is powerful and cunning at the same time. There is almost no limit to her approach in battle. The most hateful thing is that her approach is still quite effective.

"Ah~ it hurts~ it hurts..."

At the same time, just like the natural bond between friends, Naruto, who was lying on the other side, also sat up while touching his neck and grinning. Then he lowered his head and sighed deeply. Obviously, being killed by a girl so many times in a row made both of them feel a little embarrassed.


Looking at the tail of the golden retriever crane beside him, Sasuke suddenly felt a move in his heart: Yes, Hinata is strong enough, but no matter how she chooses to defeat them in battle, it shows that she is not confident that she can defeat Sasuke and Naruto at the same time. Two, if that's the case...

Maybe this golden-haired idiot can be his perfect shield! As long as he listens to himself!

"What are you doing? Sasuke?"

Holding his arms, Naruto looked at Sasuke with an arrogant attitude. In all fairness, this was a rare opportunity for the other party to take the initiative to call him, so he naturally had to take a good look.

"I said... From the current point of view, no matter who we are, we are no match for Hinata alone... So, how about we join forces?"

Struggling to endure the unhappiness in his heart, Sasuke tried to communicate with the golden retriever in front of him. He even subtly considered whether he wanted to add some sign language in order to make it easier for the golden retriever to understand.

"Cut~ as long as you don't hold me back~"

Rolling his eyes, Naruto's blue eyes paused slightly, and a wonderful idea suddenly appeared in his mind: Yes! In all fairness, Sasuke is at least very good at using the ninja gear, that is to say, as long as he can attract Hinata's attention, he can release his prepared tricks on the side! Thus defeating Hinata in one fell swoop, you can also take care of this self-righteous paralyzed face! If so...

Perhaps this stinky facial paralysis can be an excellent shield for him! As long as he listens to himself!

"That, Naruto...why do I feel like you're thinking about something very rude?"

Struggling to hold back the throbbing blue vein on his forehead, Sasuke kept reminding himself to hold back. After all, this was to add leverage to his strategy and plan like a ninja.

"Yeah~ I don't have it~ Sasuke, you really hate it~"

Raising his orchid fingers, he flatly denied it coquettishly, and Naruto nodded with a wicked smile: "Well then~ I accept your alliance, so what else do you have to say?"

This idiot... is definitely daydreaming...

The corners of his mouth twitched to confirm this, but Sasuke couldn't help but sighed: "Naruto, we are currently the only companions who can be at the same level as Hinata. Thinking about it now, we are definitely still occupied by her. She is sure I have already tested the efficacy of these gloves, so I am more familiar with the use of gloves than we are. Moreover, she has bloodstains in her eyes that are specially used for melee combat, and it is quite an unwise decision for us to get close to her. So... I can teach you a little shuriken, do you want to learn it?"

"Cut? You 'teach' me??"