

Looking at the surrounding environment in a daze, Hinata saw that 'own' body skillfully avoided the surrounding bushes, and then came to the woods outside the practice ground, and in her field of vision, as expected, I saw the orange figure on the practice ground.

Naruto breathlessly persisted in his punching motion, just as Hinata expected, after being pointed out that his talent was not good enough, the crane tail began to practice all night here.

'Really... It's still a bit of an advantage of hard work, otherwise, it's impossible to catch up with Sasuke's progress in terms of mastery of the Holy Fist. '

Thinking like this instinctively, Hinata found that her 'dream' seemed a little too clear. She could even distinguish the texture and color of the trees at her hand.

Judging from her line of sight, 'own body' should be hidden in a cluster of trees next to the training ground, looking at Naruto in the training ground with a secret attitude, this kind of secret observation in the dark Naruto's cowardly behavior is indeed the behavior that Hinata in the original book would do.

'kindness? ! etc! Hinata in the original book? ! '

This thought was like cold water poured from her head, which instantly awakened Hinata's consciousness, and the moment her consciousness recovered, she immediately saw that the scenery and trees around her became clear, and the fog of the dream was completely struck. broken!

Opening her eyes, Hinata looked at her surroundings in astonishment. It turned out that this was not a dream! But 'her body' actually came here!

"Could it be... how is that possible?"

Even Hinata felt an indescribable sense of fear at this moment. Although she has accepted the fact that she is a transmigrator, this kind of body will cause her body to lose her consciousness when her consciousness is not clear. The feeling of acting on your own, which means... the original consciousness of this body is probably still there? !

No... She has indeed inherited all the memories of this body. She has all the memories since Hinata was a child. Otherwise, it would be impossible to smoothly integrate into this background, but...

"Is it a remnant of the original consciousness? Or..."

Raising her hands, Hinata clenched her fists hard, her eyes shrunk slightly due to the tightness of her phalanx: No way, let's try it out.

Looking at Naruto on the training ground, Hinata frowned unhappily, then pushed aside the branches next to him and walked over.

"Who? Well, Hinata..."

The panting Naruto turned around alertly, and after seeing the familiar white-eyed girl appearing, the tone at the tail of the golden retriever also relaxed: "What's wrong? You come out to hang out so late?"


Without answering Naruto immediately, Hinata just walked quietly to the interior of the training ground, and after considering her tone, she said lightly: "It's nothing, it's just that you seem to be working hard, so I want to give you a lesson. ."

"Huh?? Tutoring?"

Confused by Hinata's words, Naruto straightened up in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. Since your self-comprehension of moves is too slow, then... let's change it."

Turning around, Hinata slowly raised her hands, and the sides of her smooth eyes instantly burst into blue veins. The bloodstained boundaries of the white eyes immediately expanded her vision, just like her tone of voice with an oppressive threat: " Like... actual combat."

"Although I mean to bully you a bit, but... since you can't get stronger by beating people, then..."

"Get stronger by being beaten."

(PS1: uh~~ the second one I said~~)

(PS2: Can you guess what state Hinata is in now?)


Compared with the original work, whether Hinata, Naruto or Sasuke are indeed much stronger now. The tempering of medicine and the practice of Nandou Sacred Fist have made the three people's physiques far surpass the original, and for ninjas, excellent physique symbolizes comprehensive ability improvement. Such as: more abundant chakra total, faster chakra convergence speed, faster chakra release speed, stronger and stronger body, longer lasting stamina and so on.

Taken together, these all-round improvements are enough to allow Sasuke and Naruto to easily defeat themselves during this period in the original novel. The ninjutsu and skills they master have not increased much, and they are purely overwhelming in terms of attributes.

And how strong Hinata is, she has no absolute calculation data. Baiyan's blood follower ability gives her all-round vision and the ability to release chakra with any area of ​​her body. Although her chakra mastery is far inferior to that of Neji, a genius who learned to return to the sky at the age of thirteen, but facing Naruto Sasuke, who can only release chakra with his hands and feet, her advantage is undoubtedly overwhelming. sexual.

"Then, Naruto. Continue until one of us admits defeat. Before that, don't let anyone leave."

Looking blankly at Naruto not far in front of her, Hinata slowly raised her hands, the broad sleeves on her arms were windless, and the light blue chakra visible to the naked eye followed the master's movements. Coiled around the arms, because the memory of the body tells them that only by condensing more chakra can they protect their hands in the high-temperature iron sand.

"Oh! I won't admit defeat!"

He moved his fist excitedly, and Naruto's azure blue eyes were also full of light: "Hinida is stronger than Sasuke! As long as he can defeat you, it's not a problem to defeat Sasuke!"

"Heh~ Then let's try it out."

He beckoned to Naruto, Hinata didn't mind giving the opponent the chance to strike first, but Naruto, who clenched his fists with permission, also shouted loudly, and quickly lowered his head and rushed over as if emboldening himself, it could be seen that Although he was still unfamiliar with the postures of those holy fists, his fighting instinct was much stronger than when he only played pranks in the original book.

"No matter what kind of martial arts battle you are in, you should at least leave three points of your strength as a turnaround for each attack. If you don't want to, just put all your strength into an attack, if the enemy has body skills. ..."

Staring coldly at Naruto who was running over, Hinata's left hand suddenly raised, and the rear came first and placed it under Naruto's right arm, and with just a light stroke, Naruto's full-strength punch was thrown. Turn upwards: "It's like this! Crane pick!"


Naruto's entire body lost its center of gravity in this parry. As Hinata said, too much power was poured into one punch, which caused his entire body to be pulled by his own fist, moving towards a single punch. Sideways!

"Then! After Crane Zhe successfully parried the enemy's attack, he slammed the enemy's heart with another fist filled with power! That is! Kuangbit!"

Following Hinata's cold and stern drink, the white-eyed girl's right arm suddenly swung out, and the unimaginable heavy blow directly made Naruto's eyes shatter, and Hinata's fist still remained affectionate, which should have been direct. Attacking the enemy's heart, but at the moment of the attack, she still pulled down her attack angle and moved it to the relatively harmless lower abdomen.

And Rao is like this, this blow still made Naruto's body twitch. Obviously, this is the performance of Hinata's attack power that has far exceeded his tolerance.

"After the bite is successful, the enemy must be in a state of close proximity to you, then! What you have to do at this time is to further destroy his balance! Let him completely lose his foothold on the ground! That is! Tiger! roar!!"

Withdrawing her right fist from Naruto's lower abdomen, Hinata's body naturally jumped up like a swordfish jumping out of the water, but her right fist, like a swordfish's spear aimed at the sky, descended from the bottom. And Shangdi banged on Naruto's fragile jaw! The right fist, which combined the take-off inertia and infused with power, directly made the blond crane tail's eyes turn white, and the whole person also turned upside down into the sky.

"If Tiger Roar also succeeds in chasing, the enemy should be in the most vulnerable state at this time, unable to defend. At this time, launch your strongest attack, which is a kick that combines the dual power of turning and turning, and Tu Le Tu!"

Coldly retracting her right fist, Hinata, who fell to the ground, almost didn't have to turn her head to look, the full range of vision allowed her to stare at anything she wanted to stare at, measure the rules of Naruto falling from the air, and rolled her eyes. The girl twisted and jumped, catching up from the air with a half-moon-shaped rule, her smooth and straight left leg also slammed on Naruto's chest like an iron whip, and Naruto, who was in the air, let out an instinctive sound. Screaming, the whole person was shot down from the air like a stone, and even bounced a few times when it came into contact with the ground, and finally slumped in a face-to-the-ground posture.

And lightly landed on the ground, Hinata stared indifferently at Naruto who fell to the ground. There is no doubt that this golden retriever, who was still ambitious just now, has been directly put into a state of shock under this set of consecutive skills. No matter how strong the body is, it is impossible to withstand continuous heavy blows on vulnerable areas such as the chest, abdomen and lower jaw.

"I hope your body can remember a little bit. You always fight without thinking, just give sandbags to the enemy."

Walking to Naruto's side, Hinata's eyes flashed a complex light, should he leave the tail of this crane here? Although, according to the physique of the man at the rear of the crane, even if it is left here overnight, it will definitely not die.

After standing silently for a while, Hinata finally sighed, then leaned down and lifted Naruto's body up. After all, it is one of the most important tools for making money at the moment, and it is better to take care of it a little.

Moreover, even though he beat Naruto like this, he didn't feel any abnormality in his body, so was he really over-hearted? Or, is it just that the original consciousness of this body remains in the occasional dream?

No, as expected, let's check it a little bit, and I happen to know someone like this, don't I?

A sly smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, Hinata decisively helped Naruto to change direction, and then walked towards the street outside Uchiha mansion. Although it was time to fall asleep, she believed that she could wake up the one she wanted. the person you are looking for.

As one of the three tribes of Konoha's pigs, deer and butterflies, Ino's home is not too far away. Because of their excellent mental abilities, the Yamanaka family is usually low-key in Konoha Village, but their status should not be underestimated. Ye Village's protective barrier, so that the ninja responsible for sensing the invasion of foreign enemies is a member of the mountain clan. Not to mention that one of the bodyguards of the ambitious family Danzang is also a mountain wind from the mountain family, which shows the importance of this family.

And Ino really hasn't rested yet. After all, compared to Hinata who has almost nothing to do except practice, she is a pretty girl who loves beauty. Even practicing healing ninjutsu takes a large part of her time, but Persian The chrysanthemum-like girl still likes to sit in front of the dressing table and dress up.

What's more, because of the large amount of remuneration he received from the crew recently, Ino has purchased a large number of high-end cosmetics to his heart's content, and is now happily trying one by one.

However, just as she picked up a bottle of lotion, with a crisp snap, a shuriken passed through her window with unparalleled accuracy, and then slammed into the dressing table in front of her. , which made Ino scream suddenly, almost turning over his dressing table.

"Who is it?!"

After being stunned for a while, Ino still reflected, and then angrily pulled out the shuriken on her desk, and when she saw a note tied to the shuriken, her lips twitched.