
Writing Reality

Arthur Grett is an aspiring author who spends his free time also writing fanfiction. However, his life would change when a seemingly ordinary pebble fell from the sky and hit him on the head. The next day, he was visited by an angel and given something to make all his dreams come true. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Word from the author here. I want to make something clear, I’m writing this to go absolutely wild with it. The premise is basically a nobody gets limited reality warping powers and goes nuts with it. As such, I’m sure there will be things in this story a lot of people find not okay. I’m saying this now, I know people might be offended by some of the things that happen in this story. So, I don’t want to hear people complaing about it. The plot will baiscally amounts to 1-part MC fucking everything smut, 1-part attempt at serious storytelling with plot lines spread across space and time that may admittedly ruin the story if not done well, and 1-part the MC mixing cannons and just messing with the characters. As the story progresses, our reality warped will fade into the background. He’ll still be around and pop-up now and then. But, gradually, the stories he writes into reality will become the plot and he won’t involve himself as much. #crossover (everything) #don’t say i didn’t warn you if something happens

Nevermore101 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Uses of the Notebook


Instructions for use

List of changes



Only three-word sentences are applicable following a structure of noun/target, verb/effect, and subject/result.

You can only affect a particular target once per plot development.

Besides the user, no one can perceive or will acknowledge notebook's existence.

Because reality itself changes, effects of notebook will not be noticed or recognized by anyone but user (unless user makes it so they will notice).

Notebook is indestructible.

Notebook can be summoned to the user whenever they want.

Notebook will twist the altered reality onto the user where needed. 

I am healthy.

Everyone believes me.

Galvin are real.

Aliens are real

It is morning.

Mutants are real.

Superpowers are real.

Life is mutating. 


Level 1

Only four-word sentences are applicable following a structure of noun/target, verb/effect, and subject/result.

You can only affect a particular target once per plot development.

Besides the user, no one can perceive or will acknowledge notebook's existence.

Because reality itself changes, effects of notebook will not be noticed or recognized by anyone but user (unless user makes it so they will notice).

Notebook is indestructible.

Notebook can be summoned to the user whenever they want.

Notebook will twist the altered reality onto the user where needed. 

Vulpimancer aliens do exist.

Tetramand aliens do exit.

Kineceleran aliens do exist.

Petrosapien aliens do exist.

Galvanic Mechamorph do exist.

Piscciss Volann do exist.

Lepidopterran aliens do exist.

Ectonurite aliens do exist. 

Pyronite aliens do exist.

Arburian Pelarota do exist. 

Florauna aliens do exist.

Splixson aliens do exist.

Opticoid aliens do exist.

To'kustar aliens do exist.

Loboan  aliens do exist.

Theo Khufan do exist.

Transylian aliens do exist.

Nosedeenian aliens do exist.

Polar Manzardill do exist.

Gourmand aliens do exist.

Methanosian aliens do exist

Vaxasaueian aliens do exist.

Sonorosian aliens do exist.

Cerebrocrustacean aliens do exist. 

Crystalsapien aliens do exist.

Polymorph aliens do exist.

Necrofriggian aliens do exist.

Arachnechimp aliens do exist.

Microchip aliens do exist.

Aerophibian aliens do exist.

Appoplexian aliens do exist.

Biot-savartian aliens do exist.

Planchaküle aliens do exist.

Citrakayah aliens do exist.

Gimlinopithecus aliens do exist.

Amperi aliens do exist.

Orishan aliens do exist.

Geochelone Aerios do exist.

Talpaedan aliens do exist

Merlinisapien aliens do exist.

Orthopterran aliens do exist.

Nemuina aliens do exist.

Vladat aliens do exist.

Galilean aliens do exist.

Incursean aliens do exist.

Uxorite aliens are real.

Chimera Sui Generis exist.

Lenopan aliens do exist.

Revonnahgander aliens do exist.

Highbreed aliens are real.

Sotoraggian aliens do exist.

Zaroffian aliens do exist.

Sphoroid aliens do exist.

Conductoid aliens do exist.

Detrovite aliens do exist

The year is 2000.

Only women have superpowers.

Meta-gene attaches to x-chromosome. 

Possible family does exist.

Azmuth created the Omnitrix. 

Vilgax discovers Omnitrix's existence. 

Omnitrix protected by Xylene.

I am Ben Tennyson.


Ben Tennyson has heterochromia. 

Ben 10 begins now.

I replace Ron Stoppable.

Kim Possible joins roadtrip.

Possibles are family friends.

Grandpa picks-up Kim Possible.

Vilgax attacks Xylene's ship.

Xylene jettison's the Omnitrix.

Omnitrix heads toward Earth.

Ben Tennyson finds Omnitrix.

Gwen is a mutant.

Humans began mutating 50-years-ago.

Mutants first appeared 37-years-ago. 


Level 2

Only five-word sentences are applicable.

Sentences must follow a structure of noun/target, verb/effect, and subject/result.

Established characters can be referred to by their title, first, or last name. 

Terms can be addressed by recognizable names.

You can only affect a particular target once per plot development.

Angelic observer - Aelita - is an entity who has no physical needs and is unaffected by reality - making her immune to the Notebook.

Besides the user, no one can perceive or will acknowledge notebook's existence.

Because reality itself changes, effects of notebook will not be noticed or recognized by anyone but user (unless user makes it so they will notice).

Notebook is indestructible.

Notebook can be summoned to the user whenever they want.

Notebook will twist the altered reality onto the user where needed. 

I can travel through time.

Ben recovers and heals quickly.

Omnitrix Master Control is unlocked.

Gwen can assimilate genetic material.

Gwen Tennyson's meta-gene lies dormant.

Kim possesses naturally high athleticism.

Max is deceptively strong physically.

The Tennysons possess great physicality.

The Possibles are natural geniuses

Azmuth has hidden himself away.

Xylene has gravely injured Vilgax.

Vilgax is out of commission. 

Aliens rarely visit the Earth.

Mutants typically awaken during puberty.

Meta-genes may awaken through trauma.

Charles Xavier is first mutant.

Gotham City of DC exists.

New Jersey includes Gotham City.

Bruce Wayne's parents died 1981.

27-year-old Bruce Wayne becomes Batman. 

Metropolis City of DC exists. 

New York includes Metropolis City.

The Kryptonian race did exist.

Krypton was destroyed decades ago.

25-year-old Clark Kent becomes Superman.

Women grow prettier with age.

Beauty is rated from negative-ten-to-ten.

Technology has been developing rapidly. 

Rapid scientific development kickstarts super-science.

The first super-scientist is Animo.

Aloysius Animo invents the transmodulator.

Washington B.C. begins with Animo.

Duel Monsters was invented 1990.

Maximillion Pegasus created Duel Monsters.

Pokémon exist in hidden Regions.

Kanto Region exists near Japan.

Johto Region neighbors Kanto Region.

Hoenn boarders Kanto and Johto.

The government keep Pokémon secret.

Max confesses being a Plumber.

Earth-based Plumbers organization was disbanded.

Aloysius Animo attacks the supermarket.

Kim saves mother and child.

Blast from transmodulator hits Gwen.

Gwen's meta-gene activates.

Gwen becomes mutant alien-human hybrid.

Gwen's transformation ends with mine.

Our group saves the day.

Only after do responders arrive.

Gwen begins journey of self-discovery.


Level 3

Any changes must be written within a single sentence of comprehensible structure. 

Conjoined sentences will not be recognized. 

Established characters can be referred to by their title, first, or last name. 

Terms can be addressed by recognizable names.

You can only affect a particular target once per plot development.

Angelic observer - Aelita - is an entity who has no physical needs and is unaffected by reality - making her immune to the Notebook.

Besides the user, no one can perceive or will acknowledge notebook's existence.

Because reality itself changes, effects of notebook will not be noticed or recognized by anyone but user (unless user makes it so they will notice).

Notebook is indestructible.

Notebook can be summoned to the user whenever they want.

Notebook will twist the altered reality onto the user where needed. 

During his Plumber days, Max Tennyson met and befriended Pokémon Professor Samual Oak.

After the summer, Ben's family agrees to send him on a Pokémon Journey in Kanto instead of going back to school. 

In Kanto, it is culture to embark on Pokémon Journeys at the age of ten as a right of passage.

Pokémon Journeys may be sponsored by a notable Trainer, a recognized Professor, or other noteworthy figure to fund their Journey. 

Unsponsored Trainers are given a random low level Pokémon for their Journey if they do not have one to register. 

Sponsored Trainers will either receive a low level Pokémon from their sponsor or receive one of the three special starters provided to the Professor at the start of the Pokémon League Season. 

Samual Oak recieves a call from Max Tennyson and agrees to sponser his grandson Ben as a Pokemon Trainer. 

The grandson of Samual Oak does not exist and his role will be replaced by Ben Tennyson. 

Ben Tennyson arrives at Pallet Town the morning before the Pokémon League Season begins where he is greeted by Professor Oak.

Daisy Oak is Samual Oak's granddaughter and only grandchild as well as an aspiring Pokémon Professor. 

The Oak family houses Ben in their spare bedroom for the night before beginning his Pokémon Journey. 

Because there will be someone else around starting their Pokémon Journey tomorrow, the Ketchum family comes over to meet Ben. 

Episode one of the Pokémon anime - "Pokémon, I Choose You!" - begins that night. 

When traveling through time, I appear wherever I want. 

Your average model has a beauty rating of five.

Gwen Tennyson currently has a beauty rating of three.

Kim Possible currently has a beauty rating of three.  

At puberty, girls' beauty begins to improve by two until age twenty and continues to rise by one every twenty years.

Earth is considered a boring and out of the way planet so aliens rarely come here. 

Krypton was destroyed due to its core becoming unstable and exploding.

Because Earth was such a dull planet, Kal'El's parents saw fit to send him there for safety.

Under Earth's yellow sun, Clark Kent would absorb solar radiation that would cause his Kryptonian physiology to begin exhibiting superpowers such as flight, super strength, heat vision, x-ray vision, super speed, and super durability around the onset of puberty. 

Kara Zor'El is the only other living Kryptonian in the universe. 

Kryptonian were a race of warriors and conquers led by General Zodd whose growing empire came to an end when their home world was destroyed. 

Dick Grayson first becomes Batman's sidekick Robin three-years, one-month, and twenty-eight-days into Batman's superhero career. 

Vilgax's quest for the Omnitrix has brought his forces toward Earth's galaxy. 

Xylene escaped Vilgax's assault on her ship via escape pod and has crashed on earth. 

Tony Stark and Stark industries exists. 

Kaiba Corp. exists and is currently in conflict with Stark Industries as rival weapons manufacturers. 

Kaiba Corp. CEO - Gozoburo Kaiba - attends an orphanage as a publicity stunt. 

The future Seto Kaiba challenges Gozoburo to a chess game where if he wins, he must adopt him and his brother - Mokuba. 

Because the meta-gene attaches to the X-chromosome, mutants' pituitary gland is more stimulated and causes mutants to physically mature more quickly than ordinary humans.