
Writer Reincarnates To His Own Books

Klei was an aspiring writer with a dark past. However, his insanity was too hard to bear, he decided to end his own life only just to go into a rabbit hole of madness. As he descends into the depths of the rabbit hole, he comes to reincarnate into his own books. To the point where he came back to reality from attempted suicide accidentally leaving the door open from the his personal hell. All of the monsters from his world came into reality, now his split personality, Fear, the psychopathic narcissist that now rules the world of dystopia in the post-apocalyptic world he once knew a beautiful earth. He has to stop him, not for the sake of the world, but for the sake of one yandere that he loves.

KleiNightwriter · Terror
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6 Chs


You really wanted to know my real name before I died? Well, I'd rather keep my name anonymous for now, but until then, I will just narrate how the next part turned out…

I was at a bar in the Walking Street district of Angeles City. This part of the city is the sin city that looked like it came out of a cyberpunk setting in Tokyo from a dystopian future movie. It was a cinematic view from my very own perspective. It felt like another planet, perhaps something you'd see once you reach the year 2077.

It was quite a beautiful sight, I must say. That is when I went inside the bar, despite my 17th century suit, which the reason why I am wearing this was because I died, obviously. Every dead person has to wear a suit or dress for the occasion. Like every occasion, such as a funeral, even the star of the show, the corpse itself, lying down for all eternity.

Regardless of the dark humour, let me begin what has happened here.

Basically… I may have probably slaughtered an entire crowd of dancers and bartenders, even the strippers and dancers. Why?

Well, let me tell you!

I had myself invited into the strip club, which, of course, you already know me, a sociopath. Loves nothing but adrenaline.

The bouncer didn't let me in at first, but I seem to have realised that as a vampire, I can use mind control over him. So, I dominated his mind by the use of my intimidating words and he let me in with ease, no haste at all.

That's when I abused my domination power to get a free drink for the lady beside me at the bar full of dancers in the dancefloor, strippers in BDSM attire in cages with a leash in their spiked collars, and that's when the lady I tried to offer a free drink refused and told me "I have a boyfriend!"

That's when I looked at her and smiled, giving off the effect of incubus seduction. It was a demonic power that makes any woman lust for the vampire, which the lady was enthralled by my eyes and she leaned towards me as I held her close. She leaned back on her neck for me to bite in. Then, I pretended to kiss her neck by sinking my fangs inside her pulsing veins, lusting for her blood.

I could not help myself but to feel so much lust for this woman, the feeling of domination, the feeling of empowerment of enslaving this one singular woman to be mine for the rest of all eternity. The feeling of having to use her anyhow I want and she would plead me to do more consensually.

That's when I pulled away, making sure not to kill her, enough to make her slightly pale as I laid her down onto one sofa and left her there alone and tried to leave discreetly.

That's when her self-proclaimed boyfriend came to show that tried to hit me with a bottle, which he did, actually. The bottle was broken by my head, but I did not even flinch from the pain. My pain to tolerance had disappeared since I was already dead, dead enough for my brain not to make any nervous function to signal me pain at all. I am just a vampiric spirit inhabiting a corpse. And to sustain my youth and strength, along with my psychic power. I have to feed on blood.

How do I know this? I don't. It's my primal instinct ever since I regenerated from the dead to my Unlife.

That's when I slowly turned around and just glared at him. I was so angered by this that I thrusted my one straight hand into his chest and pushed his heart from his back, stabbed all the way through his body.

Everyone looked, the music stopped. But I knew I couldn't leave any witnesses. So, I just killed all of them.

Nobody will notice, if there's nobody to notice.

That's when… I went a bit too far, haven't I?

I had myself leaving the scene robbing all of their money and stripped down a rich man's clothes half naked and wore his suit, tux pants, his coat, and fedora. All in black in the bathroom after cleaning all the blood from me.

Then, I left through the backdoor until someone saw me. I sighed and said, "I didn't really want to do this."

And you know what happened next.

It's dawn, and I have to find myself a hotel room to stay in. That's where the money I robbed from those dead bodies come to play. But first, I had to order myself one bowl of ramen. I wasn't feeling hungry. I just felt like I wanted to.

That's when the chef man was happy and enthusiastic to cook for me as I paid him, and as well as giving him a tip of course.

That's when it was prepared, but could barely smell the food. That's when I picked up the chopsticks and lifted up big noodles and blew the fuming heat away. I stuffed it inside my mouth and tasted nothing. I tried to swallow, but I just ended up vomiting it out no matter how I eat it.

The chef man got disappointed in me, and in himself asked, "Wasn't my masterpiece good enough for you?! Is it really that bad?"

"No, sorry." I apologised in response. "I just have an illness that makes me vomit at random intervals. Please, do forgive me. Here's extra cash as a token of my forgiveness."

"No need, it's okay. But come again if you have to."

"Thank you. Cheers, mate."

Then I left before the sun came up, knowing to myself I might get obliterated. I headed inside a random hotel that I could find at my nearest destination. That's when I asked for a room, and then I paid for it at the counter. The lady seemed to be happy to see me, so I still had time to kill by talking to her before I passed out by six o'clock in the morning.

As soon as I saw the black skies turn green, that's when I headed up the elevator to my bedroom. It was room 666.

Then, I passed out dead asleep.

Sleeping as a vampire doesn't feel natural at all. I didn't feel rested. I felt like a dead man, literally. It was the exact same feeling by the second I died the first time.

As soon as I woke up, it was exactly 6 o'clock in the nighttime. I sent myself out to go to the main town of Angeles City, which was near Nepo Mall and where you could see a lot of Muslims and the poor peasants trying to sell fake jewellery for a cheap price, as well as everything else being fake for its most guaranteed price, all over the streets, everywhere you go there has to be a lot of them around here.

That's when I went inside the bookstore to buy myself some books in case I get bored. But then, there was some young adult girl, who was drinking coffee while reading the previews of the book, thinking if it's good enough to be sold by the store.

I purposely bumped into her, but not strong enough to spill her coffee. That's when I apologised and picked up the book she dropped.

I apologised to her politely and asked for her name, pretending to be interested and to know the book. I only read her mind about what she knows about the book so far and told her all about it. And she was surprised that I knew about it, and told me she was a big fan of the author. I told her that I am a big fan as well, but didn't have much time to read most of their work.

That's when I asked her if she knows anything about the city, since I'm fairly new here. Mentioning that I've already been here before, but not so often.

That's when she told me everything I need to know about the city of Angeles here in Pampanga.

I thanked her with gratitude for what she'd informed me so far and asked her if we could get out sometime. I tried to seduce her with my vampiric charms, but it wasn't effective. Her emotions and facial expressions did not change at all.

I was thinking of making her my thrall or a zombified slave of my own that could be beneficial, that could work on what I needed to be done in the daytime.

That's when she refused, telling me she's focusing on her goals instead of 'wasting her time in relationships'. Although, the more I tried to charm her, the more she was turned off. As if she could see through me.

That's when I just acted my natural self instead, knowing myself that I shouldn't give up the fight. It is a psychological war now.

That's when she seemed to have enthralled me with no haste, and at ease. That's when I felt my heart throbbing for her. With her tall height, beautiful golden blonde hair swaying me to lure myself into her, and her beautiful eyes that were as blue as the sky that turns deep green like the Mariana Trench once the sun shines over her face. I was fascinated by her appeal. She looked at the book, then turned to me and said, "I know what you're trying to do. But anything supernatural or magical hits on me gets deflected back to them. Just so you know.

However, I do 'kind' of like you, for your efforts in trying to enslave my mind just to be your eternal bride. Just like that one time you killed so many people at the bar. Did you really have to do that? You could have just fought that guy without having to use your full extent."

"I-…" I said, but turned speechless.

She kissed my cheek and said, "My name's Ampier, by the way. I used to go to this mythical high school with a few friends. But I'm no longer with them. They used to call me Kir."

"What happened to your friends?" I asked in a concerned manner.

"Well, the same thing happens once you graduate," she answers sighing, while she moves her bangs up her left ear, "and friends part ways just to achieve what they want in life.

How about you? How did you end up living amongst the dead?"

"I killed myself… sadly." I said shamefully.

"That's it? Well, that's just pathetic, isn't it?" she taunted me, but rather jesting without having to offend me, so she started to get slowly serious the more she spoke to me.

"I'm just kidding. Although, I do understand why people commit suicide. They do their best, but nothing's changing in their lives. They do the same thing over and over again, anticipating different results. But when they do something different, people will think they're crazy. Because society in itself is the crazy ones for not doing something different, and you see all of them.

Doing the same thing every day, thinking as if anything's going to change for the better. But, hey! You can experiment with different things to either the worst or the best effect that could impact your life."

"How did you know that?" I asked, puzzled, "As if you read my mind?"

"Such as I said, anything that you do towards me will just deflect back to you."

"You're right. How did you even know I was… 'amongst the dead'? Are you also one of my kind?"

"Partially, I'm a werewolf, vampire, and angel hybrid."

"That sounds like a cringe-worthy OC you made up in Gacha Life. But who am I to judge? I killed myself because I was depressed, if that isn't pathetic enough by itself."

"Love, I understand why you did that. Sometimes, pain can be just unbearable enough to the fact that, you know, life isn't worth it anymore. It's over. It's too late, the co-point beyond of no return."

"Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here."

"Exactly, life is just basically hell on earth, really."

"Indeed so, I agree."

"If you're looking for thralls that will do your daytime work, you can go find a lawyer. I'll give you his number. His name is Alexander Gonzalez. You can just call him Mr Gon for short. Here." she gave me a business card, "Don't worry, it's easy to dominate his mind, he's a real estate lawyer. And also the jack of all trades in general. He passed multiple college courses and he could absolutely do anything to get a lot of money. But he's no thrall yet. Get him before any other vampires will."

"Thanks! Cheers, love." I thanked, "But where can I find you when I want to talk to you again?"

"Fate will decide. Farewell." she ends the conversation by covering my eyes with her hand and as soon as I took the hand off, she just disappeared out of thin air. As if she's never been here in the first place.

Then, I dialled the real estate lawyer, Mr Gon.