

Daniel giggles after seeing Ji Ah's expression,

Yes you pretty girl!(He gives beautiful smile)

Ah! Hello!(Ji ah gives awkward smile)

We met again! I think we are destined to be with each other right?(in teasing voice)

Huh?(In surprised voice)

Haha I was just joking! Anyway let's be friend pretty!

As soon as Ji ah hears daniel,her heart starts racing like crazy,Her cheeks starts burning and turns red like Tomato.She stares at Daniel without blinking and she even forgets to reply him,

Why? Don't you wanna be friend with me?

No no! I want to be friend with you!

Daniel and Ji ah shakes hand,


huh?(in confused voice)

Ah! Sorry! Daniel!

Haha yes!

She is my bestfriend Eun Jung!(Ji ah introduces jung to daniel)

Hi eun jung!

Hello daniel!

Both of them shakes hand,

In lunch break,

Ji ah and Eun jung goes to cafeteria to have lunch,

At Cafeteria,

Ji ah! How did you know Daniel?

Ah! I met him at work.He came to our cafe with his friends.

Oh! Anyway he is really handsome right?

Yeah he is!

Ji ah! Daniel is coming to us


Ji ah turns back and sees Daniel coming to them,

Hey! Why is he coming here?(In low voice Ji ah says to Jung)

How will I know?(in low voice)

Hey pretty! Can I sit here?

As soon as Ji ah sees Daniel her heart starts racing,her cheeks turns red..

Ah! Yeah

Thank you!

Daniel sits with Jung and Ji Ah to have lunch,

Ji ah keeps staring at Daniel,

Ji Ah's POV:

[oh god! Am I dreaming? He looks so cute from near.Aww! Look at those lips.Ji ah I think you must have lost your mind.But it's okay sometimes it feels good to lost mind hehe....But why do he keeps calling me pretty? I can't handle my heart if he keeps calling me pretty]

Ji Ah's cheeks becomes red,

Hey pretty! Hey!(Daniel waves his hand infront of Ji Ah's face)

Huh?(in startled voice)

Where are you lost? Why are you staring at me like that? Ah! Maybe I am too handsome that you can't take your eyes off me hum?(in teasing voice)

Hey! Wh..who is staring at you?(in stammering voice)

Oh god! look at you now You are even blushing!(in teasing voice)

Ji ah covers her cheeks with her palms,

Hey! Don't say anything. I am just feeling hot

Hey you two! Are you flirting with eachother infront of me?(Jung says to Ji ah and daniel)

Huh?(Ji ah and Daniel says at same time)..Aish! I can't believe this.

Hey! I wasn't flirting.He was the one who was talking nonsense!(Ji ah points at Daniel)

What? Nonsense? Hey! You were the one who was staring without even blinking(Daniel says to Ji ah)

Who said I was Staring at you? I was staring at that cute boy behind you(Ji ah points at boy who was sitting behind daniel)

That boys also hears Ji ah saying that she was staring at him not daniel so He gives smile and blushes looking at Ji ah,

Aish! I am going crazy! It's all because of this pig.

Hey! Did you just called me pig?

Yes so what? Jung let's go!(Ji ah grabs Jung hand and takes her out of cafeteria)

Hey! Finish your lunch first!(Daniel shouts)

You can have that!(Ji ah shouts)

Hey! Did she tell me to have this leftovers? Aish I can't believe this!

In class,

Hey! are you that close with that boy daniel?(Jung Asks Ji ah)

No! I just saw him at cafe.We didn't even knew eachothers name until today.But why are you asking that?

Because you were talking informally with him like you are close to him!

What?(Ji ah remembers incident happened at cafeteria)..Hey! Did I really talk with him informally?

Eun jung nods her head,

You even called him pig!

Aish! I must be crazy.How can I all him pig! Oh god I must have lost my mind.Jung what should I do now? What will he think of me now? Ahh! He must think I am crazy and rude.How will i face him now?

Hey!Do you like him?

Huh?(in surprised voice)

Looking at you everyone will think that you likes him!

Hey! Stop it.

After college,

Jung! I will go now otherwise I will be late for work!

Okay bye! Call me when you reach home after work!

okay bye!

Jung leaves for her home and Ji ah leaves for work when suddenly someone calls Ji Ah,

Hey pretty!

Ji ah turns back and sees daniel,

Oh god! What should I do? Should I run away? Aish! it will be embarrassing.Oh god! he is coming here.What should I do?

Daniel comes near her,

Are you going home?

N..no! I am going to work!(she talks to daniel formally)

Hey! why are talking formally now? You were calling me pig at cafeteria!

I am sorry! please forgive me!

Ji ah bows to daniel and runs away,

Hey! What was that? Haha! Anyway she was cute!