
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Mission: Cancel Sanzu~

During Sunday training when I was at Wakasa's gym once again, I noticed Takeomi's absence, was he busy, or did I scare him too much with my previous actions that took place in his residence? Benkei that I was lightly sparring with must have realized my distraction and he shed light on the situation.

"Takeomi mentioned something about not bothering coming here for the next week or so..." It seemed like he wanted to ask something, but Wakasa took over.

"Have you somehow contributed to that decision?" I just tilted my head to the side cutely, trying to act innocent, but Waka Waka wouldn't be fooled so easily, he then added upon this topic.

"You must have done something if Senju was suspecting her brother to be into underage girls." Why was she going around spreading such news, wasn't she worried that Takeomi's image would be tainted? Then again was his image good to begin with I wonder? Then a mission popped up.

'Would you rather explain why Takeomi Akashi was hesitant to see you or ask Keizo Arashi to intensify the level of the training?' Sorry, Takeomi, I wanted to live after this session, there was no way I would choose the physical activity since the embarrassment would be just temporary.

"You recall how last time I asked him to be my model?" They both nodded their heads.

"Well I later may have asked him to become my naked model... and I may have been a tiny bit too pushy with my notions." It looked like they were about to laugh.

"Long story short, I tried to open his shirt, he pinned me to the ground in panic and that's when Senju walked in on us," I explained really quickly, they just busted out laughing. They presumably would never let him forget that. It sounded like they thought it was a perfect story when you have a pint with your pals or something.

Once the training was over I decided to give Keisuke a phone call, I wanted to learn when the next Toman would take place, my mission of ignoring Sanzu was finally over which meant it was time to expose his ass.

"Today there is a meeting for all the captains and vice-captains... why do you even want to visit? Did you finally decide to join Toman?" He questioned this silly penguin. I still had no remarkable fighting skills, and I wouldn't join now when I was prone to probably fainting just from one single hit. I wasn't expecting anyone to go easy on me just because I was a girl.

"No, I just need to take something up with Mikey..." Since only he could control the freak that was following me.

"Can't you just meet him outside of Toman meetings?" No, I wanted everyone to hear, what kind of shit Sanzu was up to, especially Muto, these guys needed a showcase of Sanzu's multiple red flags.

"My question kind of revolves around Toman, so I rather do it there." Keisuke was confused but agreed to personally pick me up and give me a ride to the spot, he would also ask Mikey for permission of course since this guy was taking those gang stuff so seriously, most likely Mikey wouldn't want a non-Toman member to be around for the occasion. Also, I was touched by how much Keisuke was doing to help me out, a true chad.

Since the meeting would take place in the evening I just decided to kill some time walking around the city, as it turned out I came across Hinata that decided it would be a splendid idea to stroll around together.

We drank boba, bought some ice cream, and tried cute dresses at the stores we visited. But in midst of our girl date we came across no one else but Tetta Kisaki himself, as soon I spotted him a mission came up.

'Would you rather flirt with Hinata Tachibana in front of Tetta Kisaki or reveal to her this was the guy you kissed before?' I couldn't keep my lips from smiling, this was so good.

"Hi, Tachibana," Kisaki said in the most polite way possible, why did he play the role of a shy and respectful boy in her presence?

"Hina-chan, do you know Tetta-kun?" I asked as Kisaki glanced at me shocked as if was the first time he detected my presence. Did this dude really just ignore me? Because of what? Hinata's aura was so radiating? She smiled at me and nodded.

"We used to go to the same academy." which meant after-school classes. I guess nowadays Kisaki had too much on his plate with his gang activities to attend those, but why? Shouldn't he use his free time to try to steal Hinata's attention? Did he really believe she wouldn't forget his ass the more time passed by? I was certain I would if I was in her shoes, and I would be probably really confused why someone I haven't talked with for years suddenly decides to propose to me? Hinata was too kind, for listening him out in the manga.

"How do you know him?" Kisaki was about to explain but like I would give him a chance.

"He's my classmate and the guy I talked to you about." I gave her a wink, it was priceless seeing Kisaki's mortified face, to add fuel to the fire I whispered but loud enough for Kisaki to hear it.

"My territory." Hinata just laughed not questioning it much while adding.

"Gotcha." Kisaki was at loss for words, but right after we told him our goodbyes and we scurried away, I spotted Hanma joining Kisaki's side, not wanting him to engage in any conversation with us I doubled our walking speed.

When I returned home it was time to prepare some food for the starving child at home, but knowing Keisuke I prepared more than enough for four people, he arrived here with Chifuyu and they didn't shy away from devouring the food I made. For once I didn't mind sharing food with these boys since they were going to help me solve my recurring problem. Once we were about to leave I grabbed my laptop causing the two Toman members to wonder what I was up to.

"What do you need your laptop for?" I just smiled while saying.

"You will find out once we get there." When we arrived I had to wait outside the building, I entertained myself with the thought of whether I would get the chance to slap Sanzu or not without any repercussions.

It took them like an hour to discuss everything which made me wonder what they were usually talking about in those meetings. When I walked in most of the members seemed either confused or fascinated, maybe they were aware that everywhere I went something was about to take place.

"So what do you need Michi?" I just went straight to the point, like what would a person that didn't know Sanzu believe?

"Mikey, I gotta ask you... does Toman have something against me or what?" Every single member went quiet like they couldn't believe what I just said.

"Why would you think that?" Draken that was hovering behind Mikey like a tower asked.

"Because I'm not sure what else to think of this behavior..." I put up my laptop in front of those two, Keisuke that couldn't keep his curiosity in check ran right over. I showed them pictures of Sanzu and a few others Tokyo Manji Gang members that were probably under his command. Yes not only did he personally stalk me but at times even sent his minions to do the job for him.

"What am I looking at?" Mikey seemed confused not really understanding what I was presenting to him, even if there were dates for each picture attached.

"Why are some of your members stalking me... and for a whole week no less?" Mikey and Draken seemed shocked, my guess was that Draken's first conclusion was that I was stalking Sanzu not the other way around. Keisuke on the other hand must have recalled the first day this whole mess began. I wanted to turn over to see Sanzu's troubled face since he got exposed, but suddenly I didn't dare to turn around, since I could feel his cold glare even from this position. This whole week must have really affected me because I spotted my hands shaking.

"How dare you!" I heard someone yell, before I could register what was happening, Keisuke ran over to Sanzu and landed some blows to his face.

"Why the hell are you scaring my girl for?!" I was really touched by his quick actions, but then we heard Sanzu laugh? Why did he suddenly act like a villain?

"Your girl? She's probably scheming on how to date Mikey, even if she already has at least 5 boyfriends on the side!" What kind of soap drama was this guy filming? Keisuke stopped his attack, there was this awkward silence filling the air.

"Wait a moment, don't tell me your stupid ass scared the shit out of me because you don't want me to date, Mikey also who are those 5 boyfriends, where are they? Are you smoking weed? Doing drugs? You sound so freaking delusional I can't even!" People were surprised at my sudden outburst.

"You say it as if you didn't go to a love hotel with some guy with a scar on his face." He thought he was smug, outing me out like that.

"Oh, I don't know maybe I wouldn't go inside if some stupid guy didn't make it his mission to glare at me and follow me home like super creepy yandere!" We just went back and forth, leaving the other members in shock.

"I saw you on a date with the Black Dragon leader!" I soon pointed at Hakkai.

"That's because this guy right there set me up!" I explained, but the names were just going.

"How about the Izana guy from S-62 generation?"

"Poor guy told me his depressing life story so now I'm helping him get back on his feet, is that so wrong?" That's when we got interrupted.

"You know Izana?" Muto asked as I just nodded my head in agreement.

"I saw you with Shuji Hanma as well!" Apparently touching the other gender was equal to dating, I didn't make the rules.

"I saw what you gave him!" I was so close to punching him in the face myself.

"I can't with you! I went over to see a classmate, and this giraffe spawned from deeps of hell so I played a joke on the guy, next thing you gonna tell me is that you can get a girl pregnant by just touching her hand!" Smiley couldn't take it anymore and he started laughing.

"I'm still not convinced you jumped on the old man." I facepalmed, but at this point, everyone else treated this as part of a movie, perhaps they would whip out popcorn if they could.

"That's not very nice of you... your brother is only 25 years old, when you say old man it makes it sound like I was hanging around with a middle-aged fellow." Sanzu seemed shocked that I knew about his family tree.

"I saw you spying on us from the window...but geez he was only my drawing model." I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. I gave a quick glance at Muto who was shell shocked at the sudden news.

"Do you feel better now Michi?" Draken asked, I just nodded my head. Screaming at this guy made my fear evaporate, perhaps because I decided to face this mess head-on.

"Now I don't know where you got this stupid idea that I want to date Mikey, stop projecting your fantasies onto me." I huffed out the air from my chest. Smiley was still laughing like he was at a stand-up comedy show.

"Why don't you use your pretty face to seduce Mikey yourself, I'm out." I walked out and only came back to drag Keisuke with me that was stuck in a trance, he was my ride after all.

"Also next time I see you lurking around me like a creep I will knock you out, Hakkai and Mitsuya can vouch for me that I'm capable of that, so if you don't want to wake up in an abandoned alley being licked by stray dogs in the middle of the night act like a normal human being." I was ready to sponsor his treatment if he dared to approach me in such a way once again.