
Is she worth dying for?

"i will never die for a female dad" said young Ryan smiling at

his father Eric but what little Ryan did not know was that his

father was dying from kidney failure caused by donating his

kidney to his wife Glen who left them after recovering and

Ryan's father did not know how to tell him because he knew

that he will forever hate his mother and Eric did not want to

die knowing his son hates his mother but that did not make

it any better

Ryan was 5 years old when his parents divorced and he

stayed with his father and his mother got married to

another guy and that made Ryan hate females"for life" he

usually said, years passed and Ryan went to college after

turning 16 and his father kept a secret from him even

though Ryan could see that his father was not fine, he could

not know why he was sick.

Ryan got to college and it was kind of easy as he was a

musician which made him popular around the campus and

his roommate was his band mate making college more


Life as it is unfair, Ryan was wanted by many girls at the

college but he fell for Georgia who was not into him at all

but that didn't stop the young star as he would go out of his

way to impress his "mic" as he would call her since she

made him talk non stop.

Countless times he would try to talk to her and get rejected

and not like other boys Ryan loved it when Georgia said no

or bluffed him and it got the point where she got turned on

by his non stop personality months passed and Eric got worse and worse till he was

fetched by an ambulance and Ryan got a call,

(it was early in the morning, Ryan was sleeping as it was

surtaday and he had no classes)

*phone rings for the fifth time*

Zack (his roommate): Ryan your phone is ringing man came


Ryan didn't reply

Zack: ayo Ryan!! am tryna sleep dude wtf!!?

Ryan: aight aight man jeez, where is it?

Zack: under your pillow man wassup, *irritated* i told you to

put that shit on silent when you sleep.

Ryan: whatever man, *answers the phone* who's this?

doctor Renny: hi, it's Doc Renny here in Downroad hospital

Ryan: did I submit my CV there?

Doc Renny: no sir am callin...

Ryan: so why tf are you calling me?

Doc Renny:your father is sick and you have to get here you

son of a b***h.

Zack realized that Ryan was crying and it was rare to see

Ryan cry because he never give a damn about anything

besides what he loved which was his father, music and his

other half Georgia,

Zack: you okay man?

Ryan didn't respond, he got up and dressed really quick as

tears fell from his face. he got out of the room and on the

way to the parking lot he bumped into Georgia and he didn't

even look at his back, he just went through like a curious cat

in the meanwhile Zack was running behind him.

Georgia *after seeing Ryan crying*: hey hey hey, wait! Ryan

are you okay?

Zack *running*: he is not okay

Georgia *running with Zack*: what's going on? did you guys

fight? tell me something!!?

Zack: hey hey, calm down okay!.

Georgia: tell me what's going on please *in a sad voice*.

Zack: I don't know too, he got a call and afterwards started

crying and then rushed out.

Georgia: but he never cries, who called him?

Zack: yeah I know and that's why am running after him, i

didn't see who called but he said something about the

hospital am not sure.

Georgia: let's catch-up to him them!!

Ryan got into the car and nearly hit Georgia and that didn't

only shocked them but sparked the importance of whatever

was happening to him, Zack and Georgia got into Georgia's

car and went after him.