
Worst Soul Reaper

A casual fan of bleach gets reincarnated into soul society. Unlike most others, he has very little knowledge about what goes on in Bleach besides the major stuff. See how he goes through life and tries to survive in this chaotic world

BoredAsura · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs


Author's Note: I can already see the "That's not what... says or how .... works." It is unclear. Why did Nnoitra believe he could beat Nel with just years/months of training? This will be why. This is how it works now. This is how we do things around here.


Ren released his Gift of Flesh and Gift of Arms before he stood in front of the female hollows. He was calm like he did not kill anyone just moments ago.

The hollows were looking at him with expressions of fear and respect. Even if they had gained intelligence, hollows were still creatures who revered the strong. Ren's ability to kill 10 Adjuchas without their Vasto Lorde being able to stop him and then killing off that very same Vasto Lorde without getting injured was something that very few, if anyone in Hueco Mundo, could do.

"Has my demonstration proved that I am strong enough for you to work for me?"

Tier was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the question. It was definitely a stupid question though. If Ren was not capable of strong, who was? But that was not all Tier cared about.

"If we work under you, what will we be expected to do?"

"For now, nothing. Well, training I guess."


All of the female hollows were surprised by this answer. They did not truly believe that Ren simply wanted them to work for him, a shinigami, just so that they could train themselves.

"I have no enemies as of now and do not plan to try and bring peace to Hueco Mundo. I do not want to overthrow Soul Society. I will need your strength in the future.

I know many things but I do not want to perform too many unnecessary actions that will interfere with the plans of others. So until then, I mainly plan to develop my forces and stop anything that may weaken Soul Society.

So until that day comes where I need you to fight by my side, all I need you all to focus on is training."

The others wanted to doubt Ren's words but they had no reason to. To have them let down their guard so he could kill them? He could have just waited for the other group of Hollows to weaken them before swooping in and killing them all.

To use their bodies? The man most likely had plenty of women who were interested in him within the Shinigami. To experiment on them? He did not need their consent for that. Ren truly had no reason to lie to them.

Tier looked at her companions who nodded back at her. Each member of the group gave a slight bow.

"We will serve you. How shall we address you?"

"You can call me Ren or Lord 8th. Your choice. Now that you have agreed to serve me, what do you know about Arrancar?"

Tier was puzzled but still answer to the best of her knowledge.

"Arrancar are rare hollows who gain a weakened humanoid form. They are able to access their full hollow powers for short amounts of time as well. They also gain special abilities when they activate their full hollow powers that other hollows do not have similar to a shinigami."

"Close. Arrancar are naturally occurring and they are not. An Arrancar is a hollow that has torn a part of its mask and sealed it within a zanpakuto. This gives them their humanoid forms although they will retain their 'hole'.

The purpose of doing this is to gain extra powers in their standard and released/awakened forms that they would not have had as a normal hollow.

All Arrancar gain 3 unique abilities that hollows do not possess. Hierro, sonído, and resurrección. There are other abilities that Arrancar can gain but they take practice. The most powerful ones even gain unique abilities in their humanoid forms such as being able to absorb another hollow's cero or special techniques.

But the most powerful ability of an Arrancar is the ability to grow. As you all have probably sensed, you have come close or already reached your limits as hollows. But by becoming an Arrancar, your limit resets in a way."

The 4 were paying close attention to what Ren was saying and hanging on to his every word. They wanted to know what he meant by their limit resets. Cyan was the one to ask.

"What do you mean by it resets?"

"I shouldn't say resets. That is the wrong word for it. Your full potential remains the same as you were for a hollow when you transform into an Arrancar. But becoming an Arrancar weakens your base form. Mmm. This is a bit hard to explain.

Let's say that you are currently at 100%. By becoming an Arrancar, you will be weakened to 20% and will be your base Arrancar form. And when you use your resurrección, you will reach 120% or 6 times your base power.

But you are not stuck at that 20%. By learning to exert and control your reiatsu, your base Arrancar form can reach back up to 100%. And when you awaken, your power will reach 600% compared to your original hollow form."

None of the hollows could believe this. Then they could. It made sense why Arrancars were so rare. If they were caught off guard while in their base form, they could die without even knowing how since they were much weaker. But if they survived, becoming an Arrancar was the smartest choice they could make.

"And you know how to make us Arrancars?"

Ren nodded and summoned a crimson crown into his hands.

"Yes. You could do it yourselves, but most Arrancar do not have the ability to focus all of their hollow energies in zanpakuto and end up losing a significant portion of their powers. But with this, I can make sure that you will lose none of the energy during your transformation."