
Worse than the villain

After Allistor finds himself in a dangerous predicament, he is transported to a new world for the gods entertainment, slowly, he will form a crew and make a name for himself in this new land as a gun for hire.

Puppet_i0p · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

this is going to take some getting used to

i woke up with a gasp, my hand falling to my wounded shoulder, surprisingly there was no pain, was it a dream? no, that's impossible, that pain, it was far to real to be a dream. perhaps it was that man who i heard, did he save me? what did he call himself, again, Stultus?

gingerly, I stood up from the bed, this was not one of my safe homes, I was definitely taken here by someone. looking around, I found myself in a bare, dirty room nothing to be found, except a wooden desk, a bed and a wardrobe.

something on the desk caught my eye, it was a note, pulling myself off the hard mattress i dragged my feet to the wooden slab, scooping it up I began to read,

~no need to thank me, just one fool helping another


this must of been him, but why did he rescue me? i suppose i will just have to ask, he's got to be somewhere around here. leaving the room I hobbled outside. observing the area, i began walking towards another of the rooms, stepping inside i found a mirror.

gasping in shock, I rubbed my eyes to make sure i was seeing this, although i had the same lean physique, my face had changed from the ocean green eyes and red curly hair, to neatly combed black hair and uncaring onyx eyes.

plastic surgery? no, it would have taken months to sully remove all bandages, i couldn't have been out for that long.

ok, I need answers, returning to the previous room I began to walk to the final door

just before reaching the door a bright light flashed before my eyes,

[hello master, welcome to the artificer system, you among many others were chosen to be awarded with different "systems"

feel blessed]

taking a couple seconds to process this, my face began gloomy

what... this is the cringiest thing I've ever been apart of, systems? what kind of freakish web novel is this?

[I'll chalk your attitude up to the fact that you recently died]

sure,, where's the camera, "system"

the light flashed again as an image was shown of my previous body, bleeding in the alley

[your previous body was no longer suitable, so we supplied you with a new one]

It took a few moments to take that in.

i let out a sigh before asking "who is the we in this??"

[i am unable to say more, that a benefactor taking a shine on you]

how helpfull, calming down, i asked a more suitable question

"and what exactly are you designed for?"

[since i am the artificer system your intelligence has been raised so that you will excel in crafting, quick thinking and several other related tasks.]

"that's strange,"

[how so?]

"I'm pretty sure I've gotten dumber..."


"as state of the ark as you are, you need to learn to take a joke, now, where exactly am i?

[you are on a different world from your earth, this world has a fundamental difference, the use of runes, runes are all unique and can have several different affects on the objects they are etched upon, the desired affect can only be obtained upon perfect precision, there are however several exceptions]

"i see, could you elaborate?"

[,due to runes, the industrialisation has changed, the most popular form of transports are blimps or flying ships, several cities can be found in various places like under the sea or in the sky.]

"intriguing, do you perhaps no any runes?"

[i know several, however i am not permitted to tell you them]

"what if i ask nicely?"


oh, don't be like that, I'm genuinely interested in this scientific discovery.

[if you progress i may be able to reveal several but until then I can tell you the location of a tome with numerous runes among its pages.]

"please go on."

[out of the many tomes, the one closest to your location, would be in the walking mausoleum, Corcylius.]

"thank you chief, but I have no idea where that is,"

[then find out fool]

"what is with you and Stultus constantly calling me a fool?"

[did you ever study Latin?]

"of course not, its a dead language, anyone who learnt it wasted their time"

[we shall see]