Taylor trap in the locker called out for help, ends up summoning Hasbro heroes. Now the world of Worm now have some old fashion heroes to save the day.
Director Emily Piggot wasn't happy how things are turning out, she stood in the command room of The Rig. Thanks to one of the Wards bullying another girl causing her to trigger, then the entire Brockton Bay is now besieged by the projections of a master on the level of Nilbog. No, it's worst because of the fact the projections are Hasbro heroes, and the U.S.S Flagg the aircraft carrier of the G.I. Joes is in the bay, along side with another aircraft carrier.
"The G.I Joes, COPS, Visionaries, and My Little Pony? What else is showing up?" Piggot ask.
"If it follows that it's only Hasbro creations, the only ones we need to worry about are Action Man, Inhumanoids, Robtix, Transformers, and ROM spaceknight," Dragon said over the coms.
"I have been seeing lots of cars and other odd out of place vehicles. It's safe to say the autobots are here," Armsmaster said on the com.
"The other aircraft carrier is the the Autobot Broadside a triple changer who changes from a jet plane to an aircraft carrier," Dragon said.
"Great just great," Piggot said rubbing her forehead. "What's the damage?"
"The troops and the police are keeping the crowds back. The school is still being held by the G.I. Joes and the hospital where the Herbert girl is, has been completely surrounded. They're letting people out of the hospital who can be moved, for the school they're not letting anyone out. The orders are that they're going to let Herbert decided their fate," Armsmaster said.
"And Colton made it clear that any attempt of entering the school will result in the soldiers gunning down as many of the kids as possible," Dragon adds.
"I had no idea how cold blooded the G.I. Joes are," Piggot said.
"They are soldiers who follow orders, even the ones that are cold blooded," Dragon said.
"Have Panacea heal the Herbert girl so she can get her summons under control. Hopefully there aren't anymore of them around," Piggot said.
"Scans just pick this up underwater," a computer tech said bringing up a screen showing what's underwater.
On the screen showed giant sea horses but being very colorful, having horse heads and colorful manes.
"Sea ponies?" Piggot said seeing the underwater sea ponies on the screen.
"There's more," the tech said as he brings up more images.
Underwater -
With the sea ponies is Steven Magnet a male sea serpent from MLP. Who is talking with a Mosasaurus. (Jurassic Park) Then there are the other summons who can survive underwater. Who have surrounded the Rig ready to attack.
In their beast forms are the Maximals.
3 human sized squid, Claw Jaws, Ikard, Scuba.
Frog, Driver
Elephant/Orca hybrid, Torca
Emperor Penguin, Break, a lobster, Grimlet,
Fiddler Crab, Rockbuster
A massive robot shark, Hammerbyte
A Great White Shark (Transmetal 2), Cybershark,
Hawk/Hammerhead Shark Hybrid, Air Hammer
Sawfish, Sharp Edge
A giant orca, Orcanoch
Manta Ray, Depth Charge
Then there are the Zoids the giant animal theme robots all armed with to the teeth with massive guns and missiles, all being controlled by the Drazzlings sisters Adagio, Aira, Sonata in their hybrid forms that allow them to survive underwater and a school of mermaids. There are many of them but all of them are able to operate underwater.
Aquadon a frog type zoid.
Barigator a crocodile type zoid.
Cannondiver a turtle type zoid.
Death Stinger a sea scorpion type zoid.
Dragoon Nest a lobster type zoid.
Hammer Head a hammerhead shark type zoid.
Killerdome a crab type zoid.
Leo Gator a lion/alligator type of Zoid
Maccurtis A crawfish type zoid.
Mosasledge a Mosasaurus type Zoid
Neptune a alligator type zoid.
Sea Panther a hermit crab type zoid.
Sinker a ray type zoid.
War Shark a Coelacanth Type zoid.
Whale King a whale type zoid and by far the biggest at over 300 meters in length.
There there are the last group….
The Rig -
"We're getting attack by Pokemon? How are they Hasbro?" Piggot ask. On the screen are all the water type Pokémon who can survive underwater.
"Hasbro did create toys and games for Pokemon, as well as Zoids for the American market," Dragon said.
"And the mermaids?" Piggot ask.
"My Pretty Mermaids a toy line created by Hasbro but wasn't as popular as My Little Pony," Dragon answers.
"So because Hasbro created toys and games for those franchises, they count as being Hasbro creations?" Piggot ask. (1)
"Looks like it," Dragon said.
"Get me a list so we can at least know what else could be heading our way," Piggot said.
"You can add Disney to the list," a tech said bringing up the image of the Leviathan from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
"How?" Piggot ask.
"From the Disney Princess and Descendants toy line," Dragon said.
"Just great," Piggot said slapping her forehead.
In the room is a tiny bluish-green housefly wearing a red shirt and has two arms and two legs. The fly Zipper of the Rescue Rangers is busy placing mouse size devices on the different fuse boxes and computers in the control room. Gadget Hackwrench is busy connecting to the main server with her own mouse size computer, installing devices that will allow her to hack into the PRT network anytime she wants. Only way to undo what she's doing is to dismantle the main server to get to the device she place on the main CPU.
For being a mouse she can just access to the mainframe by going into the hole in the back of the mainframe to enter the computer. Where the her mouse size computer is connected to the computer. They can't stop her as she isn't hacking, but using a control terminal that is connected to the main CPU. Plus she just has to disconnect the wifi so only people who has direct access like her can use the CPU.
Chip, Dale, and Monterey Jack are already at work making an escape route for them. Once the attack takes place she will cause the entire PRT network to shutdown and leave them blind. And the PRT will have to work days or weeks at least to get it up and running. Especially seeing how she has setup the insides of the mainframes in the server room to be damage once the firebombs she made with the cleaning and cooking supplies are activated inside the computers.
Downtown -
In the downtown PRT building the staff are in a panic as an army has appeared in the city and have taken over a school and a hospital. The army in question is the G.I. Joe army who have their army vehicles, being backed up by other Hasbro properties COPS, Visionaries and My Little Pony characters. They also revealed Shadow Stalker's real identity online and revealed that she and her friends bullying another girl Taylor Herbert, cause her to trigger and she brought them to life. The question is what else was brought to life as well?
Inside the walls of the building teams of green army men and army ants are working their way into the building. They're small and made out of plastic but their weapons are all too real, the soldiers are firing their guns into the mass of electric wires, tossing grenades into outlets, mortars and bazookas made short work of fuse boxes. Causing the entire power system to go off line as the wiring are all damaged. (2)
In the mail room packages that were just dropped off for Vista, and scanned to find nothing but toys inside. Then the buildings power went out and alarms sounded off before losing power too, causing the workers to leave the room. A laptop that was left on a table transforms into the autobot Brains once the room was empty and jumps down from the table.
"They're gone," Brains said knocking on the boxes and began cutting the tape off of boxes.
The boxes began shaking as the toys inside are freeing themselves. From a cardboard box came out a pair of 1950s pull-string cowboy and cowgirl dolls, followed by a pull string prospector doll, a porcelain doll, a miniature 80's plastic cop doll, a trio of sheep all stuck together and a horse doll. A space-themed plastic action figure spun his way free from a box, allowing a plastic Tyrannosaurus toy a plastic pink piggy bank, a plastic dog with leather ears and a slinky in the center of his body to get out. Next came Mr. and Mrs. Potato Heads, 3 three-eyed rubber squeeze toys, a space overlord, a wrestler, a remote controlled toy car, a penguin, a toy tape recorder, a Etch-a-Sketch, a Mr. Spell, a blue educational robot toy, and a green plastic snake with purple joints.
Crawling out of a box is a baby doll's head on a crab like body, followed by more toys made out of parts. Raggedy Ann and Andy help some of the smaller toys to get out of the packages. Gabby Gabby and a bunch of 1950s ventriloquist dummies also help the smaller toys out of the boxes.
A large baby doll burst out of a box with a Kent and Barbie doll holding on to him by his shoulders. A RC toy truck followed and transforms into the autobot Wheelie. He climbs up a wall to a window and opens it, allowing trolls with prehensile hair to climb into the room.
Woody the cowboy climbed onto a chair to talk to the others.
"Alright gang the power is out, let's tear this place apart and get what we came for," Woody said to the other toys.
"I heard something in here," Kid Win said opening the door of the mail room and finding a bunch of toys and open packages.
"Why are there toys from Toy Story here?" Clockblocker ask walking in the room followed by Kid Win.
"Says they're for Vista," Kid Win said picking up one of the packages and reading the label.
"Oh a Disney product thing," Clockblocker said picking up Buzz Lightyear and pressing one of his buttons on his chest and got radio chatter instead. "What? It's picking up on the police radios."
"It is?" Kid Win ask.
"Yeah," Clockblocker said as he pressed the arm button and instead of a red light came out a real laser blasting the floor and leaving a mark. "Shit this is real."
"Hands off," Buzz said as he activates his jet pack causing Clockblocker to let go of him.
The other toys began moving and the trolls who had been hiding revealed themselves. Both Wheelie and Brains transform into their robot forms. The trolls using their hair wrap them around Clockblocker's arms and face. Wheelie and the bigger toys went for his legs sending him falling where the others toys mob him.
"The toys are robots," Kin Win said going for his com but was stop as Woody and Jessie pulled out a toy size blaster and hit his com.
"That's not all," Brains said some analog audio cassettes in his hands and toss them into the air.
The cassettes transformed revealing themselves to be minicons. Flip Side and Rosanna the two female autobots. Followed by Eject, Playback, and Rewind all five being human size each holding a blaster. The rest are animal robots, Steeljaws a robot lion, Nightstalker a robot panther, Stripes a robot cheetah, Ramhorn a robot rhino, and Sundor a robot condor.
"Oh boy," Kid Win said holding up his hands seeing how badly he's outnumbered and outgunned.
Author's Notes -
1 - Seeing how Hasbro created toys and games for the series shown. They count as being a Hasbro product. What I don't count are the ones that the company just brought the rights to like Power Rangers, that were around before the rights were brought.
Also if Hasbro was hired to make toys and games for a franchise or were licensed to sell the American version like how Transformers are known by another name in Japan, that counts too.
2 - Released in 1987, Army Ants were originally released in "squadrons" (sets) of three or eight figures, set on card-backed blister packs. The individual soldiers had various themes, including officers, international soldiers (such as French Foreign Legion soldiers and English guards), and aviators (in the form of flying ants).