
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

I just want to publish as a fanfic so people can read it for free.

Fantasy_Bringer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 9

The day after being diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Lin Qiye came to his laboratory as usual.

The news spread very fast.

The entire laboratory knew that Lin Qiye was terminally ill.

The students pursed their lips, their eyes were dull, and the air pressure was very low.

Lin Qiye is a good professor and mentor!

As long as you choose a topic, he can guide you a hundred times until you fully understand the experiment and obtain scientific research results.

He is the most popular doctoral supervisor in the entire Xia Ke University.

The students are rushing to be assistants.

His class was overcrowded, and there were even students sitting in the aisles.

However. Such an excellent and charming professor Lin, who was only seventeen years old, actually suffered from the only terminal illness in the world.

The students in the laboratory stared at Lin Qiye.

Distressed, uncomfortable, and her eyes were red.



Qin Xia pursed her lips and gritted her teeth angrily.

Lin Qiye raised his eyebrows: "Just do whatever you need to do. I'm not that prone to accidents. It's just a terminal illness."

"By the way, Qin Xia, your acupuncture electrochemical therapy is very good."

Lin Qiye praised him, and then found Qin Xia's paper from the data cabinet.

"This technique, if exercised properly, can control the lesions in the bone marrow. Once a day, you will be healthy."

Lin Qiye smiled.

Begin to design a treatment plan.

According to the deduction, to find an old Chinese medicine practitioner who is familiar with the acupuncture points of the human body, first do acupuncture on every acupuncture point of the body,

Then, using the electrode of the needle tip, micro-manipulation electrolyzes hydrogen, and finally uses the living hydrogen therapy.

The process is green and safe.

Although it cannot completely cure the symptoms, it can prolong the transition time of terminal illness to the middle and late stages.

In other words, it can continue to live!

Read this.

Lin Qiye thought at a high speed while entering the plan into the document.


Professor Yuan stood quietly for a long time.

Seeing that Lin Qiye was done, Professor Yuan touched Lin Qiye's head.

Then, he held a bank card, which was extremely precious, and stuffed it into Lin Qiye's hand.

The action of inserting the bank card is forceful and cannot be refused.

"My child, it takes a lot of money to treat a terminal illness. My house sold for 6 million, and you take it to treat the disease!"

Lin Qiye froze in place, forgetting what to say for a while.

Professor Yuan is forty-three years old.

In this era of soaring rooms, he has no hesitation to sell his house for money to treat a student's illness. He really regards Lin Qiye as his own son.

Such feelings cannot be said to be insincere!

Lin Qiye's eyes were moist.

"Teacher, it's really unnecessary. I have money."

"How much money can you spend in the laboratory every day? Take it!"

Professor Yuan reprimanded, and his palms tightened.

Lin Qiye understood that he had to convince Professor Yuan.

Otherwise, I must accept the six million that Professor Yuan returned from the sale of the house today.

Lin Qiye was so moved that the tip of his nose felt sore.

"Teacher, I'm not short of money. Three years ago, I set up an emerging industry and made some fortune, not much, about 200 billion to 300 billion."

Talking room.

Lin Qiye opened an electronic file, and then showed Professor Yuan the ownership structure of the most popular short video APP in China, and its normal business setup.

Lin Qiye's shareholding ratio is as high as 72%. He has the final say in the entire group. Others can only make suggestions or implement plans.

Professor Yuan was startled, and his surprised eyes swept across Lin Qiye, as if he knew Lin Qiye for the first time.

"You make a little bit of money, and you have 200 billion?!"

Lin Qiye nodded slightly: "Yeah, 200 billion can be exchanged at any time, so... even if I spend 10 billion every year for treatment, I can last for 20 years. Besides, I can earn another 200 billion."

Lin Qiye said lightly, returning the bank card to Professor Yuan, with a slight reproach in his tone.

"I've said it all, you have to have confidence in me. You're better..."

"Forget it, after a while, I'll buy you a villa."

Hear the words.

Professor Yuan opened his mouth and clutched his bank card, feeling sad and relieved.

"Son, you will be fine! You must be fine."

Lin Qiye stroked Professor Yuan's back.

"Relax and go to class quickly."

Professor Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

left the laboratory.

After seeing Professor Yuan leave, Lin Qiye immediately called home.

"Don't sell the house! Don't sell the house! Don't sell the house! I made 200 billion to treat terminal illnesses, don't mess around!"

Lin's father and Lin's mother looked at each other in dismay. The plan to sell the house and cure the disease that was being discussed just now was put on hold for the time being.

"Dude, where did you get 200 billion?"

Lin Qiye: "If you don't believe me, I'll come back tonight for verification. You can also call Professor Yuan for verification. In short, don't sell the house!"

Lin Qiye resolutely warned.

Lin's father and Lin's mother nodded heavily.

"My dear, we believe you, we won't sell the house for the time being, and we will sell it when we run out of money."

Hear the words.

Lin Qiye breathed a sigh of relief.

the next three days.

Lin Qiye began to implement a treatment plan for himself.

First, acupuncture electrification is used to kill diseased cells.

Secondly, by adjusting the diet accurately, changing the gastrointestinal bacterial flora, so that Lin Qiye's gastrointestinal bacterial flora can limit the outbreak of terminal diseases in the body to the highest degree. (From Lin Qiye's paper)

Thirdly, Lin Qiye is based on the idea of ​​serine therapy for p53-deficient tumors. Trying to find an active substance to inhibit the generation of terminal illness in the body. (From Lin Qiye's paper)

Multi-pronged approach.

Carry out all-round pursuit and interception of terminal illness.

A week later.

Lin Qiye's custom-made private sanatorium.

on the treatment bed.

Lin Qiye stripped off his clothes, and his body was full of thin silver needles.

Even the knuckles of the fingers had silver needles inserted.

Every silver needle is precisely pierced into the key acupoints near the bone marrow.

The medical staff was a little nervous, and carefully manipulated the minimally invasive electrolysis machine to start electrolysis.

Lin Qiye felt numb and bloated.

It was as if someone had swept the sensitive area with goose feathers, and it was painfully itchy.


With the progress of electrolysis, Lin Qiye felt relieved and even a little drowsy.

Two hours later.

The first electrification treatment of acupuncture and moxibustion was completed.

The image CT showed that the diseased cells near Lin Qiye's bone marrow were all removed, and there is no possibility of spreading to the whole body for the time being.

The doctor was very excited: "Professor Lin, it's effective, really effective! Although there is no cure, at least it won't spread to other parts. As long as it is suppressed like this, it may never break out!"

"You are indeed the man who is said to lead mankind to conquer cancer."

The doctor was amazed.

Lin Qiye got dressed.

Take a long sigh of relief.

"I haven't felt any negative effects for the time being."

"But I estimate that in the later stage, the speed of replication of the diseased cells will be faster. At that time, it may be difficult to handle."

"Besides, the diseased cells are constantly replicating by absorbing my nutrients.

So every treatment is equivalent to cutting a piece of meat on me.

I want to supplement nutrition scientifically. Otherwise, it won't last long. "

Lin Qiye did not underestimate the enemy.

But according to the first treatment, UU reading www. uukanshu. com quickly perfected the life extension plan.

Two months later.

When Lin Qiye checked again.

Although the situation in the bone marrow deteriorated, there were no diseased cells in the blood and other tissues.

Five months after the terminal illness was detected, the proliferation of diseased cells in the bone marrow accelerated, and Lin Qiye's condition should fall into an avalanche.

But still controlled.


The electrification of acupuncture and moxibustion once a day can slowly kill the spreading diseased cells.

It must be done in the morning and evening.

at the same time.

Lin Qiye's nutritional supplements gradually equalized with the consumption of the diseased cell population.

Lin Qiye's body gradually weakened.


There are only two months left before breaking the limit of life!

Lin Qiye used a hanging bottle to deliver nutrients in the most direct way.


The diseased cell population is indeed a tumor.

The diseased cell population will be robbed of half of the nutrients delivered every day.

Other parts of the body can only take the opportunity to drink leftover soup.

Lin Qiye began to lose weight.

The skin where the needle was pierced also showed bruises.

Every treatment is painful.

The doctors were a little panicked.

"What should I do? What should I do? Professor Lin, the terminal illness in your body is too difficult to deal with! If it is other cancers, it can definitely be controlled. The terminal illness in Professor Lin's body is like a tiger."

The doctors' voices began to tremble.

When I reported the situation to Lin Qiye, I was very anxious.

at this time.

There are still two months left before breaking the limit of life!

Lin Qiye took a deep breath, his eyes shining as always.

"Don't be afraid, my research institute should have new achievements..."