

Bored of the limitless life their immortality granted them, the great powers of the universe searched high and low for more ways to make their lives more thrilling, eventually coming across a specific hobby on Earth. Speedrunning. With their twisted minds, they expanded upon this idea to make it far more thrilling than before, speedrunning through literal lives in order to achieve certain goals one would have in their life in the shortest time. Unexpectedly, many beings found the idea interesting and supported it, birthing the most ludicrous type of entertainment in the universe, the Worldrunners. Corius, a rookie Worldrunner, was sick and tired of aiming for the simpler achievements, seeing his name pushed down the ranks every second. Instead, he wanted his name to be renowned throughout the universe. And so, he joined many others in vying for the top spot at the Immortality% record, thinking it would be a piece of cake. Of course, it was anything but. ---------- Entry to WPC #324 - Reverse Isekai.

TrueDawn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Reborn Again

Glancing at the empty pads for a bit more, with his blank stare even attracting the attention of one of the attendants in the area, Corius eventually left the place, heading towards the technology section as he decided to read up on a few things before starting a new attempt.

Passing through the guard that had barred him before without an issue, he eventually made his way to one of the cubicles, opening up the miniature supercomputer in front of him as he was greeted by a holographic screen once more. Scrolling through the contents listed on the screen, he eventually found the section he was looking for, feeling a slight pain in his heart as he noticed that a small screen briefly flashed above his wrist.

"The detailed achievements section…" Corius muttered to himself, scrolling through the various lists that were displayed on the screen. "Not the nine star section, not the eight star… no… no… no…"

"…there we go. The four star achievement section."

Thinking about the plan he had just come up while staring off at the pads a while ago, he revised the plan on the spot as he scrolled through the list of four star achievements he could attempt. Eventually, his eyes fell on a specific one, inwardly nodding as he thought, 'Having experience in this area would definitely help out in my eventual attempt at Immortality% again, but I shouldn't bite off more than I can chew.'

'That's why I'm going with this one.' With a smile, he tapped on the achievement he had chosen, showing all of the rankings all throughout the various planets the achievement had been attempted on. Swiping through all of them, he had eventually arrived at the ranking list he cared the most at the most, which was the four star achievement's ranking list for the planet Earth.

"That's quite a lot of people," he could not help but mutter, seeing as there were tens upon thousands of beings that had already attempted the achievement he was going to attempt. Nevertheless, he wasn't pressured by that, thinking that he would have to repeat this achievement and a few other similar achievements after this one. "In any case, my ultimate goal is to complete Immortality%. This is just a step in the right direction."

"But the top record for the achievement is currently around 8 Earth years, huh…" he could not help but mutter, wondering how that Worldrunner had done it. Thinking about it for a bit more, he eventually came to an obvious answer. "The Worldrunner prepared for it, obviously."

"I should prepare for it as well," he said soon after, deciding that he would now attempt his achievements with at least a modicum of preparation in order to make sure he successfully completed it. With that, he headed out of the detailed achievements section on the holographic screen before heading to another section that contained all of the information on the planets Worldrunners frequently did their attempts on.

After scrolling through the articles for a while, he had eventually found the section that was specifically made for Worldrunners wanting more information on the planet Earth. Opening it, he was surprised that there were a ton of tips left by earlier Worldrunners for future Worldrunners to implement. Some of those tips were about systems in place on Earth that the Worldrunners could take advantage of, while some of the tips were about a certain combination of skills that could help make the attempts easier.

Through a bit of searching, he had eventually found the information he needed for his attempt, reading up on the planet's geography, as well as downloading an information bank of the languages that existed throughout the planet.

Though, he had to pay a small fee for the latter.

After that, he looked up the various systems set up in place for the achievement he was planning to do, nodding in satisfaction as he thought that he could make up of the planet's system to reduce his time by a few years.

Although he was satisfied with what he had searched up, he decided to look at some of the other articles related to the planet. Surprisingly, he noticed that some of them actually imparted knowledge that he thought would be useful for the attempt, deciding to keep a mental note on them as he scrolled through the screen for a bit more before eventually leaving the technology section.

Feeling like he had already prepared as much as he could for this attempt, he made his way to the section for Worldrunner attempts, with an attendant coming up to him as he was making his way to one of the empty pads.

Showing his Junior Worldrunner badge, Corius stepped on one of the pads as he told the attendant, "I'll be attempting a four star achievement on planet Earth."

"Which achievement might you be attempting, sir?"

"High School Graduate%." Hearing Corius' words, the attendant lightly nodded in response before pressing a few buttons on the machine beside the pad. Noticing this, Corius could not help but let out an inward sigh of relief as he thought, 'I guess that video's words were true. I should probably try attempting a five star achievement once I'm done with this.'

'In fact, I should have probably gone with a three star achievement first, huh. Actually, it's not too late for me to change my mind and tell the attendant that I'm attempting Middle School Graduate% instead.' However, just as he was about to tell the attendant he was changing his achievement, the pad started to light up in various colors, telling Corius that the attendant had already inputted the achievement he was about to attempt. Realizing this, he could not help but inwardly sigh.

"Corius Valtrezar, Junior Worldrunner. Correct?" the attendant asked, to which Corius could only nod.

"Would you like me to update the skills on your loadout with the skills you've recently upgraded?" Hearing those words come out of the attendant's mouth, he nodded once again.

With that, the attendant pressed a few more buttons on the machine as the light around the pad started to grow in intensity. "Is there anything else you would like to add?"

"None at—" was all Corius could say before his body had disappeared from where he stood once more. Gradually, the light around the pad dimmed down as it eventually returned to its normal state. Looking at the pad Corius just stood on, the attendant could not help but mutter, "Break the records, Worldrunner."


Once more Corius was greeted by darkness. However, this time, he was calmer than he previously was, finding the darkness even somewhat soothing.

'The Worldrunner Neural Link System has been activated.' Eventually, the disembodied voice from before resounded throughout once more, informing Corius of the achievement he was attempting, as well as his loadout before he was to be reborn again. 'The being has been identified as Corius Valtrezar, a Junior Worldrunner from the Planet Levius. The achievement the Worldrunner is attempting has been identified as High School Graduate% on the planet Earth, a two star planet.

'The following skills have been set to apply to the Worldrunner's reincarnation: [Lesser Adaptability], [Lesser Prodigious Intelligence], [Lesser Enhanced Growth].'

'All three skills have been adjusted accordingly to the planet's average.'

'As the Worldrunner has already previously attempted an achievement on this planet, supplementary information related to the achievement shall be imported into the Worldrunner's mind.' Hearing those words, Corius knew that it wouldn't be very long until he would reincarnate on Earth again in a new body.

"I wonder where I'm gonna end up i—"



Birthplace: Brazil

Family Rating: 1.5 stars

Natural Talent: [Inferior Innate Strength]



"Now how did that one thing go again…? Ah, right."

"Nooooo!!!! I don't wanna go to Brazil!"

And now, the second attempt.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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