
World War Zerø

Vortexsama · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs


(Chapter 60)


A trickle of sweat streamed down his jawline as he tried to get in sync with his body movement due to the aftermath of the technique. It was like he just entered a new body.

If Shinsui's technique had taken two or more seconds longer, he might have lost his sight, become paralyzed, or end up in a long term coma.

The duration limit of the technique Shinsui used was thirty seconds. The duration would increase as you got stronger though.

"Sheesh! That's more than double of our manpower." William thought as he charged even further, to assist General Nazumoto.

A few seconds earlier, Nazumoto on sighting the enemy's troop, decided to charge upfront before any of his soldiers did.

His first aim was to create numerous craters and debris on the plain field, to overturn the military might advantage the opponent had. Since this was mostly going to be a battle between gun users, Nazumoto had charged forward to create various debris here and there, to serve as shield or cover point for his men.

If he hadn't created those holes and wreckages, it would have been a one-sided battle_as the opponent was bigger in might.

This fight was between the opponent who were sponsored by the W-5, and the military men who were here to stop the W-5's supposed research team. Eight thousand men, and two thousand five hundred military freshmen respectively.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I'm freakin' surprise they sent a person whose fighting wit is still intact. Aren't you Du chang?" An individual with a black top knot hair which sides were neatly cropped, said with a sarcastic tone.

"Du Sung my younger brother, do not underestimate the enemy because of their numbers." Chang advised his brother, while he adjusted the sleeve of his cloth.

Unlike Du sung who had a black top knot hair with clipped sides, Du Chang's Top knot was more of a half bun. His maroon red hair was both loose and gathered, as part of his hair was tied in a bun at the upper part of the back of his head, while the remaining part was left loose, making it to reach just a little below his shoulder length.

"It's just that they can't defeat us, it looked like that teenage boy really killed them off with his technique. I mean look at the way their numbers have dwindled." Du Chang mocked, as he raised a corner of his upper lip slightly in scorn.

"And I hope you don't put the cart before the horse, that person you're talking about is a general, do you really think we could win this if we don't take things seriously?" A male with caramel brown hair protested peacefully, as he walked towards the two brothers.

"Pfft come on Linton! Even if he's a general, it doesn't change the fact that we would win. A'ter (after) all, we three are high ranked fighters so it shouldn't be a problem." Du Sung uttered while he waved his right hand concurrently, to emphasize his nonchalance on the impending danger.

"Sung is right, with our strength and current numbers, we have no reason to fear." Du Chang reassured himself, and the other two that were beside him. One was his younger brother who was four years younger than Chang, while the other was Gray Linton.

Du chang was twenty six, while his younger brother was twenty two. And as for Linton, he was still a nineteen year old male fighter.

"What else should I expect from these two?" Linton thought. "Anytime I suggest something in the midst of these two, I sound like someone who put his foot in his mouth to them. Dɛʀp!" Linton concluded with his inner thoughts, as he walked behind the two brothers.

"Our men have plunged themselves into battle, and as their leaders we don't want to be left behind. Do we?" Du Chang said, as he charged towards the battle.

"You had better pick up the pace little Linton, or else you'll be left behind." Du Sung taunted, as he dashed upfront alongside his brother.

"Curse you!" Linton muttered with close teeth, as he grimaced in displeasure.

The three of them were originally assigned by the W-5 organization to supervise the blood sample experiments that was currently going on in the village before the valley of death, but were later informed to gather as many fighters they could find amongst them, to war against anyone who tried to threaten or stop their research. Thanks to the information Joe had given them a few days ago in exchange for a few fighters.

"That general is definitely dangerous, he's causing explosions intentionally to help create cover for his men against energy blasts and gunshots. Thereby taking away our first advantage; which is numbers." Linton noted. "If he hadn't done that, we would have won in minutes since the battlefield is plain. But now that it has different sort of rubbles and wreckages, there's more for us to do as it'll be harder to land a clean shot on most of them now."

"And the worst of them all is that: the wreckage that their general had created, was only on one side of the field. Which is their territory." Linton observed further as he sat on the floor with his legs crossed, imitating the meditation sitting posture. His hands clasped together under his chin to serve as a resting place for his jaw, while his two elbows rested on his hams.

"Those two are still too dense to comprehend the situation." Linton thought. "I'll just wait over here till the battle's over. That's if those d*mned brothers bodies still remain intact. No matter the perspective I use to visualize this battle, we've already lost to that general. No one in our troop, except for me who had noticed this situation and decided to sit still would survive."


Nazumoto continued to create massive holes and wreckages here and there on the battlefield as the enemy drew closer, only that it was done at a faster rate due to the way the distance between the general and enemy had reduced greatly in a short period of time.

"General!" William echoed as he edged closer to Nazumoto.

"Tsk! What are you doing here? Do you want to be the cause of your own death?" General Nazumoto asked, with a frown on his face.

After carrying out his first aim without any flaws, his second was to singlehandedly beat down the opponents who would be charging through the middle, therefore splitting their forces into two: On either flanks respectively.

As we all know during most battles, soldiers are mainly positioned in the middle than other sides. Destroying the fighters charging through the middle would surely shrink the enemy's numbers, and squash their confidence. That alone, is enough for Nazumoto and his troop to turn the tables around.

With the general's current strength, taking all of these people on wouldn't be a problem. Which was what Nazumoto had planned to do. But with William's sudden appearance, and the others charging towards his direction, bloodshed was now inevitable for his troops.

"*Pants *Pants *Pants.... Sir, *pants... they are more than double of our whole soldiers." William uttered as he bent slightly, while he used his hands to touch his kneecaps, therefore shifting his whole body weight to his knees. William still had a lot of things to say however, he was quite out of breath.

"Is that enough reason for you to plunge into danger?" General Minamino asked. He still had his stern look on his face, but one could tell that the general was already stressed out.

"Your s..afety comes be..fore ours." William muttered with one eyes closed.

"Humph! That's really a crappy ideology you soldiers all believe in." Nazumoto said under his breath. "You ran a few miles only, and you are already wheezing. Is that the person that wants to ensure my safety? Ha!" Nazumoto scoffed, as he stared at William who was now getting his breath back to its normal flow.

"Well looks like there's no escape route for you now." Minamino said as he clenched his fist so hard, that even William could hear the 'grip' sound which his fist had made. The general wasn't clenching his fists out of sadness or regret, but was doing that out of should we say eagerness?

As William was still wondering what general Nazumoto meant by his last statement, a large chunk of enemy were now charging towards them at a very fast pace, the sound of their foot tramps and war screams, could easily give one a hazy vision and deaf ears.

"So that is what he meant...." William thought, as he beheld the sheer size of the enemy.

"Listen crappy ideologist! Just follow my lead, and watch my back in return so you won't die." Nazumoto ordered.

Nazumoto had to order him to this, in order to prevent William from dying. He didn't need William to watch his back but who knows, just to be on the safest side.

"With him following me, the opponents charging through the middle would have a tough time surviving." Nazumoto thought. "And since my soldiers have caught up with me, they would help in clearing the remaining soldiers charging through the flanks."

Fortunately, William also had the same thoughts as the general. He believed that the general was going to weaken the enemy through their strongest point which was the middle, leaving only the flanks to the other fighters.

"Now how do I relay this to Shinsui, so he could pass the information to the others?" William thought as he charged forward. On looking back, he could now see Shinsui spearheading the rest of the crew, as they also charged forward to fight against the enemy.

"Now all I need to do is to get closer to Shinsui without breaking the form—"
