
World War Zerø

Vortexsama · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs


(Chapter 57 )


On seeing the fifth person's face, everyone in Neveda's team dropped their guard. Even Hyrosei that had readied his hands to battle, dropped them by his sides after seeing this person's face.

She was unparalleled in beauty, as she beamed with a very bright smile, and had little to no danger or daggers in her eyes.

"What's this?" Laina muttered in bewilderment, as she touched her flushed cheeks.

"Howdy!" The female said with the brightest smile one could ever offer.

"Howdy?" Laina mused. "How dare you!" Laina said, as she gritted her teeth.

"What now?" Mila asked, as she was a little frustrated with Laina's approach. "Did she say anything wrong?" Mila thought.

"Who the hell is a midwife huh?" Laina yelled.

"Hah! That bullsh*t, she really needs to go back to school." Kabuchi cursed inwardly, as he slapped his forehead in disappointment.

"Put on your helmet Arianne." Joe said.

"Aye aye!" She replied, as a Knight like helmet surfaced on Joe's palm, hovering on it thereafter. Arianne collects and puts it on, while the remaining part of her body became something similar to a mist.

"That should fix it, thankfully I made that helmet for her, just in case something like that happened." Joe said inwardly, before heaving a sigh.

"I think you're mistaken," Mila said. "Laina I'm not saying you're wrong, it also means one's a midwife but in this case, it's fashioned as a way of saying hello. To put it simply, she was greeting you."

"Oh! He he he!" Laina chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry, my bad. I'm really sorry." She apologised, as she rubbed the back of her head nervously.

"I really thought Arianne did something she didn't like." Joe thought. "You can remove your helmet now." Joe said.

"I think I'm okay with wearing this for now." Arianne insisted.

"Even after Laina's terse and brusque approach, her lighthearted composure is still intact. What a cool headed fellow." Neveda thought, as he glanced at Arianne.

"Numbskull!" Kabuchi muttered.

"What?!" Laina yelled.

"Your whining would only make things worse." Hyrosei mumbled, thinking he had dissipated the unnecessary and incessant argument between the two.

"Say Kabuchi," Mila said, as she bumped her right fist into her left palm, alongside a wide smirk. "Why don't we show him the way it's done, since yapping is the only thing he can do."

"I think I have no objections to that." Kabuchi replied, as he and Laina turned, facing a certain individual.

"Oh crap! I think I fueled the fire." Hyrosei lamented.

"Die!" Kabuchi and Laina echoed as they dashed towards Hyrosei.

"Why is that when it comes to bullying me, that's when these two get in sync?" Hyrosei thought, as he made a run for it. "I should have held my peace, now I've exacerbated the whole situation."

"Treason! Treason!!" Hyrosei yelled jokingly as his deft, and swift movement kept him from being caught by the two.

"These guys are no different from elementary school kids." Itoshi said under his breath.

"Since two forces have become one, I'm thinking of a name for this new group. What do you think?" Joe inquired. "On one side, we have the headless rebels, on the other side we have you guys. Combining both to become one would benefit us, wouldn't it?"

As Joe explained, he stretched both palms out, moving one to the right, and the other to the left respectively. And as soon as he mentioned the word 'combining,' he hit his palm against each other. In other words, he clapped to emphasize on his explanation.

"Huh?" Kabuchi asked, as he retired from his chase to hear more.

"A new name?" Laina asked, while holding Hyrosei by his hair.

"Ouch! Ouch! Sh*t it hurts!" Neveda groaned, before he bit his lips to avoid screaming.

"A new name? Hmmn.... That's not bad, but I really can't think of any." Mila said humbly.

"Same here!" Genk added bluntly.

"That's not one of my specialty. So I think I'll pass." A soft voice and soothing voice said. It was Arianne!

"I see that eliminates three, it's up to us to decide now." Itoshi thought.

"Who would have thought that fair good looking lady with a mellifluous voice would be bad at naming?" Hyrosei wondered.

"Ah! I've got an idea," Laina shouted at the top of her voice, as she hopped excitedly raising one of her hands.

"*Sighs* Yes go on." Joe said after heaving a sigh, he understood what Laina was trying to do. "Maybe she really missed school after all!" He thought.

"Tsk! That girl, raising her hands like she's still a nursery student. What a way to be perfectly annoying." Kabuchi complained inwardly, so as to avoid another argument from brewing up. They had already argued with themselves multiple times, in just this single meeting.

"We could call ourselves the rollercoaster!" She said, before smiling widely with her cheeks a bit red.


"You're kidding me!" Mila thought, as she and the others stared at Laina, with each of them currently lost of words.

"Where do we begin with this girl?" Hyrosei thought as he buried his face into his palm, before shaking himself off trying to convince himself.

"Don't let me think highly of myself." Hyrosei thought. "At least she suggested, and I don't mind if the others are okay with it." He smiled as he thought, which boosted Laina's ego as her smile widened further, her lips couldn't really contain the broad smile any longer.

"I'd rather commit seppuku!" Itoshi yelled inwardly.

"The name is well.....quite lame in my opinion." Bexol thought.

"I don't care about the name, so anything would do." Neveda thought.

"Tsk!" Kabuchi clenched his fist, as a vein bulged on his forehead, it was so glaring, that it could pop at any moment. This slight movement of his, definitely gained everyone's attention.

"No way in hell!" Kabuchi echoed.

"Huh?!" Laina shouted alongside a sneer. And in no time, it looked like two explosives was about to hit each other.

"From everyone's look, I've come to a final conclusion. NO ONE LIKES THE NAME!!!" Hyrosei screamed in his mind, it was as if the name was the worst nightmare of his entire life.

"The name's not bad, but it would be used for something else." Joe said, easing the brewing tension in the atmosphere, as he successfully avoided another of Kabuchi's and Laina's argument arc.

"Okay then." Laina said in defeat, as she sat on the floor sulking.

"Eh? He talks to you once, and you become as calm as a gentle blowing wind?" Mila said inwardly, while she looked at Laina teasingly.

"Look, we really need something that goes with our ambitions. Don't we Arianne?" Bexol asked.

Everyone nodded in support of Bexol's statement. The question was, who was going to come up with a good suggestion now?

"So her name is Arianne...." Neveda thought.

"I think I have thought of one." Joe said, as he pinched his chin slightly.

Everyone kept mute, as they looked towards Joe for his suggestion.

"Something that reckons with evil, something that goes hand in hand with Vendetta and nemesis, something that inducts hatred, and involves pain....." Joe pauses, putting everyone in a quick suspense.

"Nefarious It is!" Joe coolly announced.

"Holy cr*p, that's brilliant!" Itoshi said inwardly.

"I think I'll go with that." Bexol said.

"I knew from the start that I was no match for you in thinking. He's so cool." Laina thought as she shook her head, with different pleasant imaginations in her mind.

After few minutes of commendation and communication, it was finally time to make a move.

"We are finally one, I shall make an outfit with our symbol on it, our symbol is the letter 'N', written in red, with a blood text format, with a white cross just at the upper right corner, and a star at both sides of the lower part of the letter 'N' respectively." Joe announced.

"That's great!" Mila said.

**Whisper *Whisper *Murmur.**

"However before we venture into that, there are a few things you should be aware of." Joe stated.

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Vortexsamacreators' thoughts