
Siege of Mogilev 2

The KV-1 fired it's cannon towards Anna, as the thunderous explosion as the whistle passed through the wind and the explosion occurred just beside them, causing them to be pushed back by the shockwave.

The Sd.Kfz 251 was slowly backing down, while the machine Gunner kept firing at the tank, this only caught its attention and turned its turret at the half-truck.

Somewhere, William could be seen dragging Ingrid, and Ursula who were caught by the blast, but William's hearings are ringing due to the blast, he keeps dragging the two, while Manfred grabs Karin, and Peter who was still standing and seems to be covering them.

While Anna was in a struggle, she gained her consciousness and hid behind a cover while she fired her Mp40, and covering the two who were dragging them back to safety.

"William! Manfred and Peter hurry up! Come to me! We will need to get through this door for more cover! That KV-1 will be there and keep targeting us if we don't move!" Anna shouted her command.

The KV-1's attention was at the Half-Truck, and it fired its cannon, and the shell went through the half-truck like nothing, and caused it to be immobilized, and suddenly it caught on fire, causing a massive explosion.

Peter on the other hand, with his kar98k, kept throwing his grenades to cover more ground.

The KV-1 slowly turned its turret towards another group of wehrmacht soldiers. "Shoot it!" The soldiers shouted.

Madness occurs, as the orders and position have been lost, the others have lost their senses and give such lifeless orders, only Anna who still has her head in the battlefield still clear and able to manage it.

"Hurry!" Anna kept shouting, as she kept firing her Mp40, until she ran out of ammo and she ejected the magazine, and pulled it down, while grabbing the spare magazine and injected it upward towards the gun to reload it. 

Anna and her platoon were able to find cover inside a building that is outside the sight of the KV-1. "There's too many of them!" Anna shouted, while William, and Manfred were carrying their unconscious friends.

"We just need to hold them back until the Reinforcement arrives!" 

"Gruppenführer! I'll help, let Peter and Manfred cover for them." William suggested.

"Alright! William you're with me we're going to go towards the second floor. While you guys just take cover and wait for them to wake up!" Anna ordered, and they nodded.

William and Anna decided to go towards the second floor of the house, where they spotted the KV-1 in the middle and firing its guns at the Wehrmacht soldiers.

"At this rate, our defenses would collapse and KV-1 would be able to penetrate our defenses!" Anna was hiding behind the wall, while William was hiding behind a counter.

"If we only have any Anti-Tank weapon, we would be able to take it down from this area, but we don't have it and the most dangerous thing is we're too exposed if we fire it. The enemy from those rooftops, and inside those buildings are covering the KV-1." William stated.

"I agree, William we're going to cover the others and shoot all of the soldiers you can see, just don't get the attention of that Tank in our location!" 


William goes towards a wall with a tiny hole that is perfect for his position, where he could see the enemy, while shooting them back without exposing himself.

Anna then throws a grenade in the window without letting them notice her, causing a distraction towards the Soviets and finding who thrown that grenade.

William took a deep breath, as he could see a figure in the window. "I'm sorry." He muttered, as he pulled the trigger, as the bullet passed through the hole, as the figure got shot down in the head, causing the others who are inside the building to hide.

He pulled the bolt, as the bullet ejected the bullet cartridge, and he pushed the bolt handle back. He fired once more through the wall of the enemy, and he could see the Soviet stumbling into the ground as the contact was successful.

Anna was looking out for incoming threats, so poking out would be a danger for her. She then spotted something that made her smile.

"The Reinforcement is here!" Anna shouted.

Loud rumbling noises were filled with fear in the road, as a Panzer 4 Ausf H, had encountered a KV-1 in the front lines.

Whoever pulled the trigger first would be the winner. The KV-1 fired first, but due to panic of the crew, the shell landed at the edge of the armor causing it to ricochet and making the inside shake.

The Panzer 4 took their time, and aimed at their weak spot, and they fired at the main hull, as it pierced through the armor without a struggle, and causing the KV-1 to be immobilized.

The remaining crew of the KV-1 decided to run away, but Anna appeared out of the window and she fired all of her ammo at the running tank crew of the KV-1. She mowed them down like nothing, until she took cover again, as the bullets were flying towards her now. The dust was piling up, as the bullets landed near them.

"Anna!" He called her name out of concern. He went towards a nearby wall and he exposed himself, and he kept firing at the other side of the building.

While he took all of those distractions, Anna ran towards him with all of her might, and William quickly grabbed her in his arms and pulled her out of the danger.

"Danke!" Anna hid behind the cover, while the Panzer 4 Ausf H, fired at the building with HE causing a massive explosion in the walls.

The Wehrmacht were cheering in victory, as they had defended their position, but it was not over yet. 

"Gah! Hah! Hah!" William was panting like crazy, his heart was panicking and beating faster. His emotions are riling up, as he thought that Anna would get shot.

Anna and William were both panting out of fear, and exhaustion. Their actions were almost reckless, but they already knew that as they have each other's back. 

"It's like being in that camp again." Anna stated.

Where both of them have to work together, just to survive. "Please, don't do those again, as your Vice-Command." He was tired.