
Queen's Order

On a rogue nation within the Night Sea a woman is brought before the ruling queen. The woman had brown hair with shimmering strands of orange and gold. Her body was lean with a slightly stalky bone structure and relatively toned muscles. Her eyes were a blue-gray, but had a tendency to change color based on her mood. Her skin was fair and covered with  brown freckles which made her stand out among everyone in the room. On her ears were black ring-like adornments that made them look pointed. Both of these adornments were attached to one another by two wide bands. One of which wrapped around her forehead, while the other was around the back of her neck. The lower band was almost completely hidden by her long wavy hair as it lay on her back. The blue blouse she wore was light and elegant with silver scale patterns woven into it. The sleeves were wide with half of it stopping at her elbows and the rest tapering off. The body of the blouse was loose and hid the waistline of her pants which were both tight fitting and flexible. Her pants were a deep blue sharing similar patterns as her blouse. Her pant legs were tucked into her black combat boots which were still a little dirty from her patrol route. On her back was a cloak that almost looked to be made of large black feathers. In a swift, smooth motion she clenched her right fist and placed it over her heart as she knelt down before the queen. "There you are, Mirranna. I take it that you found no enemies while you were out."

"None, my Queen." Mirranna answered, raising her head to look upon her queen as she gave her report. "The last of the attackers have either fled back to their nation or have been captured. Our citizens are safe once more."

"Good." Said the Queen with a sweet smile that seemed to enhance her ethereal beauty. "You've earned a much needed break, Mirranna. Rest well, and prepare yourself for departure."

Those last words from the queen surprised Mirranna, causing her to ask. "Departure? Where to, my Queen?"

"You'll be returning to Meeden." Said the Queen, laying two fingers on her cheek and leaning on the arm of her elegant throne.


Staring at the ceiling Mirranna lay on her bed within the transport ship that she'd been given. As she did she looked back on what happened after the queen told her that she'd be leaving. She remembered saying, "Meeden, but why? Has my Loyalty been lacking, my queen?"

"Calm yourself, Mirranna." The queen said, stopping Mirranna from inquiring further. "I'm sending you on a scouting trip. There've been reports of Meeden warriors traversing the Night Sea. There was even word of them attacking Aftokrator to rescue their 'Baby Birds' who'd been captured. I want you to learn more, and see if we can forge a  treaty with them. However, while you're there, I want you to relax and enjoy the comforts of your old home. Take your time on the mission. There's no rush."

A small cat shaped Trion Soldier jumps onto Mirranna's bed and asks "Mamma? What's wrong? Are you injured?"

"No, Liam." Mirranna responded with a big smile as she pats it on the head as it purrs for her. "I'm not injured. I just miss my home on Dracis, and I'm a little nervous about my mission."

"It'll be alright Mamma." Said Liam as Mirranna picks it up and gets into a sitting position. "You still have me, and I'll protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you."

"That's my good boy." Mirranna said with a smile as Liam climbs up on her left shoulder and walks over to her right shoulder. "I'll trust you to have my back, like always. I also want you to protect my Feligon for me."

"Don't worry." Liam said, hopping down and sitting next to Mirranna looking at her expectantly. "Pappa's trigger will be safe with me."

"Good." Mirranna said as she wrapped the fingers of her right hand into a loose fist. "Trigger off." A pair of glasses appeared on her face and what she'd been wearing turned into normal clothes. The adornments on her head and ears were gone and what appeared in her hand was a small crystal rose. The crystal itself was a sapphire shaped like a rose bud that had just begun to bloom. Black veins stretch across the surface of the outer petals from the black stem. The leaves of the rose were golden with black stem veins, but the rose had no thorns on it. The moment she saw the crystal rose she broke into tears clutching it in her hand and holding it near her heart. "I miss you, Victor." She hands the rose to Liam before thinking over her plans for when she gets to Meeden. "I can't use my identity from Dracis. It'll make me stand out too much. I'll just have to use my old identity. That's just how it has to be. I'll be Anna Aina once more, in honor of my husband's memory."


In Mikado City Osamu Mikumo and Yūma Kuga walk to Mikado Daiichi as they talk about recent events. Most of what they talked about were the Rank Wars and how their last expedition went. Then Yuma spots Mirranna who looked to be just a young woman with glasses staring at Border HQ. The look on her face reminded him of when he originally came to this side of the gates. Her eyes shift and look at him for a moment before she turns away and walks off. When they get to school Osamu and Yūma head to their homeroom as Yūma tells Osamu about the woman. "She seemed out of place to me. Almost like she wasn't sure if what she saw was real or not." The class was just as lively as always, with conversations about various Border topics.

"Do you think it's possible that she's like you?" Asked Osamu as the two of them got to their seats and settled in for when class starts.

Yūma Kuga thinks about it for a moment before saying, "the odds are pretty slim. However, it's not impossible. If we run into her again we could ask her." It wasn't long before the teacher came in to get class started as everyone made it to their seats.

Mirranna walks around Mikado City trying to figure out how to proceed with her mission. This is frustrating. I've spotted multiple entrances that lead to Border HQ, but can't get past them. Maybe I should just send one of my Cats into the restricted zone. See if they can find something, but I'll have to wait till nightfall before I do.


That night Mirranna took shelter in an old abandoned Shrine. She activates her trigger to keep the cold from affecting her too badly. She then sent a Trion Stealth Soldier shaped like a house cat into the restricted zone. A cat mask covered her face so that if she had to rescue her Cat she would not be identified later. Be careful Sophia. There's no telling how Border will react if they spot you.

Ok Mamma. Said the Cat Soldier that Mirranna had named Sophia as it ran off to gather intel. I'll be careful. Its color and patterns were designed to make it look like a real cat. It would still be tricky to identify it during the day but it's near impossible at night.

Let me know if you find something. Thought Mirranna as Sophia traversed the restricted zone closing in on Border's HQ. It didn't take long for Sophia to find the entrance to the base, but she stopped at the last building.

Mamma. Sophia said, looking around her to be sure that she hadn't been spotted. I'm picking up Trion signatures other then the base.

Then get out of there. Mirranna thought, feeling anxious at the thought of losing Sophia. Sophia disappears into a bush and works her way away from the base.

It looked like the base was sealed tight. Thought Sophia as she looked around the Restricted zone to collect more intel for Mirranna. Suddenly, she's caught and picked up by Yūma causing her to make a frightened meow.

"Wow, you're a lively one." Said Yūma as Sophia hissed and struggled to get away from him. "Who made you?"

Mamma, help! Cried Sophia over the internal comms when she realized that she can't escape on her own.

I'm coming, Baby Girl. Mirranna thought, taking off from the shrine and heading for Yūma. When she got there she fired a warning shot at his feet from a roof. "Put the Cat down."

"Oh, so this is yours then?" Asked Yūma completely unfazed by the Trion bow and arrow that she was pointing at him. "If you wanted to hurt me you wouldn't have fired a warning shot. How about we talk?"

"Huh?" Was Mirranna's response to what Yūma said having been thrown off by his passive reaction. She jumps down off the roof and puts her bow away as Yūma sets down Sophia. "I appreciate that you didn't destroy my Cat." Sophia ran back to Mirranna and jumped at her disappearing in her cloak. I have four and each one is precious to me." Hold on. That's the kid I saw earlier today. He's with Border?

"I'm just glad that you were willing to talk." Said Yūma as he walked over to her and reached out his hand. "My name is Yūma. Yūma Kuga."

"I'm known as Mirranna." Said Mirranna, shaking Yūma's hand as she introduced herself to him. She looks him in the eyes and sees both the moment that nearly ended his life and the moment that preserved it. She gasps, releasing his hand and pulling away before shaking the images out of her mind's eye. "It's a wonder you still live." Her hushed words caught him by surprise as Replica revealed its presence. A Tropoi autonomous Trion Soldier?

"Yūma, I'll lead her to Tamakoma." Said Replica, floating over to Mirranna as he tells Yūma his plan.

"Thanks, Replica." Said Yūma, getting his thoughts back on defense duty. "I'm sure everyone else would like to meet Mirranna too."

"It's nice to meet you, Mirranna." Replica said as he and Mirranna left for Tamakoma. "I am Replica."

"It's an honor to meet you, Replica." Said Mirranna as she follows Replica through the Restricted zone. She ran as quickly as she could, avoiding border agents as necessary. It wasn't long before she could see the Tamakoma Base.

"Shiori, I'm bringing a guest with me." Said Replica as they approached the bridge to the Tamakoma Base. They slow down when they get halfway across the bridge and walk to the door.

Yūichi Jin opens the door and with a smug smile says "ah, there you are. "I'm Yūichi Jin, the power elite. Nice to meet you."

"Mirranna." Mirranna was quick with her introduction as Jin invited her into the building. Liam appears on her shoulder making her cat mask disappear and reveal her face. He hisses at Jin causing her to reach up and pat him on his side. Calm yourself Liam. We're guests here. He bumps his head into her cheek and rubs up on her causing her to chuckle a little. "This is Liam." Jin leads her through the base and into the dining area where Yuri Rindō was waiting. "He's one of four autonomous Trion Stealth Soldiers I possess. The rest are hiding in my cloak."

"No fair Mamma." Said the other three Cat Soldiers as they hop out of her cloak revealing that each one had a different appearance.

"I wanted to pounce on some toes." Said Ikaika as he pulls on Mirranna's cloak with his tiny black claws.

"You can pounce on lady Drailla's toes when we get home, Ikaika." Said Mirranna as she crouched down and picked him up in her arms. "Besides, you'll have plenty of time to play later."

"They're so cute." Said Yuri with a bright smile that lessens the burden on Mirranna's heart.

"I take it you made those little Trions?" Asked Jin as Mirranna finds a spot to sit down only to have all her Cats on her lap.

"Every time." Mirranna said under her breath as a slight smile appeared on her face. "I did. Liam and Sophia were modeled after real cats I'd adopted a long time ago. Whereas Ikaika and Hokulani were made from scratch." She pointed each one of her Cats out as she introduced them.

"So you're not a Neighbor?" Asked Yuri a little confused how someone with an unknown Neighbor Weapon wasn't actually a Neighbor. It was doubly confusing since Mirranna also had her own Trion soldiers.

"No, I'm not." Mirranna said massaging her temples with one hand for a moment. "Even though I come here from a Neighbor Nation, I was born on this side of the gates." She sighs and stands up wanting to find a place to relax as soon as possible. "I'm going to get some rest. I've had a very long day, and the weight you're carrying is giving me a headache, Jin."

"Oh, then your side effect must be something special." Said Jin causing Mirranna's eyes to flash gold as they dart in his direction.

"That's one way to put it." Mirranna said in annoyance as her Cats disappeared into her cloak again. "I can sense the burdens of those around me. Grief, regrets, guilt, even responsibility. Thoughts and emotions that weigh heavy on someone's heart and mind often affect me. The heavier the burden the worse I feel." Her mind wanders as she thinks about what she experienced when she met Yūma. That boy's wounds run deeper then any I've ever felt. It would take a lot for him to heal. She shakes the thought from her head before saying, "if you wish to know more, ask me in the morning."

"In that case, let me show you to your room." Said Yuri before escorting Mirranna to the room that had been made up for her. "You can sleep here for as long as you like."

"Thank you." Said Mirranna as Yuri leaves to let her settle into the new room. Mirranna closes the door behind her and walks over to the bed. She lays down on the bed with her Cats all around her as she lays her right hand on her chest. She curls her fingers into a loose fist and takes a deep breath. She was feeling both a little nervous and excited about how things worked out. Faze one was a success, and now it's time for faze two, but first I need to rest. "Trigger off." She returns to her real body with the crystal rose appearing in her hand. She hands the rose to Liam who swallows it so that no one else can take it from him. "That's my good boy." Mirranna passes out from exhaustion soon after, falling into a deep sleep.