

Nero Giovanni, a martial art fanatic dies a classic death by yours truly track Kun and is set to an otherworld first world hunters x hunter world .................................. So if you read any of my unfinished/poor works before you could tell English is not my first language no matter how much I edit these books I am sure some of you will find some miss-spelling and grammatical errors to that, I say sorry I am improving with every try so bere wit it for the time I only write for fun so update my not be consistent also sorry about this thank u in advances for any comment thank you for reding my work ---------------------------------- Dieing in a car accident Nero Giovanni wakes up in a strang room with someone claiming to be the soul administer Nero is then reincarnated in a new world with all his memory's wthe new abilities who will his new adventure go read and find out.

bilu619 · Anime e quadrinhos
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41 Chs

Nero NEN Giovani skills

Let me start this by saying I love the power system of hunter x hunter. To me it is the best powered system in all of anime and possibly all fiction. The closest thing that I can think maybe compeer to it is full metal alchemist.

Its main beauty is in its application and how it represents the inner psyche of its users. A NEN ability is all ways born from their needs and how they think is the best way to achieve them. As long as it is within the realm of possibility and is explainable you can make anything.

We can take curapika for example and the reason he wanted his hatsu to be chains. He wanted to bind his enemies by the chines of justice.

Or on the fun side take hisoka. And his BROKEN ability BANGY GUM

{which has both the property of rubber and gum} so broken!!!

his inspiration came from a gum flavour he used love and chew on, in his younger days

I love you togashi and I hope he finish hunter x hunter {please!!!!!}

I gave the first tow abilities of Nero because they were born out of necessity for travel and closing. Which he could not do or have because he did not have papers and was living in a forest.

When Nero think of something unhindered by borders and can go anywhere. he thinks of birds they are truly free fro him. That is way he wanted to have wings.

As for the clothing one at the moment he can only make the one. This one has a lots of sentimental value to him. Snice it was given to him by his master before he died.

I am not clamming to be anywhere near togshis genius in his thematic presentation.

I mean I am just ill grammared fan who love writhing fan fictions. I just wanted him to have this two, because I thought my character would have done that.


With that out of the way.

{And if you didn't caught on by now just form the name of my character that}


NEN {mastered}

HATSU: crimson wings {mastered}

Category: conjuration (master)

With this ability lets the user fly in the sky just like a bird. For the ability to activate two crimson wings are conjures on the back of the user. The limitation of this ability is that the user must first learn how to fly just like baby birds do thorough practice. With more practices the biter user become at flaying. At the moments Nero can clock a maximum speed Mach 5.

HUTSU: cloth synthesis

Category: conjuration.

This ability lets the user recreate any cloth/outfits out of his NEN. The user can recreate the clothes/accessory only if he had worn them before and still remembers their design. The cloth can regenerate form any damage. They don't need to be washed to clean them. The user only need to undo his HATSU and then create them again. Since the clothes are made out of NEN if the user is in a state of ZETSU the clothes vanish.

HATSU: demonic left hand and heavenly right hand

Category: specialist (master)

Demonic left hand {3}: it has three ability's

1 curse of the broken heart: for this ability to activate the user mast first lands a solid hit on the chest of his opponent using his left hand with a palm strike, a curse is then pleased on the heart of his opponent. When the curse activated the user can conjure a replica of his opponent's heart in the palm of his left hand. If he crashes the heart in his hand the opponent's heart also gets crashed killing him in the proses.

2 hangry for life: when tis ability is active a demonic mouth with fangs and a forked thang (like a lizard or a snake) is formed on the palm of the user's left hand. It consumes aura/life force from living binges Untiled they are nothing more than a dried up mummy. The consumed aura/ life force is then stored as reserve life and stamina, in the users heavenly right hand. Any knowledge and secrets the target was hiding is known and learned by the user (just like the human path of the reningan in Naruto)

3 retribution of the dammed: when this ability is active the user hand is bright crimson. And if they grab/touch on any part of their opponents body. That person will experience with in the time frame sixty seconds all the pain, sorrow and suffering he caused to other people all his life. They will not die until the time frame expires, even if the amount of pine and sorrow exceeds what their life force capacity can handle.

Heavenly right hand {3}

1 purification of the blessed: an ability to exercise any hostile nen from a target and the user. When activated the users right hand glows with bright golden light. To lift the curse the user needs to touch himself or the afflicted person with the glowing hand.

2 blessing of new life: this ability is codependent with {hungry for life} and it has two functions first life monitor {three bars aspires on the backside of the user's right palm. Each section representing one life. If all of the section are glowing with a yellow light it means the user has three extra life in stoke if only two the then two life and if only one then one extra life and if non then it means he is out of stokes}. The second {resurrection by using one bars it revives the user to 100% hp and sp bar just like a game and as long as there are bars left the user can revive. Essentially the user has three extra life in addition to his. But if he runs out just like the game it will be game over.

3 heavens mercy: buy sacrificing one bar of life form the life bars in the back of the users right hand. The user can heal himself or another person from any injury and back to 100% hp [same effect as angel's breath card from greed island arc], when this ability activates a small pixy like creature is conjured out of the user s right hand. The fairy then kisses the afflicted person or the user. After the kiss, whom ever was afflicted is restored in to their normal stet. Before the event that led to their injury occurred.


Left demonic hand

1 curse of the broken heart: this ability will not work on someone who has the same nen category as the ability is based up on. It can only be used once per day. After use it will need cooldown of day (24 hours) to use again. The curs will despair from the afflicted person after one day (24h) has passed.

2 hungry for life: this ability can only be used on an incapacitated target, the target must be alive, if the target is a nen user they must first be put in forceful zetsu, the taken aura/life force absorbed is used to refile the used up bars of life of {heavenly right hand ability blessing of a new life}, can only be sued three times. After's which it will need a cooldown of 30 days before it can be used again. If all the life bars are full it cannot be used even after cool down.

3 retribution of the dammed: it costs one life bar to activate this ability. Can only be used once on the same person. The target only feels the pain and sorrow they directly caused and witnessed. If used against a person who cussed no harm to another person then the effect will reverse at the user.

Heavenly right hand

1purifcation of the blessed: it can only be used once per person(except the user himself), it requires a cooldown of one month after each use, the user mast know the conditions and effect of the curse first, and finally the afflicted person must give up one year equivalent of their life span as a catalyst for it to work.

2 blessing of a new life: the user needs to die for it to activate

3 heavens mercy: it can be used once after it will need one weak of a cooldown before reuse. When used on oneself the health monitor mas be lower than HP 10%.

HATSU: The Punk {Name sake Daft Punk}

Category: conjuration, emission, transmutation, enhancement, and specialization

With this ability Nero summons a humanoid NEN beasts, by using one of his life bars from heavenly right hands ability [blessing of a new life] as catalyst. Because the NEN beast being summand using the life bares it's also a NEN users on its own.

The NEN beast can be used different forms.

The punk Act one {full armor} {like white album stand of Ghiaccio}

{Looks like elemental hero honest Neos card {form YU GI OH!!} with red color skim instead of white}

With the ability: harder, better, faster, stronger [like the song lyrics]

NEN Category: Enhancement/conjuration

With this ability the Nero gets stronger every time he faces some one stronger than him, he develops faster, ginning experience, getting stronger, faster, and more power full (mid fight zen kai boost)

The punk act two {a humanoids child form}

{Looks like Neos space connecter card {form YU GI OH!!} with red color skim instead of white}

Ability: illumination {driven from Randol's ability from bongo no stray dogs}

NEN category: emission/manipulation/ transmutation

It creates an enclosed hyperspace out its aura with a maximum of [300m length, 200m width, and 20 height]. In this hyper the punk second act can reanimate a corpse to their peak prime and control them. He can also manipulate the direction the gravity in the sub space. He can also make small plat forms and small projectiles like bullets from any side of the hyperspace walls.

The punk act three {is summand as a humanoid form (punching ghost)}

{Looks like elemental hero brave Neos card {form YU GI OH!!} with red color skim instead of white} (Look it up it is cool)

With the ability: dilation {Driven from cyborg 009 and ZAAWARDOO} {come one NEN can do a lots of things but it can't stop time so next best thing is this}

Category: emission and enhancement

The Punk creates an aura field that spans 50m in all directions. Within this this field Nero and the punk Perception of time increases so much it seems time has stopped for them. (For people who did not grew up watch cyborg 009 like me, it is the power of the protagonist, i think it was called acclaration. It is basically the world but weaker)

Side note:

This are what I came up with as Nero's ability so far

This are the only powers he will have for the time binge

So tell me what do you think of this powers?

Is he too op?

Did I go over board?

Do you like this powers?


Thank you for sticking with me even through my many faults.

I know I am not a good writer. And my grammar is shit some times.

But I love writhing, and this chapters

I love it even more when I see that people have read it and even some out of you ended up liking it.

I do this as a hobby in my free time and lately I have a lots of it. Even then I am happy that some of you like my work

Thank you from all of my heart. Thank you for reading. Thank you for reviewing. Thank you for commenting.

I hope we get through this tough times

all the best to you and all of your friends and family.

sty safe

next is the start of the hunter exam arc

bilu619creators' thoughts