
World Tracer in Another World

Alreshia is a beautiful world filled with dangers and riches. In this world, one wakes with the power born from the unrivalled being. A power to reach out to the greater multiverse and grasp the power into his own. Join Elric Blackmore, a reincarnator, as he conquers the world with the power of Anime and Games in his hands!

WatcherOfWorlds · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

C-07: Prelude to Battle

The days come and go where more of my summons arrive. For the past week and a half, I concentrated my dailies summoning units. The premium summon of the week was also a godsend.

3* [5,000 Generic Sci-Fi Premium Ration Packs]

Each ration pack gives a person enough energy to fight for a day.

The city was also remodelled. The old houses were destroyed with the Dai Li making large blocky houses. Large walls and towers were erected around the city with four gates facing one cardin direction.

The mansion was broken down and turned into a fortress. Trenches with spikes at the bottom were made just outside the walls and on various location on the side facing the Sea of Trees to break the monster's charge.

Archers and Battlemages were stationed on the walls and towers. Trees were cut down and turned into wooden Palisades outside the walls in inside the gates.

I've also had the mages and Hassans secretly teleport and buy resources from other territories such as iron, lumber, leather, and such.

Aside from the hundreds of workers, farmers, and other craftsman in my inventory, there's also the already summoned units.

At the end my town was holding

5,000 Archers

12,000 infantry consisting of spearmen and swordsmen

250 Battlemages

1,000 earthbenders in the form of Dai Li Agents

150 Spartans with Leonidas leading them

100 Elf Archers

Rita, which is a one woman Army

Marcus, a badass grampa and a badass butler in one

100 Hashashin in the form of Hassan of the Hundred Faces

50 blacksmith and 200 workers

And one many winged angel floating high in the stratosphere above my city

The last one is the most important one.

Terror Drone 03, which Earth Bet called Simurgh, and later, Ziz, was an endbringer known as Hope Killer.

She fought hundred of villains and heroes working together and won in all battles. Every city she attacked were walled off and declared inhabitable.

She has telekinesis on the micro and macro scale with enough precision to pluck a needle in a haystack on the other side of the planet without moving a single hay.

She has precognition, and post-cognition. She has a clairvoyance strong enough to see everything happening on the planet all at once.

She's my ace superweapon.

"Tomorrow the wave begins. I don't know how long it's lasts but records show that it lasts for around a week or so." I told my council consisting of Leonidas, Rita, Marcus, Ayaka, one of the Hassan, and John, the elected head of the blacksmiths and the workers helping them. "John, how are the weapons and armor?"

"All are armed with weapons with some extra but only half has armor. We got more than 20,000 arrows made. All of us are going to twelve hour shifts to get a steady output going."

"Good. Change to three groups with 8 hour shifts and focus on making arrows. Have the rested groups on standby to repair or replace broken weapons and armor." I instructed him. "Leonidas, how does the defence look like?"

"My Spartans only needs shields so they other infantry can take our armor." Leonidas started. "The walls are strong and the archers and mages are in place. The soldiers are well rested and ready to battle. Runners are already in place to change broken weapons or deliver arrows to the archers."

"Good." I looked to Ayaka. "Ayaka, the Hassan will be part of the defense. Only move when the monsters breach the gates and attack when they are in the streets. Also, I want a single Hassan in every gate and beside everyone. They will be used to communicate."

Ayaka nodded.

"As for leaders, Leonidas will lead the defence at the west gate, the one directly facing the Sea of Trees. It will be the gate with the highest number of monsters attacking. Marcus, take the North Gate. Rita, South. I'll take up the East gate. It'll have the least amount of monsters attacking."

"A Dai Li agent will be stationed at every section of the wall. They won't need to fight but they must repair any breaches immediately. Fifty should be stationed at each gate. The rest will defend the castle."

"Elven archers will also be stationed in the castle. The half of the infantry will go to the west gate while the other half will be divided into the north and south gate."

"Pixie will come with me, and I will also have another contingent of Dai Li with me."

Everyone made noises of affirmation.

"For aerial enemies and my protection, Laplace can handle that."

It may seem narcissistic and cowardly but the truth is that I'm the most important person in the city that must be protected.

Also, Laplace is what I named the Simurgh. It seems fitting because she's the closes embodiment to Laplace's demon.

"I want everyone on their stations before daybreak. That is all."

With those words, the meeting was adjourned and everyone moved to their assigned tasks.

And that is everything I wrote for today. See ya next time!

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